Events: The Essentials

Manage an event in a bot as described in the following sections:

What is an event?

An event defines the activity or schedule that triggers a process. You can configure the following types of events:

Event type What triggers this event type?
App Data is added, modified, or deleted through the app. For example, the status of a service ticket is changed through the app. See Configure an app event .
AppSheet database (beta)

Data is added, modified, or deleted in one or more columns in an AppSheet database. For example, the status of a service ticket is changed directly in the AppSheet database. See  Configure an AppSheet database event (beta) .

Scheduled Set to occur periodically at a specific time. For example, every Monday morning at 9 AM. See Configure a scheduled event .
Google Chat app Chat interactions, including interacting with a slash command in a Chat space, or adding or removing a Chat app in a Chat space. See Configure a Chat event
Google Forms Response for a form from Google Forms is received. For example, a travel request is sent for approval. See  Configure a Google Forms event .

Events generated due to an app action or as a result of an app data change from an AppSheet API call will fire without any external configuration.
Data change events that are triggered externally in Sheets or Salesforce data sources: If you want events to fire based on manual or direct updates to the underlying Sheets or Salesforce data sources, external configuration is necessary. See  Sheets and Salesforce , respectively.

Add an event to a bot

To add an event to a bot:

  1. Create a bot .
  2. Perform one of the following:

    • To reuse an existing event , select an event under From this App.
      For more information, see Reuse automation components.
    • To create a new event, do one of the following:
      • Click Create a custom event .
      • Select an event from the list of  Suggestions.
        AppSheet Automation is an intent-aware platform. The platform understands user intent and recommends configuration options that align with what you are trying to achieve. For example, selecting the following suggestion would configure a process and Send an email task for you:
        When Available record is updated, send an email
  3. Select and configure one of the following event sources:
  4. Save the app.

Configure an app event

To add an app event, configure the following settings:



Event name

Name of the event.

Event source

Select App .

Data change type

Select the data change types made through the app that trigger the event. Select one or more of the following options: Adds, Deletes, Updates.


Select the table whose data changes trigger the event.

To view or edit the structure of the selected table, position your cursor in the field and clickEdit icon . See Tables: The Essentials for more information.


Condition to check before triggering the event.

    Bypass Security Filters?

    Toggle to indicates whether to execute as though there are no security filters on the data sources. This setting allows automated tasks (that run as the app owner ID) to continue working. It is useful for generating reports or performing other tasks that require more information.
    Event icon
    Expand the Displaysection and select an icon for the event.
    Descriptive comment
    Expand the Documentationsection and enter a comment that describes the purpose of the event.

    Enable or disable reuse of this component by expanding the Linking panel and toggling the Linking setting. See Reuse automation components .

    Expand the Linking panel and toggle the Linking setting to enable or disable component reuse

    The following shows an example of an App change event that is triggered by any change (add, delete, or update) to the Inventory table.

    Data change event for adds only

    Configure an AppSheet database event (beta)

    This is a beta release of building automations using AppSheet databases. See Track and manage feature releases . Beta offerings are intended for use in test environments only. This feature is not recommended for use in production apps. For questions or assistance with this feature, contact  AppSheet Support .

    Before you can add an AppSheet database event, you must:

    1. Create an AppSheet database. See Create and copy databases .
    2. Add the AppSheet database to your app by creating an app from the AppSheet database or adding the AppSheet database to an existing app . In each case, select  AppSheet databases as the data source and then navigate to the database.
    App concepts or table settings defined in the app editor (such as making a column non-editable or required) won't effect how the bot gets triggered for event sources that are external to the app. For example, even if a column is marked as non-editable for apps, it can still be selected in the Column to watch for setting in the event.

    Add an event to a bot , and configure the settings for an AppSheet database event, as follows:



    Event name

    Name of the event.

    Event source

    Select AppSheet database .


    Select the table whose data changes trigger the event.

    To view or edit the structure of the selected table, position your cursor in the field and clickEdit icon . See Tables: The Essentials for more information.

    Data change type

    Select the data change types made to the AppSheet database that trigger the event. Select one or more of the following options: Adds, Deletes, Updates.

    Columns to watch for updates


    • This field is displayed only when Updatesis selected for Data change type.
    • Lookup columns are not supported at this time.

