Robwa: The Princess Heroine

Learn about the heroic Rwandan princess that made many sacrifices.

Digital illustration of Robwa by Odile Uwera Nyirandegeya Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

Robwa Nyiramateke a princess heroine

Threatened by conquest, Robwa, daugther of  Nsoro Nsamukondo and sister of King Ruganzu Bwimba , chose sacrifice over submission. Her refusal to bear the enemy's child secured Rwanda's freedom, earning her & her brother legendary status.

Rwandan kingdom under Bwimba

King Ruganzu Bwimba ascended the Rwandan throne at a young age. To guide the expanding kingdom, he ruled alongside his mother, Nyirarumaga , in a regency system. This era saw Rwanda actively engaged in territorial expansion, mirroring the strategies of its neighboring kingdoms.

Robwa and the Kingdom of Gisaka

The Kingdom of Gisaka, located on the eastern side of Rwanda, under the rule of Kimenyi I Musaya wanted to annex Rwanda. He married Robwa, because his diviners had predicted that this marriage would produce Rwanda's Future conqueror.

When Ruganzu Bwimba and his advisors heard the plans of the King of Gisaka, they opposed to this marriage. However, the Queen Mother and his cousin approved it, hoping that it would establish a  useful alliance to the country. So Robwa married Gisaka's King.

King Bwimba, aware of the prophecy surrounding his sister's marriage, confided in her. Robwa, determined to protect Rwanda, vowed not to bear Kimenyi's heir. Tragically, she later revealed her pregnancy, prepared for the ultimate sacrifice to prevent the prophecy's fulfillment.

Musinga's house Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

Infiltration before attack

Rwandan armies, before conquering, consulted oracles. These oracles designated someone to be sacrificed on the target land. The belief: spilled blood cursed the enemy, granting luck to the Rwandan forces for an assured victory.

The Rwandan royal court decided to identify another person to be sacrificed with Robwa for the sake of the kingdom. Nkurukumbi was chosen by the oracles but he refused. So, the King Ruganzu accepted to sacrifice himself. He declared war against Gisaka and was killed.

Digital illustration of Robwa by Odile Uwera Nyirandegeya Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

Facing a devastating prophecy, Princess Robwa made a heartrending choice. Her unwavering commitment to Rwanda's freedom is forever etched in the nation's memory. Robwa and King Ruganzu Bwimba, are revered as symbols of courage and sacrifice in Rwanda's history.

Credits: Story

Content development: Chantal Umuhoza
Illustration: Odile Uwera
Curatorial layout : Chantal Umuhoza

References : History of Rwanda

Credits: All media
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