
Ilan Ramon reviews data in Columbia's payload bay for Fast Reaction Experiments Enabling Science, Technology, Applications and Research FREESTAR experiments.

Washington, DC, United States

Dressed in a bunny suit, STS-107 Payload Specialist Ilan Ramon , who is with the Israeli Space Agency, reviews data in Columbia's payload bay for Fast Reaction Experiments Enabling Science, Technology, Applications and Research (FREESTAR) experiments for the mission. FREESTAR comprises Mediterranean Israeli Dust, Solar Constant, Shuttle Ozone Limb Sounding, Critical Viscosity of Xenon, Low Power, and Space Experimental Module experiments. Another payload is the SHI Research Double Module (SHI/RDM), also known as SPACEHAB. The experiments range from material sciences to life sciences. STS-107 is scheduled to launch July 11, 2002


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