A Kaleidoscope of Colors

Papal military soldiers

Soldiers of the Papal Militia (1572) by Rinaldo di Fiandra based on cartoons by Pellegrino Pellegrini known as Tibaldi Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano

Splashes of color, united by lead...

The further away it is, the clearer the design becomes...

Here, the shapes are better defined, the curves become garments, stylish puffed hats, the outlines of hardened faces.

At the top, the halberds, carried by papal military soldiers.

Rinaldo di Fiandra completed this section based on a sketch by Pellegrino Pellegrini–known as Tibaldi–in 1572. Today, it is displayed in the Museum of the Duomo of Milan, in the room dedicated to the panels coming from the Cathedral.

It is presumed to be a detail depicting a particular subject: the Miracle of the tracing of the plan of Santa Maria Maggiore by Pope Liberius where the Roman basilica was to be constructed , originally part of a stained glass window dedicated to the Madonna della Neve.

Some subsequent additions on top of the panel, including the small head of a musical angel, give this artwork an unusual charm.

A strong use of yellow silver, applied to the colored glass in a paste, gives it new unexpected hues.

Read more on Milan Cathedral Remixed .

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