כנ''ל, נאר שולדיג פאר מעינטענענס. ($5700) אבער מען קען מען באקומען 6 חדשים מארטגידש פאראויס ווען איינער אין די האוזהאלד איז אנעמפלויט, אפילו מ'איז נישט שולדיג מארטגידש אויף צוריק.
סא וואס ווילן זיי זעהן רבוש''ע? אז כ'האב צוגעגרייט א פאק אלפים פאר מארטגידש פעימענטס פאר ווען זיי וועלן ענדיגן צאלן? כ'מיין.... אויב כ'האב געלט, פארוואס נוץ איך נישט שוין די געלט צו באצאלן...?
Know your profits per ASIN, your inventory forecasting, ppc, and more, for just $19.99 a month. Try it for two months FREE with this link: https://sellerboard.com/?partner=00529
די שאלה איז נאר פאר איינער וואס געבט איין אז ער איז שפעט מיט מארטגידש פעימענטס. אזוי זאגט די יעניגע אויפן טעל.
Know your profits per ASIN, your inventory forecasting, ppc, and more, for just $19.99 a month. Try it for two months FREE with this link: https://sellerboard.com/?partner=00529
ווייט פיש האט געשריבן:
האב איך גערופן די אפיס און געפרעגט אויב מיין אידענע איז אויף pfl צו קען איך נהנה זיין פונעם פראגראם, האבן זיי געגעבן די צושטימונג, יעצט שרייבן זיי: Thank you for your recent application to the New York State Homeowner Assistance Fund. We have not been able to determine your eligibility based on the details provided. At this time, we request additional information from you.
Please see the list of missing required information below and follow the link to submit the information requested below.
Submit one of the following documents for Proof of Unemployment
A current unemployment statement A dated termination of benefit statement
איך מיין די זאלסט זיי אלעס אריין שיקן און נאך דעם צושרייבן אז די ביסט אנעמפלויט אבער נישט באקומען קיין אנעמפלוימענט בענעפיטס (עס איז דא א ספעציעלע קעסטל צו שרייבן מעסעדשעס פאר זיי)
פארשטיי איך פון רעדן מיט זיי אז ס'איז נישט גענוג אז מ'איז אנאימפלויע''ט. מ'דארף אויך קענען ווייזן א דאקומענט אז מ'געניסט פון אנעמפלוימענט בענעפיטס. (אדער אמאל גענאסן און געווארן טערמענעטע''ד פון גענוסן מאיזה סיבה)?
די שאלה איז ווי לאנג ס'נעמט די פראסעס פון באקומען אנעמפלוימענט. ווער טוט אנעמפלוימענט פראפעסינעל און שנעל?
איך בין גארנישט שולדיג, איך וויל אבער זיי זאלן צאלן פאר די קומענדיגע חדשים
דאן קענסטו דאס איגנארירן.
Know your profits per ASIN, your inventory forecasting, ppc, and more, for just $19.99 a month. Try it for two months FREE with this link: https://sellerboard.com/?partner=00529
We are pleased to tell you that based on our review, you meet the basic eligibility requirements for the New York State Homeowner Assistance Fund (“NYS HAF”). This does not guarantee you will receive a funding award. First, we must determine what type of assistance you may be eligible for under the program. The NYS HAF provides homeowners affected by COVID-19 with several types of assistance: Many mortgage servicers are required to offer homeowners affordable loan modifications according to federal and state guidelines. NYS HAF helps eligible homeowners seek loan modification assistance from their mortgage servicer. If you do not qualify for a reasonable loan modification offer with your servicer, then NYS HAF funds may be used to try to make your monthly payment affordable or to pay down mortgage arrears. NYS HAF provides financial support to address non-mortgage issues, such as delinquent property taxes, water/sewer payments, condo and co-op fees, and manufactured home loans. NYS HAF also provides limited financial assistance to cover the cost of ongoing monthly housing payments for eligible homeowners who are unable to pay their ongoing housing costs.
Next, NYS HAF will reach out to the entity to whom you make your monthly housing payments and confirm the amounts owed. If you are seeking mortgage assistance, we will contact your mortgage servicer to ask for a loan modification, if possible. If your mortgage servicer offers you a reasonable home retention offer or loan modification, NYS HAF funds may not be needed if the offer meets the program’s criteria for being affordable. If we determine that you do require financial assistance under this program, the funds will be made available as a forgivable loan (see “Terms of Assistance” below) from Sustainable Neighborhoods LLC ("SN"), the administrator of this program. NYS HAF financial assistance loans will have the following terms: The loan will not require you to make any monthly payments or pay any interest. The loan would only be due if the property is sold, transferred, refinanced, or stops being used as a primary residence within 5 years. If none of these events occurs, then the loan will be forgiven 5 years from the date the loan is signed. The loan will be secured by a lien on the fixtures attached to the home. There are no application fees, credit report fees, processing fees, lock-in fees, or property appraisal fees charged related to the loan. Please note that this approval is conditional, and may be canceled for any reason in accordance with NYS HAF Program Policy, including but not limited to the following: Information you provided to the program, or other individuals acting on your behalf during the application process, is found to be untrue or inaccurate; Based on new information reviewed by the program, you are determined to no longer be eligible for assistance. You fail to provide any required documentation or information requested by NYS HAF. Based on our review of loan modification offers available to you, you are determined to no longer require financial assistance from the program.
