Someone with experience with etalk phone with Verizon? can it be filtered? is it a good option? what are the cons and pros? And where is it the cheapest? Thanks!
צייט שטיפער האט געשריבן:
Someone with experience with etalk phone with Verizon? can it be filtered? is it a good option? what are the cons and pros? And where is it the cheapest? Thanks!
I have to say the eTalk phone i bought in walmart for $20 is garbage, it is very slow and cant hold much, i am not sure maybe the TAG filter is causing the ? problems but its not worthed, anyone with better experience with this phone
Please be aware that as of today, the new LG 4G Basic Flip Phones (LG Classic or LG Wine) HAVE NO RELIABLE WAY OF BEING PROTECTED BY ANY COMPANY OR ORGANIZATION, and therefore should currently not be used or purchased on account that a solution will be available soon. Claims made by certain retailers that the phone can be protected are misleading and irresponsible.
4G Flip Phones that are not properly protected have high speed unfiltered internet access even if the device has no active phone plan, it should be treated with the same seriousness as Smart Phones.
TAG is on the forefronts with companies who are working on developing a proper solution for the device and as soon as one is available we will announce it to the public.
דאע"ג דכבר למד הרבה פעמים כל התורה והמצות, מ"מ כשיגיע המועד חייב לשאול ולדרוש בהלכות כל מועד ומועד בזמנו [ב"ח]