Easy Egg Salad Sandwich Recipe

Easy Egg Salad Sandwich Recipe

Have leftover Easter eggs? Making this Easy Egg Salad Sandwich recipeis one of the best ways to use them!

Quick & Easy Egg Salad Recipe

When I was a kid, we had egg salad sandwiches ALL THE TIME. No doubt it’s because a dozen eggs were inexpensive and with my parents having many mouths to feed, eggs were a great way to stretch the budget.

As an adult, egg salad sandwiches have continued to be one of my favorites, but I only eat them a couple times a year. Most often, we have them shortly after Easter because of having leftover Easter eggs.

Easy Egg Salad Sandwich Recipe

We make our Easy Egg Salad Sandwich recipe very simply. There are lots of creative ingredients you can add to egg salad (bacon, avocado, and more), but we keep it nice and easy: hard-boiled eggs, mayonnaise, salt and pepper, a bit of mustard, and a sprinkle of paprika. Sometimes we do change it up a leave out the mustard and paprika, but we do like the extra flavor that this gives. If we have pickle relish on hand, we might add that, but only occasionally.

Easy Egg Salad Sandwich Recipe

All of the ingredients are mixed up in a bowl and it’s ready to go.

Easy Egg Salad Sandwich Recipe

The Easy Egg Salad Sandwich recipe mixture is divided among 4 slices of bread — toasted or untoasted — and then topped with another slice of bread to make the sandwich. Now, if you are a mayonnaise fan, you can spread some additional mayonnaise on your bread before adding the egg salad, but I usually skip this.

Easy Egg Salad Sandwich Recipe

Easy Egg Salad Sandwich Recipe

Here is the full recipe, ready for you to print. If you do like this recipe, we’d love your support by pinning it on Pinterest or sharing with your family and friends on Facebook.

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Easy Egg Salad Sandwich Recipe

Easy Egg Salad Sandwich Recipe

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  • Yield: 4 sandwiches


Have leftover Easter eggs? Making this Easy Egg Salad Sandwich recipeis one of the best ways to use them!


8 large hard-boiled eggs (peeled)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1 teaspoon mustard
1/4 teaspoon paprika
salt & pepper, to taste
8 slices bread (toasted or untoasted)
optional: extra mayonnaise for bread


Dice hard-boiled eggs. In a medium to large bowl, combine the egg, mayonnaise, mustard, and paprika. Season with salt and pepper, to taste.

If desired, spread a small amount of additional mayonnaise onto each slice of bread (this is optional). Divide mixture on one side of 4 pieces of bread (on top of additional mayo if you did this). Top mixtures with a slice of bread on each. Serve.


Also great served on romaine lettuce or salad mix, used in a wrap, or eaten with crackers.

  • Category: Sandwiches
  • Cuisine: American


  • Serving Size: 4
Recipe Card powered by Tasty Recipes
By: Jann Olson

Love an egg salad sandwich now and then. Thanks for sharing your recipe with SYC.

By: Miz Helen

I love an egg salad sandwich, this looks so good! Hope you are having a great week and thanks so much for sharing your awesome post with us at Full Plate Thursday!
Miz Helen

By: Ginger

Perfect timing – we *do* have quite a few Easter eggs left …
Thank you so much for bringing these sandwiches along to our Fiesta Friday blog party!

By: Helen at the Lazy Gastronome

We’ve been eating a lot of egg salad this week! Thank you for sharing at the What’s for Dinner Party –

By: Karen Del Tatto

I LOVE egg salad and in fact it is a comfort food for me. I can’t eat it all the time, but when I crave it I eat it! lol. Recently I had quite the upper respiratory virus and egg salad hit the spot.

Thanks for sharing your recipe!

By: Susan @ Culinary Envy

YUM! I have been craving egg salad sandwiches ever since Sunday! Can hardly wait to make yours. Pinned!

By: Jhuls @ The Not So Creative Cook

I love egg salad sandwich, but I haven’t tried adding paprika. I must add the next time I make it. 😀 Thanks for sharing! x

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