איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

אבינו מלכנו מנע מגיפה מנחלתך - אלעס ארום די קאראנא וויירוס

די אחראים: יאנאש , אחראי , געלעגער

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תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

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תגובה דורך חדשות »

איך קען נישט זאגן אז ער איז נישט גערעכט. די מידיא האט געוויסט וואס זיי טוען:oops:

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said former President Donald Trump would have won the
2020 election if investigations into the origin of COVID-19 and whether it escaped from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, were not politicized.

“If COVID-19 had come about due to a Chinese lab leak, the top question on voters’ minds in the 2020 election would have become who was going to stand up to China. Which candidate would hold the Chinese accountable for unleashing the COVID-19 plague on the world?” wrote Graham for Fox News on Thursday.

As a result, Graham argued, “Americans would have demanded a tougher line against the Chinese communist regime and would have been looking for a Commander in Chief to lead the charge,” and “there is no doubt in my mind this would have benefitted President Trump much more than Joe Biden.”

Trump early on began saying that COVID-19 “came from China” and sometimes called it the “Chinese virus” while highlighting how the virus emerged near the laboratory in Wuhan.

“However, instead of validating President Trump’s concerns, the scientists’ early dismissal created a narrative that President Trump was out of touch and spreading right-wing conspiracy theories,” said Graham.

“It was narrative that the elite media, who hated President Trump with a burning passion, was only too happy to help spread.”

Trump’s handling of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic was the subject of scrutiny and controversy during the 2020 campaign, with media outlets repeatedly highlighting the number of virus deaths and cases reported each day.

The P4 laboratory on the campus of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, in China’s central Hubei Province, on May 27, 2020. (Hector Retamal/AFP via Getty Images)

“If it were known in February that Trump was right [in] 2020, I think he’d be president today,” Graham told Fox News on Wednesday night.

In recent days, however, U.S. intelligence officials have increasingly signaled that they support the theory that the virus emerged from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the only P-4 lab in China. Researchers at the facility had long studied coronaviruses, including ones from bats.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed to The Epoch Times on June 3 that when he attempted to launch an investigation into the origins of the CCP virus and how it spread from China to the United States, he was met with significant opposition from within the federal government.

“I became aware at the end of 2020 that we now had an increased level of confidence in the datapoints that supported what we put out in the middle of January. The clock was clearly running, and I was fighting very hard inside the State Department and even more broadly,” Pompeo said.

But he said that intelligence agencies at the time held evidence from him.

“There were places outside of the State Department that owned the dataset inside the intelligence community, so we were banging away to get them to give us as much space to write as much as we possibly could,” Pompeo continued. “We were drafting language that protected classified things that needed to be protected but we wanted to make sure that we got this information out in the public space.”
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

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נייע אויפדעקונג:

א ווידיא היינט אפירגעקומען אז די וואהאן לעב האט געהאט "לעבעדיגע בעטס" אין זייער באזיץ.

סא אפילו איינער זאל זיך עקשנן אז עס מוז זיין אז דער וויירוס איז אריבערגעגאנגען דירעקט פון א בעט צו א מענטש אן אפילו א סטאפ אין א לעב, פארוואס אין די וועלט זאל עס קומען פון בעטס 1000 מייל ווען דו האסט געטס אין דיין בעקיארד.

וזו קושיא שאין עליו פירכא...

Live bats in cages kept in Wuhan Institute of Virology, new video reveals
14 Jun, 2021 05:36 PM
6 minutes to read
Video shows bats inside Wuhan lab. Video / Sky News

By: Natalie Brown
Live bats were kept in cages inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology, contradicting the WHO's investigations into the origins of Covid-19.

As G7 countries increase calls for a "phase two" investigation into the origins of Covid-19, new footage has revealed that live bats were kept in cages inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology – despite claims from the World Health Organisation (WHO) that such a possibility was a "conspiracy".

The infamous lab is at the centre of a theory – first spruiked by the likes of Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo – that Covid-19 wasn't, as many scientists believe, transmitted from bats to people via an unknown intermediary, but was instead leaked, intentionally or not, from the institute.

A joint WHO/China investigation into the origins of the disease first worked to dispel this line of thinking, calling the chance of a laboratory leak "extremely unlikely" and the idea that bats were held at the institute "an error".

"No BATS were sent to Wuhan lab for genetic analysis of viruses collected in the field. That's not how this science works. We collect bat samples, send them to the lab. We RELEASE bats where we catch them," a member of the WHO team, zoologist Dr Peter Daszak, wrote in a December tweet.

"This is a widely circulated conspiracy theory. This piece describes work I'm the lead on and labs I've collaborated with for 15 years," he wrote in another.

"They DO NOT have live or dead bats in them. There is no evidence anywhere that this happened. It's an error I hope will be corrected."

But an official May 2017 video from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, obtained by Sky News, shows bats held in a cage at the institute four years ago and a scientist feeding a worm to one of the creatures.

Earlier this month, Daszak appeared to walk back his earlier denials, writing on Twitter that the WHO team had not asked the institute if they housed bats.