The NYS HAF program staff will be in touch shortly to discuss the next steps in this process. In the meantime should you have any questions please contact our Call Center at 1-844-77-NYHAF (1-844-776-9423).
Clm האט געשריבן:
We are pleased to tell you that based on our review, you meet the basic eligibility requirements for the New York State Homeowner Assistance Fund (“NYS HAF”). This does not guarantee you will receive a funding award. First, we must determine what type of assistance you may be eligible for under the program. The NYS HAF provides homeowners affected by COVID-19 with several types of assistance: Many mortgage servicers are required to offer homeowners affordable loan modifications according to federal and state guidelines. NYS HAF helps eligible homeowners seek loan modification assistance from their mortgage servicer. If you do not qualify for a reasonable loan modification offer with your servicer, then NYS HAF funds may be used to try to make your monthly payment affordable or to pay down mortgage arrears. NYS HAF provides financial support to address non-mortgage issues, such as delinquent property taxes, water/sewer payments, condo and co-op fees, and manufactured home loans. NYS HAF also provides limited financial assistance to cover the cost of ongoing monthly housing payments for eligible homeowners who are unable to pay their ongoing housing costs.
Next, NYS HAF will reach out to the entity to whom you make your monthly housing payments and confirm the amounts owed. If you are seeking mortgage assistance, we will contact your mortgage servicer to ask for a loan modification, if possible. If your mortgage servicer offers you a reasonable home retention offer or loan modification, NYS HAF funds may not be needed if the offer meets the program’s criteria for being affordable. If we determine that you do require financial assistance under this program, the funds will be made available as a forgivable loan (see “Terms of Assistance” below) from Sustainable Neighborhoods LLC ("SN"), the administrator of this program. NYS HAF financial assistance loans will have the following terms: The loan will not require you to make any monthly payments or pay any interest. The loan would only be due if the property is sold, transferred, refinanced, or stops being used as a primary residence within 5 years. If none of these events occurs, then the loan will be forgiven 5 years from the date the loan is signed. The loan will be secured by a lien on the fixtures attached to the home. There are no application fees, credit report fees, processing fees, lock-in fees, or property appraisal fees charged related to the loan. Please note that this approval is conditional, and may be canceled for any reason in accordance with NYS HAF Program Policy, including but not limited to the following: Information you provided to the program, or other individuals acting on your behalf during the application process, is found to be untrue or inaccurate; Based on new information reviewed by the program, you are determined to no longer be eligible for assistance. You fail to provide any required documentation or information requested by NYS HAF. Based on our review of loan modification offers available to you, you are determined to no longer require financial assistance from the program.
The NYS HAF program staff will be in touch shortly to discuss the next steps in this process. In the meantime should you have any questions please contact our Call Center at 1-844-77-NYHAF (1-844-776-9423).
דאס באקומען, זיי ריפען דאס conditionally approved איינער ווייסט וואס דאס מיינט פאר מיר? די שוטים ווילען איך זאל נעמען די אפפער פין באנק קודם??? איך וויל דאך דאס נישט דאס האב איך דאך געקענט טאן ביזט יעצט אויך....
איך בין גארנישט שולדיג, איך וויל אבער זיי זאלן צאלן פאר די קומענדיגע חדשים
דאן קענסטו דאס איגנארירן.
מיינסט צו זאגן אז איך בין נישט עליגעבל?
אויב איז איינער אין האוזהאלד אנעמפלויט ביזטו אלי'זיבל אפילו דו איגנארירסט דאס.
Know your profits per ASIN, your inventory forecasting, ppc, and more, for just $19.99 a month. Try it for two months FREE with this link: https://sellerboard.com/?partner=00529
Thank you for your recent application to the New York State Homeowner Assistance Fund. We have not been able to determine your eligibility regarding your proof of Original Loan Balance.
Please use the secure link below to provide ONE of the requested documents.
