Smores Ice Cream Cups Recipe

Smores Ice Cream Cups Recipe

Smores Ice Cream Cups have all the flavors of the traditional s’mores you love, but in a small cupcake-size frozen treat.

This post is brought to you in partnership with REAL® Seal. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

S'mores Ice Cream Cups Recipe

I had this idea to put my love of ice cream together with my love of marshmallows. My idea was to make what I”m sharing with you today: Smores Ice Cream Cups. All the flavors of s’mores in a small cupcake-size frozen treat. But, this meant that I needed a marshmallow ice cream.

I didn’t think it would be complicated. Surely there had to be a marshmallow flavored ice cream in the stores? But I went to a few different stores and I came up empty-handed.

S'mores Ice Cream Cups

My solution was to make my own. BUT, I didn’t want to make it homemade, I wanted super easy.

Two common grocery store items came to my rescue: a carton of vanilla ice cream + a bag of marshmallows.

With these, I was able to make Easy Toasted Marshmallow Ice Cream  and it’s AWESOME!

There are a lot of vanilla ice cream options out there, but make sure you buy ice cream with the red REAL® Seal, like the one in the middle of this image:


You’ve seen the REAL® Seal before, right? It’s on lots of dairy products from ice cream to cheese and more. When you see the REAL® Seal on a product, it’s a sign that the product you are buying is a genuine dairy product, made with milk from cows on U.S. dairy farms. Companies have to register and meet specific guidelines to be able to display REAL® Seal on their packaging. You can learn more on the  REAL® Seal website .

When you are looking for the REAL® Seal on packaging, you might find it on the front, back, or side of the product. The ice cream I bought had the REAL® Seal right on the back. See it there?

REAL Seal Ice Cream

Once you have your vanilla ice cream with a REAL® Seal, you’ll toast the marshmallows in your oven and get started making your ice cream.

You can get the full instructions here:

Easy Toasted Marshmallow Ice Cream

Easy Toasted Marshmallow Ice Cream

After your Easy Toasted Marshmallow Ice Cream recipe is made, you’ll line a muffin tin with good quality cupcake liners.

Avoid using thin cupcake liners – foil liners are the best, but good quality paper liners can be used as well (I used paper this time). Sprinkle a bit of finely crushed graham cracker crumbs in the bottom of each cupcake liner. Then, melt chocolate and coconut oil and drizzle some chocolate in the bottom of each cup — just enough to coat the bottom. Place in refrigerator until the chocolate is firm.

Smores Ice Cream Cups - Melted Chocolate

With the bottom layer of chocolate set and your ice cream thickened, you’re ready to fill each cupcake liner. Fill them nearly full with the toasted arshmallow ice cream  and then place the pan in freezer until the ice cream is firm.

S'mores Ice Cream Cups

Add a bit of the melted chocolate on top of the ice cream layer of one ice cream cup. If needed, spread the chocolate until it reaches the cupcake liner. Immediately after you top the ice cream with chocolate, sprinkle it with crushed graham crackers. Continue with the remaining ice cream cups.

S'mores Ice Cream Cups

After all of your S’mores Ice Cream Cups are topped with chocolate and graham crackers, place the pan of treats back in the freezer without covering.  After the chocolate is set and the ice cream is firm, cover the pan with foil. You could also remove the treats from the tray and place them in a freezer-safe food storage container.

S'mores Ice Cream Cups

Your S’mores Ice Cream Cups are best served within a month…but seriously, how will they last that long?

For serving, I recommend placing them on a small plate or in a small bowl, with or without the cupcake liner. I love the look of serving them with wood spoons, but that’s completely optional.

S'mores Ice Cream Cups

Smores Ice Cream Cups Recipe

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S'mores Ice Cream Cups

S’mores Ice Cream Cups Recipe

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  • Author: Brandie Valenzuela
  • Yield: 1 2 1 x


Smores Ice Cream Cups have all the flavors of the traditional s’mores you love, but in a small cupcake-size frozen treat.


  • Toasted Marshmallow Ice Cream
  • 12 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 2 3 graham crackers (crushed)


  1. If your Toasted Marshmallow Ice Cream is very firm, you may wish to set it out on your counter for about 10-15 minutes to soften it.
  2. Line 12 muffin tins with good quality paper cupcake liners or foil cupcake liners. Sprinkle a bit of crushed graham crackers in the bottom of each cupcake liner.
  3. Melt chocolate chips and coconut oil in the microwave in a microwave-safe bowl on medium. Microwave for 30 seconds and stir. Continue microwaving at 15-30 second intervals, stirring after heating each time, until chocolate is melted and smooth.
  4. Spoon about 1 teaspoon of melted chocolate in the bottom of each cupcake liner, directly on top of crushed graham crackers. Spoon just enough chocolate to cover the bottom of each liner. Place pan in refrigerator until chocolate has set.
  5. Fill each cupcake liner with softened marshmallow ice cream, nearly to top. Smooth top of ice cream so that it is level. Set pan in freezer until ice cream is firm.
  6. Remove pan from freezer. Working quickly and with only 1 ice cream cup at a time, drizzle a tablespoon (or slightly more, if needed) of melted chocolate on top of the ice cream layer. If needed, spread the chocolate outwards with the back of a spoon until the chocolate reaches the cupcake liner. Immediately sprinkle it with crushed graham crackers. Continue with the remaining ice cream cups.
  7. Return muffin tin to freezer, uncovered, to set chocolate and firm up the ice cream. When chocolate and ice cream are firm, cover pan with foil or move cups to a freezer-safe food storage container.
  8. S’mores Ice Cream Cups will keep for about 1 month in the freezer.


The marshmallow ice cream you create for this recipe will make more than 12 S’mores Ice Cream Cups. You can either make a couple additional ice cream cups (you may need more chocolate), or enjoy as you wish.

  • Category: Dessert
  • Cuisine: American
Recipe Card powered by Tasty Recipes

REAL Seal - Real Dairy DivaIf you like this recipe,  be sure to visit and like  REAL® Seal on Facebook  for real dairy recipes, tips, and more. And if you love Pinterest (like I do!), follow  REAL® Seal on Pinterest for great recipe pins that feature real dairy products!

By: Jamie

My husband and our son will love these! Pinning to try for them soon. Thank you. 🙂

By: Helen at the Lazy Gastronome

Looks delicious! Thanks for sharing at the What’s for Dinner Link party!

By: shamene

These smore ice cream cups look so good! Thanks for sharing!

By: Tuula | My Tuesday Therapy

These are so fun! A great idea for any summer party!

By: Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom

Oh my goodness! These look absolutely FABULOUS! I have got to make these! Nom, nom!

Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop.

Wishing you a lovely weekend.

By: Edye

Oh my goodness! These look heavenly 😀


By: Kristie

I love s’mores!!! That toasted marshmallow ice cream looks amazing! Pinning!!!

By: Helen

I don’t much care for s’mores, but I want to try these!! They look delightful! Thanks for sharing on the What’s for Dinner link up!

By: Candace

Those look amazingly delicious. Marshmallow ice cream sounds awesome and combining that with graham cracker crust – genius. Found your post on the Shine Blog Hop.

By: Rachel Osborn

Yum, this looks really good! Your idea for toasted marshmallow ice cream is genius! Thanks for sharing at the Family Joy Linkup! Hope to see you again next Sunday!

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