בעל דעת האט געשריבן: Add a temp table
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leibeleh @ gmail.com
די אחראים: זייער נייגעריג , אחראי , thefact
לייבעלע האט געשריבן:איד'ל מיטן פידל האט געשריבן: What's the problem? This query should work
איך וויל דאך אבער צולייגן customer.name/accountgroup.name און אויך product.name/producttree.name
דאס צו טון דארף מען מאכן עפעס joins
לייבעלע האט געשריבן: וויאזוי לייג איך צו צו דעם א קאלום postsoitem.totalprice ?
איך דארף א join צוווישן postsoitem.soitemid און soitem.id
קאוד: וועל אויס אלע
inner join postsoitem on soitem.id = postsoitem.soitemid
לייבעלע האט געשריבן: איך זוך לייוו הילף מיט קוועריס - פאר געלט.
צומאל ממש קליינעקייטן.
קאוד: וועל אויס אלע
SELECT postso.postdate as DateFulfilled, so.num as SONUM,
-- postso.extrefnumber as Invoice,
sum(case soitem.typeid when 70 then 0 when 30 then postsoitem.totalprice else(postsoitem.qty*soitem.unitprice) end) as TotalPrice,
bta.info as BlueTarpAuthNumber,
coalesce(case when gggparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else gggparent.name end, case when ggparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else ggparent.name end, case when gparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else gparent.name end, case when parent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else parent.name end, customer.name) as "Acct Name",
iif(gggparent.name is not null, gggparent.name || ':','') || iif(ggparent.name is not null,ggparent.name || ':','') || iif(gparent.name is not null, gparent.name || ':' ,'') || iif(parent.name is not null,parent.name || ':','') || customer.name as CustomerCombined
FROM soitem
-- inner JOIN so ON postso.soid = so.id
INNER JOIN so ON soitem.soid = so.id
inner JOIN postsoitem ON soitem.id = postsoitem.soitemid
inner JOIN postso ON (postsoitem.postsoid = postso.id )
left join locationgroup on so.locationgroupid = locationgroup.id
LEFT JOIN taxrate on so.TAXRATEID = taxrate.id
INNER JOIN customer ON so.customerid = customer.id
left join product on soitem.productid= product.id
left join qbclass on soitem.qbclassid = qbclass.id
left join stateconst shiptostate on (shiptostate.id = so.shiptostateid)
left join stateconst billtostate on (billtostate.id = so.billtostateid)
left join uom on soitem.uomid = uom.id
left join part on product.partid = part.id
left join soitemtype on soitem.typeid = soitemtype.id
left join vendorparts vp on vp.partid = part.id and vp.defaultflag = 1
left join vendor on vendor.id = vp.vendorid
-- left join asaccount incomeaccount ON incomeaccount.id = COALESCE(product.INCOMEACCOUNTID, (select sysvalue from sysproperties where syskey like 'Acct ID salesRetail') )
-- left join asaccount cogsaccount ON cogsaccount.id = COALESCE(part.cogsACCOUNTID, (select sysvalue from sysproperties where syskey like 'Acct ID cogsAccount') )
-- left join asaccount assetaccount ON assetaccount.id = COALESCE(part.inventoryACCOUNTID, (select sysvalue from sysproperties where syskey like 'Acct ID inventoryAsset') )
left join customset bterms on bterms.customfieldid = 54 and bterms.recordid = so.id
left join customvarchar bta on bta.customfieldid = 53 and bta.recordid = so.id
left join customset ab on ab.customfieldid = 55 and ab.recordid = so.id
left join customer parent on parent.id = customer.parentid
left join customer gparent on gparent.id = parent.parentid
left join customer ggparent on ggparent.id = gparent.parentid
left join customer gggparent on gggparent.id = ggparent.parentid
where (postsoitem.id IS NOT NULL OR (soitem.typeid = 70 AND soitem.statusid = 50))
and cast(postso.postdate as date) between ?