Submit one of the following documents for Proof of Original Loan Balance
Servicer/lender documentation showing unpaid balance (UPB) at time of origination Mortgage statement showing unpaid balance (UPB) at time of origination
וואס דארפן זיי נאך א סטעיטמענט? יעך האב שוין געשיקט ביים אפלייען
Clm האט געשריבן:
We are pleased to tell you that based on our review, you meet the basic eligibility requirements for the New York State Homeowner Assistance Fund (“NYS HAF”). This does not guarantee you will receive a funding award. First, we must determine what type of assistance you may be eligible for under the program. The NYS HAF provides homeowners affected by COVID-19 with several types of assistance: Many mortgage servicers are required to offer homeowners affordable loan modifications according to federal and state guidelines. NYS HAF helps eligible homeowners seek loan modification assistance from their mortgage servicer. If you do not qualify for a reasonable loan modification offer with your servicer, then NYS HAF funds may be used to try to make your monthly payment affordable or to pay down mortgage arrears. NYS HAF provides financial support to address non-mortgage issues, such as delinquent property taxes, water/sewer payments, condo and co-op fees, and manufactured home loans. NYS HAF also provides limited financial assistance to cover the cost of ongoing monthly housing payments for eligible homeowners who are unable to pay their ongoing housing costs.
Next, NYS HAF will reach out to the entity to whom you make your monthly housing payments and confirm the amounts owed. If you are seeking mortgage assistance, we will contact your mortgage servicer to ask for a loan modification, if possible. If your mortgage servicer offers you a reasonable home retention offer or loan modification, NYS HAF funds may not be needed if the offer meets the program’s criteria for being affordable. If we determine that you do require financial assistance under this program, the funds will be made available as a forgivable loan (see “Terms of Assistance” below) from Sustainable Neighborhoods LLC ("SN"), the administrator of this program. NYS HAF financial assistance loans will have the following terms: The loan will not require you to make any monthly payments or pay any interest. The loan would only be due if the property is sold, transferred, refinanced, or stops being used as a primary residence within 5 years. If none of these events occurs, then the loan will be forgiven 5 years from the date the loan is signed. The loan will be secured by a lien on the fixtures attached to the home. There are no application fees, credit report fees, processing fees, lock-in fees, or property appraisal fees charged related to the loan. Please note that this approval is conditional, and may be canceled for any reason in accordance with NYS HAF Program Policy, including but not limited to the following: Information you provided to the program, or other individuals acting on your behalf during the application process, is found to be untrue or inaccurate; Based on new information reviewed by the program, you are determined to no longer be eligible for assistance. You fail to provide any required documentation or information requested by NYS HAF. Based on our review of loan modification offers available to you, you are determined to no longer require financial assistance from the program.
The NYS HAF program staff will be in touch shortly to discuss the next steps in this process. In the meantime should you have any questions please contact our Call Center at 1-844-77-NYHAF (1-844-776-9423).
Clm האט געשריבן:
We are pleased to tell you that based on our review, you meet the basic eligibility requirements for the New York State Homeowner Assistance Fund (“NYS HAF”). This does not guarantee you will receive a funding award. First, we must determine what type of assistance you may be eligible for under the program. The NYS HAF provides homeowners affected by COVID-19 with several types of assistance: Many mortgage servicers are required to offer homeowners affordable loan modifications according to federal and state guidelines. NYS HAF helps eligible homeowners seek loan modification assistance from their mortgage servicer. If you do not qualify for a reasonable loan modification offer with your servicer, then NYS HAF funds may be used to try to make your monthly payment affordable or to pay down mortgage arrears. NYS HAF provides financial support to address non-mortgage issues, such as delinquent property taxes, water/sewer payments, condo and co-op fees, and manufactured home loans. NYS HAF also provides limited financial assistance to cover the cost of ongoing monthly housing payments for eligible homeowners who are unable to pay their ongoing housing costs.
Next, NYS HAF will reach out to the entity to whom you make your monthly housing payments and confirm the amounts owed. If you are seeking mortgage assistance, we will contact your mortgage servicer to ask for a loan modification, if possible. If your mortgage servicer offers you a reasonable home retention offer or loan modification, NYS HAF funds may not be needed if the offer meets the program’s criteria for being affordable. If we determine that you do require financial assistance under this program, the funds will be made available as a forgivable loan (see “Terms of Assistance” below) from Sustainable Neighborhoods LLC ("SN"), the administrator of this program. NYS HAF financial assistance loans will have the following terms: The loan will not require you to make any monthly payments or pay any interest. The loan would only be due if the property is sold, transferred, refinanced, or stops being used as a primary residence within 5 years. If none of these events occurs, then the loan will be forgiven 5 years from the date the loan is signed. The loan will be secured by a lien on the fixtures attached to the home. There are no application fees, credit report fees, processing fees, lock-in fees, or property appraisal fees charged related to the loan. Please note that this approval is conditional, and may be canceled for any reason in accordance with NYS HAF Program Policy, including but not limited to the following: Information you provided to the program, or other individuals acting on your behalf during the application process, is found to be untrue or inaccurate; Based on new information reviewed by the program, you are determined to no longer be eligible for assistance. You fail to provide any required documentation or information requested by NYS HAF. Based on our review of loan modification offers available to you, you are determined to no longer require financial assistance from the program.
The NYS HAF program staff will be in touch shortly to discuss the next steps in this process. In the meantime should you have any questions please contact our Call Center at 1-844-77-NYHAF (1-844-776-9423).