Honey Walnut Nice Cream Recipe

Honey Walnut Nice Cream Recipe

This Honey Walnut Nice Cream Recipeis an easy frozen treat made with only 3 ingredients: frozen bananas, honey, and walnuts! No ice cream maker needed!
This Honey Walnut Nice Cream Recipe is an easy frozen treat made with only 3 ingredients: frozen bananas, honey, and walnuts! No ice cream maker needed!

So, just what is “nice cream”? Nice cream is kind of like soft serve ice cream — but not. Unlike ice cream, it doesn’t have milk or cream and usually without added sugars or fat. It’s made mostly of just frozen fruit. The most common way of making nice cream is to blend up frozen bananas. You don’t even need to add anything to it — just blend up frozen bananas and you have a yummy frozen treat. But there are lots of ways you can make your nice cream even better. The same way you can add ingredients to homemade ice cream recipes, you can do the same with nice cream.

You could blend up some chocolate chips with your frozen bananas to make Chocolate & Banana Nice Cream. And you can use other fruits. Use frozen strawberries, frozen pineapple, or any others you like.

Honey Walnut Nice Cream Recipe

Today we’re sharing a delicious version of nice cream, that takes the basic version up a notch.  This Honey Walnut Nice Cream recipe uses the same frozen banana base, but blends in both walnuts and honey for a more decadent nice cream.

To make this Honey Walnut Nice Cream, you’ll want to start with frozen bananas chunks that have been frozen without their peel. They are placed in a food processor and blended until they are a smooth consistency. Then, add your walnuts and your honey to the bananas and pulse until they are combined into the frozen banana.

Honey Walnut Nice Cream Recipe

At this point, your Honey Walnut Nice Cream is ready to enjoy. We recommend enjoy immediately, but if your nice cream isn’t frozen/firm enough, place it in a freezer proof container and freezer for about an hour. Honey Walnut Nice Cream Recipe

After you scoop it into a bowl, you can give it an extra drizzle of honey and a sprinkling of walnuts. This is completely optional, of course.

Honey Walnut Nice Cream Recipe

Honey Walnut Nice Cream Recipe

Here’s the full recipe and instructions for making this Honey Walnut Nice Cream recipe. If you like this recipe, we’d love your support by sharing on Facebook with your friends and family or by pinning it on Pinterest. Enjoy!

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Honey Walnut Nice Cream Recipe

Honey Walnut Nice Cream Recipe

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    This Honey Walnut Nice Cream Recipeis an easy frozen treat made with only 3 ingredients: frozen bananas, honey, and walnuts! No ice cream maker needed!



    1 frozen banana (unpeeled)
    ¼ cup walnuts
    2 tablespoons honey


    1. In a food processor, place your bananas and process until smooth.
    2. Pulse in the walnuts and the honey.
    3. If your ingredients aren’t frozen/thick enough, place in the freezer in a covered dish for an hour.
    4. Serve immediately for best results.


    Freeze banana without the peel. This will result in a quicker process when making this recipe.

    • Category: Dessert
    • Cuisine: American


    • Serving Size: 1
    Recipe Card powered by Tasty Recipes
    By: Deborah Ruchty

    Perfect intro to nice cream. It is already banana flavored. Ii skipped the honey, but sauteed the walnuts in some maple syrup and let them crystalize, dried on a silpat sheet, and broke them up into bits. The bananas were so frozen, I had to wait a minute after the first blending. Then I pushed the mixture back into the blades and tried again. Just stirred in the chopped candied walnuts. Perfect creaminess. Will make it again!

    By: Sherry

    Yum! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

    By: frugal hausfrau

    Can it really be this easy!! If only I had a banana!! Thanks for sharing with us at Fiesta Friday!


    By: Helen at the Lazy Gastronome

    I’ve been making “nice” cream for year but never added honey or nuts – what a great idea! Thanks for sharing your great recipes at the What’s for Dinner party.

    By: Rhonda

    This looks delicious! I love soft serve ice cream. Thanks for sharing on Sunday’s Best.

    By: Sheri

    Yum! Definitely trying this over the weekend. Thank you for sharing at the To Grandma’s House We Go DIY, Crafts, Recipes and More link party! Pinned!

    By: 2pots2cook

    Beautiful ! Thank you !

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