Cheap flights from Chihuahua to Puerto Vallarta

Good to know

Flight information for Chihuahua to Puerto Vallarta to help you plan your next trip.
Cheapest round-trip flight
Aeromexico 1 stop 23 hr Jul 25 — Jul 31
The cheapest round-trip flight from Chihuahua to Puerto Vallarta is currently $172
Cheapest one-way flight
VivaAerobus 1 stop 23 hr Aug 13
The cheapest one-way flight from Chihuahua to Puerto Vallarta is currently $93
Fastest flight
4 hr
The fastest flight with stops from Chihuahua to Puerto Vallarta takes 4 hr
Nonstop flights
There are no direct flights on this route.

When is the cheapest time to fly?

The cheapest month to fly from Chihuahua to Puerto Vallarta is typically January. The most expensive one is typically July.
Typical prices: $135–220
Most expensive
Typical prices: $175–315

Popular airports near Chihuahua

  • Aeropuerto Internacional de Chihuahua General Roberto Fierro Villalobos (CUU)
    Chihuahua 18 min 7 mi
  • Ciudad Juárez International Airport (CJS)
    Ciudad Juárez 3 hr 54 min 208 mi

Popular airports near Puerto Vallarta

  • Licenciado Gustavo Díaz Ordaz International Airport (PVR)
    Puerto Vallarta 20 min 3 mi
  • Tepic Amado Nervo (TPQ)
    Tepic 2 hr 35 min 58 mi

Frequently asked questions about flying from Chihuahua to Puerto Vallarta

How long does it take to fly from Chihuahua to Puerto Vallarta?
4 hr is the shortest flight time from Chihuahua to Puerto Vallarta.
When are the cheapest days to fly from Chihuahua to Puerto Vallarta?
The cheapest days to fly are usually in January. Typical prices range from $135 to $220.
Which airlines provide the cheapest flights from Chihuahua to Puerto Vallarta?
The best round-trip deal recently found on Google Flights from Chihuahua to Puerto Vallarta was with Aeromexico from $172. The best one-way deal was with VivaAerobus from $93.
When are direct flights from Chihuahua to Puerto Vallarta available?
There are no direct flights from Chihuahua to Puerto Vallarta.
Which airlines have direct flights from Chihuahua to Puerto Vallarta?
No airline flies direct from Chihuahua to Puerto Vallarta.
What are the cheapest flights from Chihuahua to Puerto Vallarta?
The cheapest round-trip flight from Chihuahua to Puerto Vallarta starts at $172 from Thu, Jul 25 to Wed, Jul 31. The cheapest one-way flight starts at $93 and departs on Tue, Aug 13.
When should you visit Puerto Vallarta?
Many travelers choose to visit Dec–May, when temperatures are warm and rainfall is rare. Summer (Jun–Sep) is hotter and often rainy, but Jul–Aug can be busy. Easter (dates vary, Mar/Apr) is marked with solemn parades and church services. The Festival of the Virgin of Guadalupe (first 12 days in Dec) includes a parade that mixes Christian and Aztec symbolism, plus stalls selling street food.
How do I find cheap dates to fly from Chihuahua to Puerto Vallarta
It's easy to use Google Flights to find the cheapest days to fly from Chihuahua to Puerto Vallarta.
Just click the Departure label near the top of the page to open the calendar. Choose a start date and a return date to see how the round-trip fare changes on those specific days.
Adjust the trip type to see one-way fares. The cheapest available flights are highlighted and easy to spot. Once you settle on dates, click the Search button to see flight options and book the deal.

You can also turn on price tracking to get alerts if the price changes for a route or flight.

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Popular trips from Chihuahua

  1. London
    Aug 19 — Aug 26
    2 stops 30 hr 50 min Iberia, VivaAerobus
  2. Paris
    Sep 28 — Oct 7
    2 stops 20 hr 33 min Air France, Aeromexico, Delta
  3. New York
    Aug 23 — Aug 30
    1 stop 10 hr 14 min Aeromexico, Delta
  4. Denver
    Aug 22 — Aug 29

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