Here are some great options for a new community in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania just passed a new law expanding their tax credit voucher program by over 100 million dollars, which means tuition will be free once you have enough businesses that move there and give to scholarship funds (which you can do instead of taxes)
Here are some great options for a new community in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania just passed a new law expanding their tax credit voucher program by over 100 million dollars, which means tuition will be free once you have enough businesses that move there and give to scholarship funds (which you can do instead of taxes)
latterהאט געשריבן:↑פרייטאג דעצעמבער 29, 2023 2:04 am
נע קאסט אסאך צו עפענען א נייע ישוב מדארף צו שטעלן מוסדות בתי מדרשים מקוה דארפסט ברענגען א רב דיין אין ליידער דארפסטו אויך צאלן אסאך עס צו מארקעטן.
Noone ever said it's easy, but it's very doable. The main thing you need is to get a list of people that would be interested in moving. Once you have that, the other things aren't as complicated. Don't necessarily need to spend so much marketing, hang up signs in shuls with the idea, ask Lazer Krauss to talk about it on the show, maybe take out a small ad in a few places. Once you have a group of people, you can work on the next steps.
Also want to point out, that mortgage rates in Pennsylvania are very low, for those that are approved for the USDA rural direct loan. They can be as low as 1%, depending on your income, up to 4.75%. Also, if approved, you can put down 0% down payment. Yes, that's correct, 0%. You can see more info here ... e-loans/oh You can see which neighborhoods qualify here ... ction=sfpd
כפרההאט געשריבן:↑פרייטאג דעצעמבער 29, 2023 10:30 am
דאס איז 4 שעה פון די סיטי, ווען מען רעדט "אן א פליגער" מיינט מען נישט דאס.
די usda לאון קען מען האבן אין בלומינגבערג אויך, מען מוז נישט גיין ביז טיף אין פענסילוועניא, ס'איז אבער זייער נישט פראקטיש אויב איך געדענק ריכטיג.
There are a bunch of different ones, the one which I think is the best is in Marysville and is 3 hours from the city, not 4. Here are a few options from that development ... e=txtshare
Bloomingburg is great, but no tuition vouchers, and more expensive property tax. Even without USDA loan, this is still a very decent price. Also, if you come with a group, I'm sure you can get the prices down by a lot, probably around 400k for a nice big house.
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