Troubleshoot monitoring dashboards

This page shows you how to resolve issues related monitoring dashboards for Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).

If you need additional assistance, reach out to Cloud Customer Care .

By default Monitoring is enabled when you create a cluster. If you don't see GKE dashboards when you are viewing provided Google Cloud dashboards in Monitoring, Monitoring is not enabled for clusters in the selected Google Cloud project. Enable monitoring to view these dashboards.

No Kubernetes resources are in my dashboard

If you don't see any Kubernetes resources in your GKE dashboard, then check the following:

Selected Google Cloud project

Verify that you have selected the correct Google Cloud project from the drop-down list in the Google Cloud console menu bar to select a project. You must select the project whose data you want to see.

Clusters activity

If you just created your cluster, wait a few minutes for it to populate with data. See Configuring logging and monitoring for GKE for details.

Time range

The selected time range might be too narrow. You can use the Timemenu in the dashboard toolbar to select other time ranges or define a Customrange.

Permissions to view the dashboard

If you see either of the following permission-denied error messages when viewing a service's deployment details or a Google Cloud project's metrics, you need to update your Identity and Access Management role to include roles/monitoring.vieweror roles/viewer:

  • You do not have sufficient permissions to view this page
  • You don't have permissions to perform the action on the selected resources

For more details, go to Predefined roles .

Cluster and node service account permissions to write data to Monitoring and Logging

If you see high error rates in the Enabled APIs and servicespage in the Google Cloud console, then your service account might be missing the following roles:

  • roles/logging.logWriter : In the Google Cloud console, this role is named Logs Writer. For more information on Logging roles, see the Logging access control guide .

  • roles/monitoring.metricWriter : In the Google Cloud console, this role is named Monitoring Metric Writer. For more information on Monitoring roles, see the Monitoring access control guide .

  • roles/stackdriver.resourceMetadata.writer : In the Google Cloud console, this role is named Stackdriver Resource Metadata Writer. This role permits write-only access to resource metadata, and it provides exactly the permissions needed by agents to send metadata. For more information on Monitoring roles, see the Monitoring access control guide .

To list your service accounts, in the Google Cloud console go to IAM and Admin, and then select Service Accounts.

Can't view logs

If you don't see your logs in dashboards, check the following:

Agent is running and healthy

GKE version 1.17 and later use Fluent Bit to capture logs. Fluent Bit is the Logging agent that runs on Kubernetes nodes. To check if the agent is running correctly, perform the following steps:

  1. Check whether the agent is restarting by running the following command:

     kubectl get pods -l k8s-app=fluentbit-gke -n kube-system 

    If there are no restarts, the output is similar to the following:

     NAME                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    fluentbit-gke-6zr6g   2/2     Running   0          44d
    fluentbit-gke-dzh9l   2/2     Running   0          44d 
  2. Check Pod status conditions by running the following command:

     JSONPATH='{range .items[*]};{}:{range @.status.conditions[*]}{@.type}={@.status},{end}{end};'  \
     && kubectl get pods -l k8s-app=fluentbit-gke -n kube-system -o jsonpath="$JSONPATH" | tr ";" "\n" 

    If the deployment is healthy, the output is similar to the following:

  3. Check the Pod status, which can help determine if the deployment is healthy by running the following command:

     kubectl get daemonset -l k8s-app=fluentbit-gke -n kube-system 

    If the deployment is healthy, the output is similar to the following:

    fluentbit-gke   2         2         2       2            2    5d19h 

    In this example output, the desired state matches the current state.

If the agent is running and healthy in these scenarios, and you still don't see all of your logs, the agent might be overloaded and dropping logs.

Agent overloaded and dropping logs

One possible reason you're not seeing all of your logs is that the node's log volume is overloading the agent. The default Logging agent configuration in GKE is tuned for the rate of 100 kiB per second for each node, and the agent might start dropping logs if the volume exceeds that limit.

To detect if you might be hitting this limit, look for any of the following indicators:

  • View the metric with the filter container_name=fluentbit-gke to see if the CPU usage of the Logging agent is near or at 100%.

  • View the metric grouped by metadata.system_labels.node_name to see if any node reaches 100 kiB per second.

If you see any of these conditions, you can reduce the log volume of your nodes by adding more nodes to the cluster. If all of the log volume comes from a single pod, then you would need to reduce the volume from that pod.

For more information on investigating and resolving GKE logging related issues, see Troubleshooting logging in GKE .

Incident isn't matched to a GKE resource?

If you have an alerting policy condition that aggregates metrics across distinct GKE resources, you might need to edit the policy's condition to include more GKE hierarchy labels to associate incidents with specific entities.

For example, you might have two GKE clusters, one for production and one for staging, each with their own copy of service lilbuddy-2 . When the alerting policy condition aggregates a metric across containers in both clusters, the GKE Monitoring dashboard isn't able to associate this incident uniquely with the production service or the staging service.

To resolve this situation, target the alerting policy to a specific service by adding namespace , cluster , and location to the policy's Group Byfield. On the event card for the alert, click the Update alert policylink to open the Edit alerting policypage for the relevant alert policy. From here, you can update the alerting policy with the additional information so that the dashboard can find the associated resource.

After you update the alerting policy, the GKE Monitoring dashboard is able to associate all future incidents with a unique service in a particular cluster, giving you additional information to diagnose the problem.

Depending on your use case, you might want to filter on some of these labels in addition to adding them to the Group Byfield. For example, if you only want alerts for your production cluster, you can filter on cluster_name .

What's next

If you need additional assistance, reach out to Cloud Customer Care .