Beauty and Symbolism in the Architecture of the Lee Ungno Museum

Explore the story behind the museum, inspired by the artist Lee Ungno

By Lee Ungno Museum

Lee Ungno Mueseum, Laurent Beaudouin, ARCHFRAME.NET, Chance Lab

Lee Ungno Museum Lee Ungno Museum

Laurent Beaudouin and thepainting, ‘壽 (Life)’

Laurent Beaudouin, an internationally renowned French architect, designed the Lee Ungno Museum located in Daejeon metropolitan city in Korea based on artistic and structural components featured in Lee’s painting, '壽 (Life)'.

Composition (1972) by Lee Ungno Lee Ungno Museum

Lee Ungno once said, “Chinese letter itself is the foundation of Asian abstract art”. In this painting, Lee Ungno deconstructed the Chinese letter, ‘壽’, and reconstructed it to create his own abstract expression.

Lee Ungno Museum Lee Ungno Museum

Beaudouin transformed the letter “壽” featured in the painting into a structure to architecturally symbolize Lee’s Abstract Letter paintings.

Lee Ungno Museum Drone (2019) by Lee Ungno Museum, Chance lab(Jeong Chan-young) Lee Ungno Museum

Lee Ungno Museum Lee Ungno Museum

“An art museum should be designed in such a way that...

... it can better highlight the works it exhibits and, at the same time, is a work of fine art itself. I am confident that this museum building can truthfully reflect the world of art created by Lee Ungno.”- Laurent Beaudouin

Lee Ungno Museum Lee Ungno Museum

Laurent Beaudouin, who designed the Lee Ungno Museum, was born in 1955 in the French city of Nancy, and graduated from the Nancy School of Architecture before studying at the Cooper Union College in New York. He currently runs an architectural design business from his home city of Nancy, and teaches architectural design at Ecole Nationale Superieur d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville.

Lee Ungno Museum Lee Ungno Museum

His designs, well known in the form of the Library of Université Besançon Franche-Comté and the Museum of Fine-Arts of Nancy, are widely praised for their understated architectural beauty. The Lee Ungno Museum is the only work Beaudouin has designed in Asia.

Lee Ungno Museum Lee Ungno Museum

Concept 1: symbol

The building symbolizes the art of Lee Ungno, showing his painting in its construction.

Idea sketch 1 (2004/2005) by Laurent Beaudouin Lee Ungno Museum

The process

Idea sketch for the Lee Ungno Museum by Laurent Beaudouin

Idea sketch 2 (2004/2005) by Laurent Beaudouin Lee Ungno Museum

Idea sketch 3 (2004/2005) by Laurent Beaudouin Lee Ungno Museum

It architecturally symbolizes Lee Ungno’s Letter Abstract paintings, which attempted the transformation of a letter into a structure.

Idea sketch 4 (2004/2005) by Laurent Beaudouin Lee Ungno Museum

Concept 2: wall and garden 

The wall and garden are the main elements in building a traditional house.

Idea sketch 5 (2004/2005) by Laurent Beaudouin Lee Ungno Museum

Idea sketch 6 (2004/2005) by Laurent Beaudouin Lee Ungno Museum

The Museum adopted the ideas of a wall and garden in its exhibiting space and related other spaces.

Idea sketch 7 (2004/2005) by Laurent Beaudouin Lee Ungno Museum

Idea sketch 8 (2004/2005) by Laurent Beaudouin Lee Ungno Museum

Concept 3: stroll

The Museum’s indoor and outdoor spaces are variously connected so that visitors can enjoy our exhibitions and spaces as if taking a stroll. 

Idea sketch 9 (2004/2005) by Laurent Beaudouin Lee Ungno Museum

Idea sketch 10 (2004/2005) by Laurent Beaudouin Lee Ungno Museum

Concept 4: nature

The Museum has a surrounding of a natural park as its site was originally intended to be a natural park. 

Lee Ungno Museum Lee Ungno Museum

Placing the Museum here increases the distinctiveness of the site.

In progress 1 (2006-12-18) by Laurent Beaudouin Lee Ungno Museum

Architect’s feedback

1. Do not express them in English. Rather, find examples of Lee Ungno’s calligraphy and design them in Hangeul.2. The overall scale/size is OK.

Lee Ungno Museum Lee Ungno Museum

Completion of the Lee Ungno Museum

Lee Ungno Museum Lee Ungno Museum

“The reconstruction of a letter after deconstructing it, and its two-dimensional development, as it appeared in Goam’s Letter Abstract paintings, means that the strokes, which form a letter, are transformed into elements for a structure...

Lee Ungno Museum Lee Ungno Museum

...Such an abstracted letter attempts a simple symbolization...

Lee Ungno Museum Lee Ungno Museum

... The symbolic quality of his Letter Abstract was what Lee Ungno discovered in tradition, and revived through his unique structure.” - Kim Yong-dae, Philosophy of Survival, Goam, Lee Ungno: his life and art (2000).

Credits: All media
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