Cherry Shirley Temple Mocktail Recipe

Cherry Shirley Temple Mocktail Recipe

This Cherry Shirley Temple Mocktail Recipeis an easy and refreshing non-alcoholic mixed drink perfect for holidays and parties!

Cherry Shirley Temple Mocktail Recipe

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Even if you serve drinks with alcohol during holidays and parties, we think that having a special –non-alcoholic — drink on hand is a must. Especially so if there is children attending, expectant mothers, or anyone who might prefer a non-alcoholic mocktail drink. This Cherry Shirley Temple Mocktail recipe is a perfect choice.

Cherry Shirley Temple Mocktail Recipe

This non-alcoholic mixed drink is extremely easy to mix up! We think it’s perfect for your Easter holiday, but the beautiful red color makes it great to serve at Christmas, Valentine’s Day, or 4th of July. This drink is also great for Mother’s Day brunch, bridal showers, or especially baby showers. Cherry Shirley Temple Mocktail Recipe

To make this Cherry Shirley Temple Mocktail recipe, you’ll need only a few ingredients:  lemon-lime soda,  Sparkling Ice Cherry Limeade , simple syrup (make your own or buy a pre-made bottle of it), a jar of maraschino cherries (you’ll need the cherries and some of the syrup from the jar), and ice. If you want to give it a garnish, we recommend a sprig of mint.

Cherry Shirley Temple Mocktail Recipe

For serving, we recommend using your favorite clear glass tumbler. The beautiful glasses you see in these photos are from Target. They are the Fluted Tumblers by Hearth & Hand™ with Magnolia — the brand by Chip & Joanna Gaines. Aren’t they wonderful!?! These glasses hold about 7 ounces.

Cherry Shirley Temple Mocktail Recipe

Here’s the full recipe, ready for you to print. If you like this recipe, we’d love your support by sharing this recipe on Facebook with your family and friends or by pinning on Pinterest. Enjoy!

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Cherry Shirley Temple Mocktail Recipe

Cherry Shirley Temple Mocktail Recipe

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  • Yield: 1 drink 1 x


This Cherry Shirley Temple Mocktail Recipeis an easy and refreshing non-alcoholic mixed drink perfect for holidays and parties!


  • 1 tablespoon of simple syrup
  • 1 tablespoon of cherry syrup from the maraschino cherry jar
  • 1.5 oz of lemon-lime soda
  • a splash of Sparkling Ice Cherry Limeade
  • ice
  • 3 maraschino cherries for garnish
  • sprig of mint for garnish


Fill a glass with ice. Add one tablespoon of simple syrup, one tablespoon of cherry juice, and 1.5 oz of lemon-lime soda. Give it a small stir.
Top off with sparkling ice cherry limeade. Garnish with 3 maraschino cherries and a sprig of mint. Serve
  • Category: Drinks
  • Cuisine: American
Recipe Card powered by Tasty Recipes
By: Miz Helen

Your Cherry Shirley Temple Mocktail will be awesome! Hope you have a very special holiday and thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday.
Miz Helen

By: Gale

Thanks for sharing this recipe! Whenever my granddaughters are here, they ask for a “special” drink when the grown-ups are having their adult beverages, so this will be perfect! I’ve posted it to my Pinterest board titled Gotta Try this Recipe!

By: deniz tezcan

ohh bu kokteyl gündelik hayatınızda kolayca yapabileceğiniz efsane olaganustu birseyyy

By: Erlene

Ahhh…I could kick myself for tossing out my cherry juice. I just cleaned out my fridge and had cherry juice leftover from a cherry cake 🙁 Oh well, it’s an excuse to make more cake so I can try this recipe…lol. Thanks for sharing this on Merry Monday. Pinned and will be including this in a summer drink roundup.

By: Mother of 3

My kids LOVE Shirley Temples! Pinned.

By: Jann Olson

This sounds so yummy! Always thought a Shirley Temple sounded so good, simply because of the name. 🙂 thanks for sharing with SYC.

By: Petra

Such pretty cocktails and a treat for everyone at Easter! The maraschino cherries and the mint looks so festive.
Thank you for sharing them with us at Fiesta Friday!

By: Miz Helen

I just pinned this awesome Cherry Shirley Temple Mocktail! Hope you are having a great weekend and thanks so much for sharing your great post with us at Full Plate Thursday!
Miz Helen

By: Rhonda

This sounds delicious. I’m picturing myself sipping mocktail on a hot summer day. I’ll be sharing this on social media and Pinning. Thanks for sharing on Sunday’s Best.

By: Shannon

Hi! Happy WW! My girls always loved getting Shirley Temples when they were growing up! And now, I bet they are going to be excited to be able to make it themselves! And it sounds really yummy!

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