Kashmir Creates

A series celebrating the grassroot innovators of Kashmir Valley

By Project FUEL

In collaboration with Sanganeria Foundation and supported by National Innovation Foundation

Kashmir has always been known for its unparalleled beauty, rich culture and heritage. Though in recent times, the state seems to have become synonym of rising terror and militancy, with the sole identity of its youth branded as stone-pelters. What has been overlooked is the ecosystem of science and innovation, that is gradually making its presence known, with many innovators coming up with innovations as the solutions to the everyday problem that they face. Kashmir Creates is an initiative to bring forth the stories of such individuals.

Kashmir Creates- Stories of grassroot innovators of Kashmir valley (2018/2018) by Project FUEL Project FUEL

Kashmir Creates is a seven-episode series that presents the stories of seven creative minds of Kashmir valley, who have suited their skills in scientific innovations to localized needs and fine-tuned an opportunity for themselves as grassroot innovators.

Mohd. Rafiq Ahanger (2018/2018) by Project FUEL Project FUEL

Mohd. Rafiq Ahanger

A blacksmith by profession, and a passionate innovator, Mohd. Rafiq Ahanger has developed a multipurpose tool, which can be used as an axe, hammer, chisel, blade, screwdriver for domestic or other carpentry tasks. This innovation has won him many accolades.

Mohd. Rafiq Ahangar | Kashmir Creates | Episode 01 , Project FUEL, 2018/2018, From the collection of: Project FUEL
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He has also made prototypes of many innovations, like room heating pads and a dehulling machine. In 2018, he was selected for the Innovation Scholars In-Residence program at Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. In this episode he demonstrates how his innovations work and talks about the importance of innovation in his life.

Mushtaq Ahmed Dar (2018/2018) by Project FUEL Project FUEL

Mushtaq Ahmed Dar

Hailed as a 'Serial Innovator', Mushtaq Ahmed Dar has designed walnut cracker and peeler and a portable climber that can be used to climb trees and poles. He was among 7 innovators invited for a two-week stay at Rashtrapati Bhavan under a Scholars-in-Residence programme in 2016.

Mushtaq Ahmed Dar | Kashmir Creates | Episode 02 , Project FUEL, 2018/2018, From the collection of: Project FUEL
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He hopes that his walnut cracker will give the necessary boost to the walnut industry in Kashmir. This episode showcases Mushtaq Ahmed Dar talking about the walnut industry, his innovation- the walnut cracker and peeler, and what it means to be an innovator.

Waseem Ahmad Nadaf (2018/2018) by Project FUEL Project FUEL

Waseem Ahmad Nadaf

Waseem is a young innovator from Srinagar, who won accolades for his special inverter that provides backup of 30 hours after charging for just 30 minutes. The inverter also provides outlet to charge mobile phones. 

Waseem Ahmad Nadaf | Kashmir Creates | Episode 03 , Project FUEL, 2018/2018, From the collection of: Project FUEL
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An innovator at heart from a young age, Waseem has also designed a portable water purifier, for which he was awarded from NIT. In this video, he shows how his innovations work, and talks about his journey from a young grassroot innovator to where he is now.

Abdul Rahman Sheikh (2018/2018) by Project FUEL Project FUEL

Abdul Rahman Sheikh

Abdul Rahman Sheikh is a 56 year old mechanic and blacksmith. He has come up with Improved Iron Cutter. The innovation has not just simplified the process of cutting iron, but has also increased his productivity several times.

Abdul Rahman Sheikh | Kashmir Creates | Episode 04 , Project FUEL, 2018/2018, From the collection of: Project FUEL
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For his innovation, he received a state award at the 6th National Grassroots Innovation Awards in 2012. Despite having no formal education, Abdul Rehman Sheikh not only made an award-winning innovation, but he also guides his sons in coming up with creative solutions to challenges they face in their workshop. This episode showcases the innovator, where he narrates his story, talks about the different phases of his life and how the people associated with it have influenced him. 

Muzafar Ahmad Khan (2018/2018) by Project FUEL Project FUEL

Muzafar Ahmad Khan

Muzafar Ahmad Khan is a young grassroot innovator, whose prototype idea of a word counting pen was developed by National Innovation Foundation. This prototype was exhibited at the Festival of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Rashtrapati Bhavan in 2018.

Muzaffar Ahmad Khan | Kashmir Creates | Episode 05 , Project FUEL, 2018/2018, From the collection of: Project FUEL
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This episode showcases Muzafar Ahmad Khan where he talks about the incident that led to the innovative idea of word counting pen. The episode also features Muzafar's father, who dreams for his son to become a budding scientist.

Refaz and Ishfaq Ahmad Wani (2018/2018) by Project FUEL Project FUEL

Refaz and Ishfaq Ahmad Wani

Refaz and Ishfaq Ahmad Wani are twin brothers from a small village near Kokernag, Anantnag district. The twin brothers are known for coming up with many low-cost innovations, that are inspired by the difficulties faced by people around them.

Refaz and Ishfaq Ahmad Wani | Kashmir Creates | Episode 06 , Project FUEL, 2018/2018, From the collection of: Project FUEL
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Their innovations include a water bottle that holds different liquids at one time, a hoe that doubles up as a spade, an injection breaker in which broken glass pieces of the injection vial are safely deposited, an apple clipper-catcher that 'clips' or cuts apples that are caught in a net. This episode showcases the brothers where they demonstrate the workings of their innovations, and talk about starting their own innovation club as well as receiving award from the President.

Towseef Ali Malik (2018/2018) by Project FUEL Project FUEL

Towseef Ali Malik

The series ends with this young innovator from Marwah Valley of Jammu and Kashmir, who has innovated a multipurpose room heating appliance, recyclable candle stand, and a water turbine. All the innovations were inspired by the problems that his village faces.

Towseef Ali Malik | Kashmir Creates | Episode 07 , Project FUEL, 2018/2018, From the collection of: Project FUEL
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There are still many villages in India that lack basic amenities like roads, electricity, and communications, mostly due to their remote locations. Towseef Ali Malik hails from one such village, which remains snowed in for almost half a year. The problems faced by his family and villagers led him to come up with many innovations that the young innovator demonstrates here, in the final episode of this series.

Credits: Story

'Kashmir Creates' is an episodic series that features the stories and life journey of seven grassroot innovators, along with the different innovations conceptualized by them.

Presented by Project FUEL, in collaboration with Sanganeria Foundation and supported by National Innovation Foundation .

Director: Siddharth More
Director of Photography: Gururaj Dixit
Producer: Apoorva Bakshi and Deepak Ramola
Editor:  Ravikant Soitkar
Music:  Ashim Kemson
Music Co-producer: Arpit Mehta
Voice Overmixer: Rohit Chavan
Project Manager: Ayushi Jaiswal
Research: Project FUEL

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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