and ? +.9999
group by
so.num, postso.postdate,
coalesce(case when gggparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else gggparent.name end, case when ggparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else ggparent.name end, case when gparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else gparent.name end, case when parent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else parent.name end, customer.name),
iif(gggparent.name is not null, gggparent.name || ':','') || iif(ggparent.name is not null,ggparent.name || ':','') || iif(gparent.name is not null, gparent.name || ':' ,'') || iif(parent.name is not null,parent.name || ':','') || customer.name
order by postso.postdate
לייבעלע האט געשריבן: וואס דארף איך טון אריינצוברענגען די postso.extrefnumber (אין די צווייטע ליין)?
איך האב פרובירט מיט א join אין די ערשטע ליין, אבער כ'פארשטיי אז עפעס איז נישט ריכטיג.
קאוד: וועל אויס אלע
SELECT postso.postdate as DateFulfilled, so.num as SONUM,
-- postso.extrefnumber as Invoice,
sum(case soitem.typeid when 70 then 0 when 30 then postsoitem.totalprice else(postsoitem.qty*soitem.unitprice) end) as TotalPrice,
bta.info as BlueTarpAuthNumber,
coalesce(case when gggparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else gggparent.name end, case when ggparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else ggparent.name end, case when gparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else gparent.name end, case when parent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else parent.name end, customer.name) as "Acct Name",
iif(gggparent.name is not null, gggparent.name || ':','') || iif(ggparent.name is not null,ggparent.name || ':','') || iif(gparent.name is not null, gparent.name || ':' ,'') || iif(parent.name is not null,parent.name || ':','') || customer.name as CustomerCombined
FROM soitem
-- inner JOIN so ON postso.soid = so.id
INNER JOIN so ON soitem.soid = so.id
inner JOIN postsoitem ON soitem.id = postsoitem.soitemid
inner JOIN postso ON (postsoitem.postsoid = postso.id )
left join locationgroup on so.locationgroupid = locationgroup.id
LEFT JOIN taxrate on so.TAXRATEID = taxrate.id
INNER JOIN customer ON so.customerid = customer.id
left join product on soitem.productid= product.id
left join qbclass on soitem.qbclassid = qbclass.id
left join stateconst shiptostate on (shiptostate.id = so.shiptostateid)
left join stateconst billtostate on (billtostate.id = so.billtostateid)
left join uom on soitem.uomid = uom.id
left join part on product.partid = part.id
left join soitemtype on soitem.typeid = soitemtype.id
left join vendorparts vp on vp.partid = part.id and vp.defaultflag = 1
left join vendor on vendor.id = vp.vendorid
-- left join asaccount incomeaccount ON incomeaccount.id = COALESCE(product.INCOMEACCOUNTID, (select sysvalue from sysproperties where syskey like 'Acct ID salesRetail') )
-- left join asaccount cogsaccount ON cogsaccount.id = COALESCE(part.cogsACCOUNTID, (select sysvalue from sysproperties where syskey like 'Acct ID cogsAccount') )
-- left join asaccount assetaccount ON assetaccount.id = COALESCE(part.inventoryACCOUNTID, (select sysvalue from sysproperties where syskey like 'Acct ID inventoryAsset') )
left join customset bterms on bterms.customfieldid = 54 and bterms.recordid = so.id
left join customvarchar bta on bta.customfieldid = 53 and bta.recordid = so.id
left join customset ab on ab.customfieldid = 55 and ab.recordid = so.id
left join customer parent on parent.id = customer.parentid
left join customer gparent on gparent.id = parent.parentid
left join customer ggparent on ggparent.id = gparent.parentid
left join customer gggparent on gggparent.id = ggparent.parentid
where (postsoitem.id IS NOT NULL OR (soitem.typeid = 70 AND soitem.statusid = 50))
and cast(postso.postdate as date) between ?
