Google BigQuery Connection for PHP

Idiomatic PHP client for Google BigQuery Connection .

Latest Stable Version Packagist

NOTE:This repository is part of Google Cloud PHP . Any support requests, bug reports, or development contributions should be directed to that project.


To begin, install the preferred dependency manager for PHP, Composer .

Now to install just this component:

 $ composer require google/cloud-bigquery-connection 

Or to install the entire suite of components at once:

 $ composer require google/cloud 

This component supports both REST over HTTP/1.1 and gRPC. In order to take advantage of the benefits offered by gRPC (such as streaming methods) please see our gRPC installation guide .


Please see our Authentication guide for more information on authenticating your client. Once authenticated, you'll be ready to start making requests.


 require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Google\Cloud\BigQuery\Connection\V1\ConnectionServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\BigQuery\Connection\V1\Connection;

$projectId = '[PROJECT_ID]';
$locationId = '[LOCATION_ID]';
$connectionId = '[CONNECTION_ID]';

$client = new ConnectionServiceClient();

$parent = $client->locationName($projectId, $locationId);
$connection = new Connection([
    'name' => $client->connectionName($projectId, $locationId, $connectionId),

$connection = $client->createConnection($parent, $connection); 


This component is considered GA (generally available). As such, it will not introduce backwards-incompatible changes in any minor or patch releases. We will address issues and requests with the highest priority.

Next Steps

  1. Understand the official documentation .