Cheap flights to Munich

Popular airports near Munich

  • Munich International Airport (MUC)
    Munich 31 min 17 mi
  • Memmingen Airport (FMM)
    Memmingen 1 hr 27 min 62 mi
  • Stuttgart Airport (STR)
    Stuttgart 2 hr 16 min 114 mi
  • Salzburg Airport (SZG)
    Salzburg 1 hr 35 min 70 mi

When to visit

Off-seasons section.
Jan – Feb, Apr – May
Less popular and lower prices
Peak seasons section.
Peak season
Jul – Sep, Dec
Most popular and higher prices

About Munich

Munich, Bavaria’s capital, is home to centuries-old buildings and numerous museums. The city is known for its annual Oktoberfest celebration and its beer halls, including the famed Hofbräuhaus, founded in 1589. In the Altstadt (Old Town), central Marienplatz square contains landmarks such as Neo-Gothic Neues Rathaus (town hall), with a popular glockenspiel show that chimes and reenacts stories from the 16th century.

Frequently asked questions about flying to Munich

When should you visit Munich?
Common times to visit are May–Oct, when the weather is warm. Winters (Dec–Feb) can be cold and snowy, and are a popular time for winter-sport visitors to the surrounding Alps. Oktoberfest (Sep–Oct) is a huge celebration of local beer, brass-band music and folk customs also featuring carnival rides and more. Other popular events include the Christmas Market and the Tollwood Festival (both in Dec) and the Fasching carnival (Jan–Mar), when locals dress up for the city’s countless balls and parties.
What is the best airport to fly into Munich?
Munich is served by only one major airport: Munich International Airport, 17 mi away from the city center.
How can I find last-minute flight deals to Munich?
Finding last-minute flights to Munich is easy on Google Flights.
Select your departure city and use the calendar to pick your preferred travel dates and find the lowest fares available. You can even check for flights departing today.
To find the cheapest fares, it’s usually best to book at least a few weeks in advance for domestic flights and a few months in advance for international travel.
How can I find flights deals to Munich?
You can find great flight deals to Munich on Google Flights.
Just enter your departure city, choose Munich in the destination field, and click Search .
You can filter the results to see only nonstop flights or flights under a certain price to more easily plan your perfect budget trip.

You can also turn on price tracking to get alerts if the price changes for a route or flight.

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