Cheap flights to Atlanta

Popular airports near Atlanta

  • Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL)
    Atlanta 14 min 7 mi
  • Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport (BHM)
    Birmingham 2 hr 10 min 136 mi
  • Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport (GSP)
    Greenville 2 hr 29 min 147 mi
  • Chattanooga Metropolitan Airport (CHA)
    Chattanooga 1 hr 46 min 100 mi

When to visit

Off-seasons section.
Jan – Feb, Apr – May
Less popular and lower prices
Peak seasons section.
Peak season
Mar, Aug – Oct
Most popular and higher prices

About Atlanta

Atlanta is the capital of the U.S. state of Georgia. It played an important part in both the Civil War and the 1960s Civil Rights Movement. Atlanta History Center chronicles the city's past, and the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site is dedicated to the African-American leader’s life and times. Downtown, Centennial Olympic Park, built for the 1996 Olympics, encompasses the massive Georgia Aquarium.

Frequently asked questions about flying to Atlanta

When should you visit Atlanta?
Atlanta is a year-round destination, though most visitors arrive in summer (May–Sep). Winters (Nov–Mar) are generally mild. Big events include celebrations for Martin Luther King, Jr., Weekend (Jan) and Independence Day (Jul 4). The Yellow Daisy Festival (Sep), an arts and crafts fair, is held in nearby Stone Mountain.
What is the best airport to fly into Atlanta?
Atlanta is served by only one major airport: Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, 7 mi away from the city center.
How can I find last-minute flight deals to Atlanta?
Finding last-minute flights to Atlanta is easy on Google Flights.
Select your departure city and use the calendar to pick your preferred travel dates and find the lowest fares available. You can even check for flights departing today.
To find the cheapest fares, it’s usually best to book at least a few weeks in advance for domestic flights and a few months in advance for international travel.
How can I find flights deals to Atlanta?
You can find great flight deals to Atlanta on Google Flights.
Just enter your departure city, choose Atlanta in the destination field, and click Search .
You can filter the results to see only nonstop flights or flights under a certain price to more easily plan your perfect budget trip.

You can also turn on price tracking to get alerts if the price changes for a route or flight.

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