In Case You Thought Art Openings Were a Snap to Produce, a Video that Proves Otherwise

There’s a lot more that goes into mounting a gallery show than hanging art on walls and putting toothpicks in cheese cubes. Here’s a time-lapse video, by videographer Joel Fitzpatrick, that shows the monumental installation of French artist Nicolas Pol’s solo show, Sick Atavus of the New Blood, presented last week by his friend, budding curator, and scion of a fashion icon, Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld. Packing, rolling, shipping, trucking, unloading, installing, and finally exhibiting—it’s all there. In fact, the ever-important launch party—which, in this case, included mom Carine Roitfeld, Stefano Tonchi, Sydney Picasso, Nan Goldin, and all the usual party girls and boys—almost seems secondary. Almost. Through May 22, 560 Washington Street, New York

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