Valentine’s Day Monkey Bread Recipe

Valentine’s Day Monkey Bread Recipe

This Mini Heart-Shaped Valentine’s Day Monkey Bread Recipeis a special treat for breakfast or dessert on Valentine’s Day, for anniversaries, or anytime you want to say “I Love You”.
Mini Heart-Shaped Valentine's Day Monkey Bread Recipe

Valentine’s Day has never been a big holiday for David and I. We usually go out for a dinner, and maybe a movie, but only because we like any excuse to get away for the night. Most of the time we’ll do it before or after February 14 because we don’t want to deal with the crowds.

We do have a few traditions with the kids though. Many years ago, we actually made Valentine’s Day more of a family celebration, rather than one just for us as a couple. We always buy the kids a box of chocolates and there is always a special Valentine’s Day dinner and dessert.

Mini Heart-Shaped Monkey Bread with Pink Icing Drizzle on a White Plate

I’ve made lots of different treats over the years, but this year, I decided to try something new. I have several  Wilton Springform Heart Shaped Pans (mini – 4″ size) that I had never used, so I thought it was the time to put them to use.

Wilton Mini Springform Heart Pans

As I considered all the possibilities for using my heart shaped pans, I had almost settled on cheesecake (ha, I say settled, but seriously, is cheesecake ever settling??). But, monkey bread had been on my mind lately and I thought that how cute individual monkey breads in the shape of a heart would be. Who wouldn’t love to have their own monkey bread for Valentine’s Day?

To make Heart-Shaped Monkey Bread, you’ll need a heart shaped pan. I use the Wilton Exelle Elite 4″ Heart Shaped Springform Pan , but I suspect that you would be able to adapt these instructions to almost any heart-shaped pan. Besides the pan, you will need refrigerated biscuits (the kind that comes in a tube). I used a package that was 12oz and had 10 biscuits in it. Each 4″ heart pan needed 2 biscuits — and each biscuit was cut into 6 pieces.

Mini Heart-Shaped Monkey Bread 3

The cut biscuit pieces are placed into a zipper-style bag that has a cinnamon-sugar mixture. I usually drop 6 biscuit pieces in, give it a few shakes and then add 6 more pieces, continuing to shake well after each addition.

Mini Heart-Shaped Monkey Bread 4

The biscuits (12 small pieces) are pressed down into the greased springform pan.

Mini Heart-Shaped Monkey Bread 1

Brown sugar and butter are melted together and then 2 tablespoons are drizzled on top of the cut biscuit pieces.

Mini Heart-Shaped Monkey Bread 2

The monkey bread is baked in the oven for about 12-15 minutes. Now, I find that a bit of the brown sugar/butter mixture does escape from the bottom of the springform pan, so be sure to put your pans on top of a baking sheet.

When it’s done, the heart is inverted over a plate and removed from the baking pan.

Mini Heart-Shaped Monkey Bread 5

To serve our Mini Heart-Shaped Monkey Bread, I added a drizzle of pink glaze on our plates and then some Valentine sprinkles. The heart was placed on top of the drizzle.

Mini Heart-Shaped Valentine's Day Monkey Bread Recipe

To eat, just pull off pieces of the dough balls from the heart. The drizzle on the plate is nice for “dipping” the biscuits too.

Heart Shaped Monkey Bread for Valentine's Day

Here’s the recipe — and be sure to leave me a comment — I’d love to hear about what you do on Valentine’s Day!

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Heart Shaped Monkey Bread for Valentine's Day

Mini Heart-Shaped Monkey Bread

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  • Author: Brandie Valenzuela


This Mini Heart-Shaped Valentine’s Day Monkey Bread Recipeis a special treat for breakfast or dessert on Valentine’s Day, for anniversaries, or anytime you want to say “I Love You”.


  • 10 ounces refrigerated biscuits ( 12 tube – I used Pillsbury Grands Jr.)
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup butter ( 1 stick)
  • 1/2 cup light brown sugar

Optional glaze

  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 2 teaspoon milk
  • Pink food coloring
  • Sprinkles


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray 4″ diameter heart-shaped springform pans with cooking spray.
  2. In a zipper-style bag, combine cinnamon and granulated sugar. Cut each biscuit into 6 pieces. Place 6 biscuit pieces into cinnamon-sugar mixture bag, close, and shake to coat pieces. Add an additional 6 pieces of biscuit (no need to remove other pieces), close, and shake to coat. Repeat with remaining pieces.
  3. In a small saucepan, melt butter and brown sugar together over medium heat, stirring frequently. Heat until sugar is dissolved and remove from heat.
  4. Place 12 biscuit pieces into each heart-shaped pan. Press down gently to make sure they are covering the entire bottom of the pan. Drizzle 2 tablespoons or so of butter/brown sugar mixture evenly over biscuits in the heart-shaped pan. Repeat with remaining pans.
  5. Place heart pans on a baking sheet (baking sheet should be used because some of the butter/brown sugar mixture my release from the bottom of pans). Bake for 12-15 or until golden brown. Remove from oven and allow to cool for 2-3 minutes. Turn pans over onto a plate to allow them to be removed from the pan. If any dough ball falls off from heart shape, press them back onto heart – as they cool completely, the balls will keep their shape.
  6. Optional glaze: in a small bowl, mix together powdered sugar and milk. Add pink food color to achieve the desired color. If you wish, drizzle some of the glaze on a clean plate, add sprinkles to glaze, and top glaze with one of the monkey bread hearts.


–This recipe is made in 4″ diameter Wilton Springform Heart Pans. If you don’t have these you can substitute other pans, although the number of biscuits needed in each one, and the amount of butter/sugar mixture needed, may vary.

  • Category: Dessert
  • Method: Baking
  • Cuisine: American
Recipe Card powered by Tasty Recipes

Want more Valentine’s Day recipes?

Here are 11 more heart-shaped recipes for Valentine’s Day:

By: Miz Helen

What a fun Mini Hear Shaped Monkey Bread! Your post is awesome and thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday.
Come Back Soon!
Miz Helen

By: J. Ivy Boyter

This is adorable!! Stopping by from the Wonderful Wednesday linky

By: Jess

This looks so cute and sounds yummy!!

By: Kristin

What a fun and yummy breakfast idea for Valentine’s Day!!

By: Regan

I love this Brandie! Featuring this week in Family Fun Friday.

By: Emily

So adorable! I love having little individual hearts for each person. Thanks for sharing at the Monday Funday Party. – Emily

By: Miz Helen

Happy Valentine Day and thanks so much for sharing your awesome talent with us at Full Plate Thursday!
Miz Helen

By: Petra

These are so cute! I have never heard of monkey breads and I wonder why! The heart shaped molds look like a perfect Valentines treat!
Thank you for bringing these to Fiesta Friday! 🙂

By: Hil

Oh man those look so good!! I could demolish all those!

Thanks for linking up at #bloggerspotlight

By: Debra Needles

What a great idea! We love monkey bread at our house! Thanks for sharing with us at Funtastic Friday!

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