Parmesan Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe

Parmesan Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe

This Parmesan Roasted Brussels Sprouts recipeis a delicious and easy way to make brussels sprouts in your oven. You’ll only need a few ingredients and about 30 minutes to have this wonderful side dish ready to serve with your dinner.

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My parents never served brussels sprouts. My first introduction to them was at a friends house where the mom was making brussels sprouts for dinner. My friend snagged one from the kitchen and asked if I wanted to try one. I politely declined. They looked like little heads of cabbage and why would I want to eat a little head of cabbage?? Ick. Thank goodness I wasn’t staying for dinner, I thought.

It wasn’t until the last 8 years or so that I’ve started cooking and eating them and I have to tell you: I LOVE BRUSSELS SPROUTS! And, lucky for me, most of my family enjoys them too. We eat them all sorts of different ways, but mostly we make them in the oven. In our opinion, oven roasted brussels sprouts are the absolute best.

Today we’re sharing just one of many delicious and easy ways you can make brussels sprouts: Parmesan Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe!

Ingredients Needed for Parmesan Roasted Brussels Sprouts:

Cooking Equipment Needed for Parmesan Roasted Brussels Sprouts:

Parmesan Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe

To make Parmesan Roasted Brussels Sprouts, you will need brussels sprouts that have been washed, trimmed, and cut in half. If your brussels sprouts are very large, you may want to cut them in quarters.

You will also need parmesan cheese. You’ll either want to buy a small block of parmesan and grate it yourself or buy a bag of pre-shredded parmesan. You will also need olive oil, breadcrumbs, minced garlic, and pepper.

Parmesan Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe

To make your Parmesan Roasted Brussels Sprouts, combine the brussels sprouts with the parmesan cheese, olive oil, pepper, garlic, and half of your breadcrumbs in a bowl. Toss to coat the brussels sprouts evenly. Pour the brussels sprouts mixture onto a greased baking sheet, making sure that they are in a single layer. Sprinkle the remaining breadcrumbs on top.

Parmesan Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe

Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake for about 20 minutes or until the brussels sprouts begins to brown on the edges. Remove from the oven and serve!

Parmesan Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe

Parmesan Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe

Here’s the full recipe, ready for you to print. If you like this recipe, we’d love your support! One of the easiest ways is to share this post on Facebook with your friends or for you to pin it on Pinterest. Just use the button at the top or bottom of this post.

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Parmesan Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe

Parmesan Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe

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    This Parmesan Roasted Brussels Sprouts recipeis a delicious and easy way to make brussels sprouts in your oven. You’ll only need a few ingredients and about 30 minutes to have this wonderful side dish ready to serve with your dinner.



    2 cups brussels sprouts (washed, trimmed and cut in half)
    ½ cup parmesan cheese
    1 2 tablespoons olive oil
    ½ teaspoon black pepper
    1 teaspoon fresh garlic
    ¼ cup Italian breadcrumbs


    Spray a baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

    In a large bowl, combine brussels sprouts, cheese, olive oil, pepper, garlic, and half your breadcrumbs. Toss to coat/mix evenly. Arrange brussels sprouts on it in a single layer. Top with remaining breadcrumbs.

    Bake for 20 minutes or until brussels sprouts begin to brown on the edges. Serve warm.

    • Category: Side Dish
    • Method: Roasting
    • Cuisine: American
    Recipe Card powered by Tasty Recipes
    By: Rita

    Just what I was looking for making Brussel sprouts.

    By: Miz Helen

    We will love this recipe for Brussels Sprouts! Hope you are having a great week and thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday.
    Miz Helen

    By: Suzanne

    Going to make these today, delicious!! Happy Fiesta Friday!!

    By: Kat @ Kat's 9 Lives

    My mom never served brussel sprouts either, but now I love them! Thanks for sharing this recipe at Fiesta Friday!

    By: Shirley Wood

    My Mom used to cook brussel sprouts for me and I loved them. Your recipe sounds good. This post is one of my feature picks for a Low Carb Round Up at Merry Monday. Thanks for sharing. Hope to see ya next week!

    By: angie

    oh so yummy I believe this will help me get going on that healthier eating path thanks for sharing

    By: Chas Greener

    We’ve been looking for a recipe like this to try. Happy New Year & Thanks for sharing!

    By: Kippi

    Yum, I am pinning this recipe. I love Brussels Sprouts. Happy New Year, Kippi

    By: Amy-The Speedy Spatula

    Love this simple and easy side dish!

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