    Columns from the selected table whose data updates trigger the event. Open the drop-down and select one or more columns. 

    For example:

    Continue to watch for updates

    Make sure you select only those columns that you want to trigger the event. For example, you might want to be notified when the status or due date is changed, but not for other changes. In this example, you'd select only the Status and Due Date columns, but not the other column to avoid excessive or unnecessary notifications.


    Condition that must be true to trigger the event.

    Note: To trigger an event based on the time that any data is updated in a row of the AppSheet database, do one of the following:

    Bypass Security Filters?

    Not supported for AppSheet database events.Triggers from event sources that are external to the app can only be run as the app owner.

    Event icon
    Expand the Displaysection and select an icon for the event.
    Descriptive comment
    Expand the Documentationsection and enter a comment that describes the purpose of the event.

    Enable or disable reuse of this component by expanding the Linking panel and toggling the Linking setting. See Reuse automation components .

    Expand the Linking panel and toggle the Linking setting to enable or disable component reuse

    Configure a scheduled event

    A subset of features, such as sending emails  or triggering bots with schedule events using AppSheet automation, are not fully supported until you purchase a subscription . That is, you can configure these features, but they won't execute as expected.

    Add an event to a bot , and configure the settings for a scheduled event, as follows

    Note: To reference columns in a table, you must turn on the ForEachRowInTablesettings.



    Event name

    Name of the event.

    Event source

    Select Scheduled .


    Set the schedule and time for the event.

    Time zone

    Set the time zone for the schedule event.


    Flag that specifies whether to operate on each row in the specified table.

    Turn on ForEachRowInTable  if you want to run a process for each row of data in the table. When turned on, the option to specify a filter condition appears. 
    Turn off  ForEachRowInTable  if your process doesn't rely on data in a table. When turned off, you can select any event except Run a data action as a valid step type in the process.
    Only turn off this setting if your process doesn’t rely on data in any table.


    Note: This field only displays if ForEachRowInTable is enabled.

    Table referenced by the event. Select an existing table in the list.

    Click View definition to view the structure of the selected table. See Tables: The Essentials for more information about adding tables.

    Filter Condition

    Note: This field only displays if ForEachRowInTable is enabled.

    Filter condition to use to identify which rows in table are impacted.


    Condition that must be true to trigger the event.

    Bypass Security Filters?

    Toggle to indicates whether to execute as though there are no security filters on the data sources.

    Event icon Expand the Displaysection and select an icon for the event.
    Descriptive comment Expand the Documentationsection and enter a comment that describes the purpose of the event.

    Enable or disable reuse of this component by expanding the Linking panel and toggling the Linking setting. See Reuse automation components .

    Expand the Linking panel and toggle the Linking setting to enable or disable component reuse

    The following shows an example of a Scheduled event that is triggered every day at 12:00 PM UTC.

    Settings for schedule events

    Configure a Chat event

    You must be a Google Workspace userto create Chat apps with AppSheet. See Add AppSheet to Google Workspace .
    Before you can configure a Chat event, you must  configure your Chat app with AppSheet .

    Add an event to a bot , and configure the settings for a Chat event, as follows



    Event name

    Name of the event.

    Note: The name will be displayed in Chat.

    Event source

    Select Chat .

    Chat interaction

    Chat interaction that triggers the event:

    • Slash command- Slash command is issued in the Chat space.
    • Added to space- Chat app is added to a Chat space.
    • Removed from space- Chat app is removed from the Chat space.


    Note: Valid only if Slash commandis selected as the Chat interaction.

    Slash command that triggers the event.


    Note: Valid only if Slash commandis selected as the Chat interaction.

    Description of the slash command that triggers the event. 

    Event icon
    Expand the Displaysection and select an icon for the event.
    Descriptive comment
    Expand the Documentationsection and enter a comment that describes the purpose of the event.

    The following shows an example of a Chat event.

    Chat event

    Configure a Google Forms event

    You must be a Google Workspace userto build AppSheet automations with Google Forms. See Add AppSheet to Google Workspace .

    If you are using your Google Workspace account, the Google Workspace Terms of Service govern your use of Google Forms. Otherwise, refer to the Google Terms of Service .

    Actions that are triggered by a Google Forms event can rely only on read-only data.

