Should I Get a Master's of Education?

Adult women stands in front of a classroom of children with notebook

Earning a master’s degree can positively impact your career in many ways. Specifically, a master’s degree in education can provide education professionals with advancement in their knowledge and in their careers. At Grand Canyon University, the College of Education offers a wide variety of master’s degrees for those looking to take their studies to a whole new level. Here are a few reasons why you should earn a Master of Education:

Explore More Options

Holding a master’s degree opens the door to many opportunities, and with a master’s degree in education, you can explore your career options with confidence. Having a master’s degree enables you to pursue a number of options in a variety of different educational settings. For example, your degree can allow you to step outside of the classroom and explore careers in areas such as curriculum development, educational consulting or administration. A variety of career fields are always on the lookout for well-qualified professionals, so an upper-level degree could set you up for success in a range of areas. 

Earn a Higher Pay

Generally, master’s degree holders earn higher wages. After earning a bachelor’s degree, choosing to dedicate time to a master’s program is a great decision, as it can bring you many benefits! Some schools offer teachers with a master’s degree some form of supplemental pay, sometimes in the range of a few extra thousand dollars a year according to an analysis by the Center for American Progress. Because of this, it’s possible that your degree could pay for itself within a few years!

Grow in Your Knowledge

It is always good to gain more knowledge in your profession, and a Master of Education can help you to learn important skills and knowledge that you need to thrive in your profession. In addition, a master’s degree can help you keep up with today’s current and effective teaching methods. Every teacher understands the importance of growth and development, and a graduate degree is the perfect opportunity to expand your knowledge in a career you’re passionate about.

Impress Employers

A master’s degree makes you a more competitive applicant for teaching positions, increasing your chances of getting hired when you’re up against applicants who only have a bachelor’s degree. Earning a master’s degree also shows that you are dedicated and eager to learn, and future employers will recognize this. By earning a master’s degree in education, employers can see that you are not only a continual learner, but that you are also willing to take a step further in improving your teaching and leading effectiveness. Therefore, you may increase your chances of getting hired!

Overall, enrolling in a master’s in education program is a great opportunity to challenge yourself, network and exceed all of the basic qualifications in your profession. These are just some of the many reasons why earning a Master of Education may be beneficial to you!

At Grand Canyon University, the College of Education supports students during their journey to fulfill their purpose. To learn more about GCU’s education degrees, visit our website today or request more information using the button at the top of the page!

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.