My Husband Of 5 Years Left Me The Day After Mother’s Day — And Let Me Know Via Text Message

"Every day it's a rollercoaster and I'm trying to hold it together."

sad woman broke up with via text message evrymmnt | Shutterstock

Breaking up with someone by text is always hurtful and immature. But breaking up with your wife over text? That is truly a new low. 

Samara, a newly single mother admitted on TikTok that she was blindsided by her husband's sudden decision to leave, and especially the way he initiated their breakup. 

Her husband of 5 years left her the day after Mother's Day and let her know via text message. 

"Two weeks ago, my husband, my partner for life of five years decided he wasn't happy anymore and left," Samara recalled. She insisted that there was nothing out of the ordinary about his behavior, nor did she have any insight that he was planning on leaving their marriage. 


She explained that the day started off normal until they got into a small tiff. "We had an argument about how he loaded the dishwasher, and next thing I know, he's gone," she said. "And two days later, I got a text message saying he was done."

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At that point, it was the end of May, and Samara was left trying to figure out how she was going to pay her various bills, rent, and other financial obligations without the help and support of her husband. 

To make matters worse, the two of them have four children together, and Samara has desperately been "trying to hold it together" and hide her emotional turmoil for their sake. 

"Every day it's a rollercoaster," she said. "I have a five-month-old, and I have a diabetic daughter and an autistic child . I'm just going through a lot. I'm trying to figure out what to do with my life right now."

Ending a marriage warrants more than just a text message. They've built a life and family together, and it's cruel and disheartening that her husband simply got up and left without having a conversation with his wife beforehand or even clueing her into how he was feeling. The more mature approach would've been to give Samara an opportunity to prepare and possibly address any of the issues that he was feeling —  not abandoning her to raise their children alone .


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She admitted that becoming a single mother has been a hard journey.

Samara didn't hold back in revealing that her life had been one large bump after another since the moment her husband abruptly left. She recalled coming home from the hospital five months ago with her newborn and being the happiest she'd ever been with the final puzzle piece of the family she created with her husband.

"Five months later, my life is upside down," she said. "I feel so alone. Being a single mom is the hardest thing. It's the weight of everything. Where's my village?"

Unfortunately, becoming a single mother comes with many experiences and hardships that can be crushing to a person's soul. According to a Brookings Institute study , 32% of single mothers experience moderate or severe psychological distress, compared to 19% of married mothers. Single mothers are also three times more likely to experience severe psychological distress than married mothers. 


Single mothers also tend to struggle financially as well. The US Census found that nearly 30% of single-mother families live below the poverty line, compared to 62% of families with married parents. According to the USDA, nearly one-quarter of single-mother households in the US experience food insecurity as well. 

To combat many of the obstacles in her way, Samara is in search of a community — something incredibly valuable, especially during times of hardship.

"I need more single mom friends," she pleaded. "It's the loneliness that's gonna get me and feeling like the weight of the world is on my shoulders."


Meeting others who have experienced the same thing can be such an blessing in one's healing journey. Samara doesn't have to go through this alone, and while it may hurt now, there'll come a time soon enough when it won't anymore.

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Nia Tipton is a Chicago-based entertainment, news, and lifestyle writer whose work delves into modern-day issues and experiences.

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