
Rembrandt's at Lafragua Bust of Rembrandt's Mother in black veil

Rembrandt Harmenszoon Van Rijn

José María Lafragua Historical Library, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Puebla, Mexico

Rembrandt ’s self portraits and portraits of his family: This group shows some of the etchings that the Dutch painter made of members of his family. The style he chose to represent them is quite different from the common practice used for domestic portraits in the 17th century: they were presented individually. Through the portraits of his mother, of Saskia (his wife) and Titus (his son), as well as the large set of self portraits, Rembrandt showed not only his technical ability but also the liberality in subject selection, priviledging truth and sincerity above beauty and harmony; he also privileged the anecdotal character of his artistic work.

Engraving 196


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