Download a file

Download files from Google Drive with a computer, Android, or iOS device.

Important: If you try to download a suspicious file, you may get a warning message. Use caution if you download the file.

Download a file

  1. Go to .
  2. Click a file to download.
    1. To download multiple files, press Command(Mac) or Ctrl(Windows) click any other files.
  3. Right-click click Download.

Tip: You can't drag a file or folder directly to your desktop.

Save a file to a different format

When you download a file, you have the option to save the file in a different format, such as:

  • A PDF Document (.pdf)
  • Microsoft Word (.docx)
  • PowerPoint (.pptx)
  • A JPEG file (.jpg)
  1. On your computer, go to .
  2. Open the file in:
  3. Click File Download.
  4. From the list, select the desired file format.

Learn how to convert Office and other file types into Docs, Sheets, or Slides.

If you can't download a file

If you can't download a file, the owner may have disabled options to print, download, or copy for people with only comment or view access.

Blocked Third-party cookies can prevent Drive Web downloads

Drive Web uses third-party cookies to communicate with Google's secure download server. Blocking third-party cookies in Chrome will prevent you from downloading through Google Drive. If you want to block third-party cookies and still download from Drive, allow third-party cookies for just Drive.

  1. Type chrome://settings/cookiesin the browser address bar press  Enter.
  2. Scroll to the "Sites that can always use cookies" section under "See all cookies and site data."
  3. On the right, click Add.
  4. In the “Add a site” window, enter
  5. Make sure to select the check box I ncluding third-party cookies on this siteclick Add.

Tip: Learn more about changes to third-party cookie requirements in Google Drive .

Further troubleshooting

If you still have problems downloading files from Drive, you can:

  • Make sure third-party cookies are allowed for Drive at chrome://settings/cookies.
    • It should say "Including third-party cookies on this site" below the site exception for If it doesn't, click Trash to remove the siteand then follow steps 2-5 above.
    • Under "Sites that can never use cookies," make sure there aren't any entries for,, or This prevents downloads from Google Drive. If you find these sites listed, click Menu   Remove.
  • Turn off all extensions and try to download. If you can download a file, turn the extensions on one at a time to identify any with problems.

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