Cheap flights from New York to London

Good to know

Flight information for New York to London to help you plan your next trip.
Cheapest round-trip flight
Norse Atlantic Airways, easyJet 1 stop 18 hr Aug 19 — Aug 26
The cheapest round-trip flight from New York to London is currently $476
Cheapest one-way flight
Norse Atlantic UK Nonstop 7 hr Jul 17
The cheapest one-way flight from New York to London is currently $143
Fastest flight
6 hr 50 min
The fastest nonstop flight from New York to London takes 6 hr 50 min
Nonstop flights
Every day
There are direct flights on this route every day.

When is the cheapest time to fly?

The cheapest month to fly from New York to London is typically February. The most expensive one is typically July.
Typical prices: $400–550
Most expensive
Typical prices: $620–940

Popular airports near New York

  • John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK)
    New York 38 min 12 mi
  • LaGuardia Airport (LGA)
    New York 26 min 8 mi
  • Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR)
    Newark 27 min 8 mi
  • Boston Logan International Airport (BOS)
    Boston 3 hr 38 min 192 mi

Popular airports near London

  • London Stansted Airport (STN)
    London 1 hr 3 min 30 mi
  • Heathrow Airport (LHR)
    London 45 min 14 mi
  • London Gatwick Airport (LGW)
    London 1 hr 28 min 25 mi
  • London Luton Airport (LTN)
    London 1 hr 5 min 27 mi

Frequently asked questions about flying from New York to London

How long does it take to fly from New York to London?
6 hr 50 min is the shortest flight time from New York to London.
When are the cheapest days to fly from New York to London?
The cheapest days to fly are usually in February. Typical prices range from $400 to $550.
Which airlines provide the cheapest flights from New York to London?
The best round-trip deal recently found on Google Flights from New York to London was with Norse Atlantic Airways, easyJet from $476. The best one-way deal was with Norse Atlantic UK from $143.
When are direct flights from New York to London available?
There are direct flights from New York to London on a daily basis.
Which airlines have direct flights from New York to London?
United, British Airways, Delta, Norse Atlantic UK, JetBlue, Virgin Atlantic and American fly direct from New York to London.
What are the cheapest flights from New York to London?
The cheapest round-trip flight from New York to London starts at $476 from Mon, Aug 19 to Mon, Aug 26. The cheapest one-way flight starts at $143 and departs on Wed, Jul 17.
When should you visit London?
London is a year-round destination, getting busiest Jun–Sep and in the run-up to Christmas and New Year (Dec). Jul–Aug is when many Europeans take holidays, so visitors may face more crowds and limited availability of hotel rooms. Key events include the London Marathon (Apr), Notting Hill Carnival (Aug) and Frieze London art fair (Oct). Sep–May is the city's primary season for theatre, opera, ballet and classical music. Summer’s warmer weather brings many free outdoor music and theatre festivals.
How do I find cheap dates to fly from New York to London
It's easy to use Google Flights to find the cheapest days to fly from New York to London.
Just click the Departure label near the top of the page to open the calendar. Choose a start date and a return date to see how the round-trip fare changes on those specific days.
Adjust the trip type to see one-way fares. The cheapest available flights are highlighted and easy to spot. Once you settle on dates, click the Search button to see flight options and book the deal.

You can also turn on price tracking to get alerts if the price changes for a route or flight.

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Popular trips from New York

  1. Barcelona
    Oct 3 — Oct 10
    Nonstop 7 hr 45 min Iberia
  2. Orlando
    Jun 10 — Jun 19
    Nonstop 2 hr 57 min Spirit
  3. Tokyo
    Jul 14 — Jul 23
    1 stop 15 hr 55 min Air Canada
  4. London
    Nov 18 — Nov 27
    Nonstop 6 hr 50 min Norse Atlantic UK

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