and ? +.9999
group by
so.num, postso.postdate,
coalesce(case when gggparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else gggparent.name end, case when ggparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else ggparent.name end, case when gparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else gparent.name end, case when parent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else parent.name end, customer.name),
iif(gggparent.name is not null, gggparent.name || ':','') || iif(ggparent.name is not null,ggparent.name || ':','') || iif(gparent.name is not null, gparent.name || ':' ,'') || iif(parent.name is not null,parent.name || ':','') || customer.name
order by postso.postdate
קאוד: וועל אויס אלע
לייבעלע האט געשריבן: ס'איז קלאר יא דא:
קאוד: וועל אויס אלע
קאוד: וועל אויס אלע
SELECT postso.postdate as DateFulfilled, so.num as SONUM,
-- postso.extrefnumber as Invoice,
sum(case soitem.typeid when 70 then 0 when 30 then postsoitem.totalprice else(postsoitem.qty*soitem.unitprice) end) as TotalPrice,
bta.info as BlueTarpAuthNumber,
coalesce(case when gggparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else gggparent.name end, case when ggparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else ggparent.name end, case when gparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else gparent.name end, case when parent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else parent.name end, customer.name) as "Acct Name",
iif(gggparent.name is not null, gggparent.name || ':','') || iif(ggparent.name is not null,ggparent.name || ':','') || iif(gparent.name is not null, gparent.name || ':' ,'') || iif(parent.name is not null,parent.name || ':','') || customer.name as CustomerCombined
FROM soitem
-- inner JOIN so ON postso.soid = so.id
INNER JOIN so ON soitem.soid = so.id
inner JOIN postsoitem ON soitem.id = postsoitem.soitemid
inner JOIN postso ON (postsoitem.postsoid = postso.id )
left join locationgroup on so.locationgroupid = locationgroup.id
LEFT JOIN taxrate on so.TAXRATEID = taxrate.id
INNER JOIN customer ON so.customerid = customer.id
left join product on soitem.productid= product.id
left join qbclass on soitem.qbclassid = qbclass.id
left join stateconst shiptostate on (shiptostate.id = so.shiptostateid)
left join stateconst billtostate on (billtostate.id = so.billtostateid)
left join uom on soitem.uomid = uom.id
left join part on product.partid = part.id
left join soitemtype on soitem.typeid = soitemtype.id
left join vendorparts vp on vp.partid = part.id and vp.defaultflag = 1
left join vendor on vendor.id = vp.vendorid
-- left join asaccount incomeaccount ON incomeaccount.id = COALESCE(product.INCOMEACCOUNTID, (select sysvalue from sysproperties where syskey like 'Acct ID salesRetail') )
-- left join asaccount cogsaccount ON cogsaccount.id = COALESCE(part.cogsACCOUNTID, (select sysvalue from sysproperties where syskey like 'Acct ID cogsAccount') )
-- left join asaccount assetaccount ON assetaccount.id = COALESCE(part.inventoryACCOUNTID, (select sysvalue from sysproperties where syskey like 'Acct ID inventoryAsset') )
left join customset bterms on bterms.customfieldid = 54 and bterms.recordid = so.id
left join customvarchar bta on bta.customfieldid = 53 and bta.recordid = so.id
left join customset ab on ab.customfieldid = 55 and ab.recordid = so.id
left join customer parent on parent.id = customer.parentid
left join customer gparent on gparent.id = parent.parentid
left join customer ggparent on ggparent.id = gparent.parentid
left join customer gggparent on gggparent.id = ggparent.parentid
where (postsoitem.id IS NOT NULL OR (soitem.typeid = 70 AND soitem.statusid = 50))
and cast(postso.postdate as date) between ?