    Before you can add a Google Forms event, you must:

    1. Create a form in Google Forms. See How to use Google Forms
    2. Do one of the following:

      In each case, select Google Formsas the data source, navigate to the form, and click Select.

    See also Build automations using Google Forms .

    Add an event to a bot , and configure the settings for a Google Forms event, as follows



    Event name

    Name of the event.

    Event source

    Select Forms .


    Select the form from Google Forms that triggers the event. 

    Note: You need to ensure that the form is  added as a table to your app before you use it in a Google Forms event.


    Condition that must be true to trigger the event.

    Bypass Security Filters? Not supported for Google Forms events.Triggers from event sources that are external to the app can only be run as the app owner.
    Event icon Expand the Displaysection and select an icon for the event.
    Descriptive comment Expand the Documentationsection and enter a comment that describes the purpose of the event.

    The following shows an example of a Forms event that is triggered when a Travel Request form is submitted.

    Event configuration settings

    Copy an existing event

    When you copy an event, the name of the new event defaults to the name of the current event followed by a unique number (starting with 1 and incrementing), such as My Event 1 .

    To copy an existing reusable event:

    1. Open the app in the editor.
    2. Go to  Automation Automation icon  > Events .
    3. Select the event you want to copy in the Events panel.
    4. Select More > Duplicate.

    We've made some improvements to the app editor .
    You are opted in to the new editorby default, but you can switch back to the legacy editor at any time.

    If you are using the legacy editor

    To copy an existing event:

    1. Select Automation > Events .
    2. Select the event you want to copy.
    3. Click Copy in the event heading.

    View events

    To view an event in a bot, select Automation Automation icon  > Bots , select the bot in the Bots panel, and click the event in the main panel.

    To view all events by table, select Automation Automation icon  > Events . By default, only reusable (linkable) events are shown. To view all events, turn on Show all automation components, as described in Configure app editor settings .

    We've made some improvements to the app editor .
    You are opted in to the new editorby default, but you can switch back to the legacy editor at any time.

    If you are using the legacy editor

    To view all events, select Automation  > Events . Events are organized based by table.

    If an event is used by one or more bots, it displays a reusability indicator (number adjacent to the event name) to indicate the number of bots using the event. In the example below, the  Scheduled: Every day  event is a reusable component that is used in   two  bots.

    View all events and see the number of shared components

    Click the number to view the list of bots that are using the event. For more information, see Reuse automation components .

    Edit an event

    Note : If an event that is reused, consider the impact to all bots before editing the event.

    To edit an event, view the event in the app editor, edit the configuration, and save your changes.

    Delete an event

    Note : If a reusable event  is used in multiple bots, consider the impact to all bots before deleting the event.  If you try to delete an event that is used by one or more bots, AppSheet will prompt you to confirm the operation, as shown:

    Warning displayed for reusable component when attempting to delete

    To remove an event from a bot in the editor, select Remove in the drop-down menu. It is removed from the bot but retained on the Events tab.

    Delete an event

    To delete a reusable event:
    1. Select Automation Automation icon  > Events .
    2. Select the event you want to delete in the Events panel.
    3. Select More > Delete.
    We've made some improvements to the app editor .
    You are opted in to the new editorby default, but you can switch back to the legacy editor at any time.

    If you are using the legacy editor

    To delete a reusable event:

    1. Select Automation  > Events .
    2. Expand the event you want to delete.
    3. Click Delete in the event heading.

    Example: Trigger a schedule event on a specific date

    Trigger a schedule event automatically at predetermined dates obtained from the app's data. This can be done using the Condition setting of the scheduled report.

    For example, suppose you have a table called Tasks . Each row in this table is a task that you have to perform, and each task has a Date column that stores the date when you have to perform the task. You can set up a scheduled report that will automatically send you an alarm message to remind you of the task at 7:00 am on the day the task is supposed to be carried out.

    To do this, in the app editor, configure the schedule event as follows:



    Event name

    Any event name

    Event source





    7:00 am

    Time zone

    Set according to your time zone

    For EachRowInTable




    Filter Condition


    Here's how the schedule works. Every day, at 7:00 am, the schedule will go through each task in the Tasks table and check the date of the task. If the date of the task is the current date, the schedule will be triggered, and an alert message will be sent.

    Note : This design will not work if you want to trigger reports at specific times (hours and minutes) obtained from the app's data.

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