שלום וברכה, איך זעה אז אסאך האבן שאלות אויף אין ארום אינשורענס, וויל איך באקאנט מאכען אז איך בין א לייסענסד ברויקער שוין פאר א שיין צאל יארען בה, מען קען פרעגען ביי וואס אין אישי אין איך וועל איה ענטפערען.
I had an accident, well sort of an accident. I was standing by a red light and another car bumped into me. Police came and made a report, the other person's insurance paid out to me directly (around 3K) it didn't go thru my insurance. Should something like this go on my record? .
I had an accident, well sort of an accident. I was standing by a red light and another car bumped into me. Police came and made a report, the other person's insurance paid out to me directly (around 3K) it didn't go thru my insurance. Should something like this go on my record? .
I had an accident, well sort of an accident. I was standing by a red light and another car bumped into me. Police came and made a report, the other person's insurance paid out to me directly (around 3K) it didn't go thru my insurance. Should something like this go on my record? .
thank you. For how long? And will it hurt me by doing a renewal?