and ? +.9999
group by
so.num, postso.postdate,
coalesce(case when gggparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else gggparent.name end, case when ggparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else ggparent.name end, case when gparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else gparent.name end, case when parent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else parent.name end, customer.name),
iif(gggparent.name is not null, gggparent.name || ':','') || iif(ggparent.name is not null,ggparent.name || ':','') || iif(gparent.name is not null, gparent.name || ':' ,'') || iif(parent.name is not null,parent.name || ':','') || customer.name
order by postso.postdate
לייבעלע האט געשריבן: ריכטיג. ווען איך פרוביר די join (אראפנעמענדיג די -- פארשטייצעך) באקום איך די עראר ווי אויבן
לייבעלע האט געשריבן: יעצט א נייע עראר:
קאוד: וועל אויס אלע
iif(gggparent.name is not null, gggparent.name || ':','') || iif(ggparent.name is not null,ggparent.name || ':','') || iif(gparent.name is not null, gparent.name || ':' ,'') || iif(parent.name is not null,parent.name || ':','') || customer.name as "Customer Path"
לייבעלע האט געשריבן: עראר שוין פאראכטן ב"ה.
איז דא א וועג צו מאכן פון דעם א נייע קאלום נאמען דורך א join כדאי איך זאל עס גרינג קענען איבערנוצן אן דארפן נאכאמאל איבערשרייבן די גאנצע iif אינעם זעלבן קווערי?
(אפשר דורך מאכן דערפון א newtable.id ?)
קאוד: וועל אויס אלע
iif(gggparent.name is not null, gggparent.name || ':','') || iif(ggparent.name is not null,ggparent.name || ':','') || iif(gparent.name is not null, gparent.name || ':' ,'') || iif(parent.name is not null,parent.name || ':','') || customer.name as "Customer Path"
קאוד: וועל אויס אלע
select main.[Customer Path] from
(select iif(gggparent.name is not null, gggparent.name || ':','') || iif(ggparent.name is not null,ggparent.name || ':','') || iif(gparent.name is not null, gparent.name || ':' ,'') || iif(parent.name is not null,parent.name || ':','') || customer.name as "Customer Path"
from blabla)main
קאוד: וועל אויס אלע
SELECT POSTSO.EXTREFNUMBER as Invoice, SO.NUM as "SO Num", replace(replace(POSTORDERSTATUS.NAME,'For Invoice','Pending'),'Invoice','Posted') as Status, sum(POSTSOITEM.TOTALPRICE) as Amount, cast(postso.datecreated as date) as Fulfilled,
case when iif(gggparent.name is not null, gggparent.name || ':','') || iif(ggparent.name is not null,ggparent.name || ':','') || iif(gparent.name is not null, gparent.name || ':' ,'') || iif(parent.name is not null,parent.name || ':','') || customer.name like 'BlueTarp%' then 'BlueTarp' end as BlueTarp,
bta.info as BTAuth,
coalesce(case when gggparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else gggparent.name end, case when ggparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else ggparent.name end, case when gparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else gparent.name end, case when parent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else parent.name end, customer.name) as "Account Name",
iif(gggparent.name is not null, gggparent.name || ':','') || iif(ggparent.name is not null,ggparent.name || ':','') || iif(gparent.name is not null, gparent.name || ':' ,'') || iif(parent.name is not null,parent.name || ':','') || customer.name as "Customer Path"
left join customvarchar bta on bta.customfieldid = 53 and bta.recordid = so.id
INNER JOIN customer ON so.customerid = customer.id
left join customer parent on parent.id = customer.parentid
left join customer gparent on gparent.id = parent.parentid
left join customer ggparent on ggparent.id = gparent.parentid
left join customer gggparent on gggparent.id = ggparent.parentid
and (cast(postso.dateposted as date) between ? and ? +.9999 OR postso.dateposted is null)
coalesce(case when gggparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else gggparent.name end, case when ggparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else ggparent.name end, case when gparent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else gparent.name end, case when parent.name = 'BlueTarp' then null else parent.name end, customer.name),
iif(gggparent.name is not null, gggparent.name || ':','') || iif(ggparent.name is not null,ggparent.name || ':','') || iif(gparent.name is not null, gparent.name || ':' ,'') || iif(parent.name is not null,parent.name || ':','') || customer.name