Footage of a scientist at the Wuhan Institute of Virology feeding a worm to a bat. Photo / Sky News
Footage of a scientist at the Wuhan Institute of Virology feeding a worm to a bat. Photo / Sky News

"We didn't ask them if they had bats. I wouldn't be surprised if, like many other virology labs, they were trying to set up a bat colony," he wrote.

"I know it's happening in labs here and in other countries. You're right, labs in US & around (the) world are trying to keep bats to test viral immune responses etc.

"None are successfully doing this at scale like lab mice & animals are always screened virus-free before expts, (sic) so even if WIV were trying this, it's prob irrelevant for origins."
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

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תגובה דורך חדשות »

און דאס איז פון FEBURARY ווען מען האט נאך געהאלטען אינמיטען דעם "קאווער אפ" סא די מידיא האט עס נישט אראפגעברענגט.

טאקע נישט קיין ווידיא אבער ווייזט גענוג קלאר אן קיין צווייפעל אז עס איז גווען מחנות פון לעבעדיגע בעלי חיים געהאדעוועט דארט. (בעלי חיים וואס ברויכן ווערן געפיטערט.)

WHO inspector's denial of bats in Wuhan lab contradicted by facts
Chinese scientists describe capturing dangerous live bats to be transported back to Wuhan lab
15702 Tweet
By Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
2021/02/18 18:29
WIV patent for bat cage. (patents.google.com image)
WIV patent for bat cage. (patents.google.com image)
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Researchers have uncovered accounts from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) scientists and applications for patents for bat breeding that refute World Health Organization (WHO) inspector Peter Daszak's claims that the lab does not house live bats captured in the wild.

An international network of researchers and scientists investigating the origins of the coronavirus pandemic who call themselves DRASTIC (Decentralized Radical Autonomous Search Team Investigating COVID-19) have found evidence from Chinese media reports that in fact the WIV scientists captured bats alive and kept them inside the lab. The lab has also filed two patents for cages to be used in bat breeding and one for lab accidents just before the start of the pandemic.

British zoologist and the president of EcoHealth Alliance Peter Daszak is the only individual to be part of both the WHO and The Lancet teams investigating the origins of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. However, he has long-term professional and financial ties with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) spanning two decades and valued in the millions of dollars, which represents a conflict of interest.

On Dec. 10 of last year, the Independent published an article alleging that the U.S. National Institutes of Health provided US$3.7 million in funding to the WIV to study bats carrying viruses similar to SARS in Yunnan Province. The article reported that WIV scientists captured the bats and sent them to the Wuhan lab for analysis.

That same day, Daszak took umbrage with the claim that the bats had been captured and transported to the WIV and posted a tweet, in which he wrote "No BATS were 'sent to Wuhan lab for genetic analyses of viruses collected in the field.'" He then added, "That's not how this science works. We collect bat samples, send them to the lab. We RELEASE bats where we catch them!"

Daszak then deleted the tweet and its accompanying thread. However, its contents can still be seen on the Internet Archive.

WHO inspector's denial of bats in Wuhan lab contradicted by facts

Later that same day, Daszak added one final tweet that remains to this day, in which he admitted to being "the lead" on work with bats carrying coronaviruses at the WIV and that he has worked with the organization for 15 years. He then claimed that the labs at the WIV "DO NOT have live or dead bats in them. There is no evidence anywhere that this happened."

WHO inspector's denial of bats in Wuhan lab contradicted by facts

However, the team at DRASTIC uncovered comments made at a conference in 2017 by the director of the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases at WIV, Shi Zhengli (石正麗) — also known as "Bat Woman" — claiming that she had experimented on live bats with Nipah. The Nipah virus is a highly infectious disease carried by bats that can easily be transmitted to other animals and humans and have a high mortality rate.

On page 12 of a document titled "Second China-U.S. Workshop on the Challenges of Emerging Infections, Laboratory Safety and Global Health Security," which took place from May 17-19, 2017, in Wuhan, Shi is cited as saying that some SARS-like coronaviruses (SL CoVs) have the potential for interspecies transmission to other animals and humans.

When asked by an audience member if a bat could be cleared of this virus, Shi responded that she had tried this with the Nipah virus in bats. She added that the bats could produce antibodies and be clear within seven days.

She said that in nature, they found that bats produce antibodies to some viruses but not all and that some SL CoV can exist in bats for several months. The fact that specific bats were being monitored for days and even months for the presence of antibodies indicates that they were being kept in the lab.

In an article posted on Sixth Tone in May of 2018, the news site interviewed WIV scientist Luo Dongsheng, who is part of a working group at the lab that sequences coronaviruses and enters the data into a genetic database. Luo describes the process of exploring Taiyi Cave in Xianning, Hubei Province, and collecting horseshoe bat samples and the bats themselves.

WHO inspector's denial of bats in Wuhan lab contradicted by facts
(Sixth Tone screenshot)

At the end of the article, it states by 8:30 p.m. on an evening that spring, Luo's team had "collected a full rack of swabs and bagged a dozen live bats for further testing back at the lab."

In an archived article from ScienceNet.cn which has since been scrubbed from the internet, WIV scientist Zhang Huajun praised Shi for helping to feed the bats while the interns were out for the Lunar New Year holiday:

"The reasearch team captured a few bats from the wild to be used as experiemental animals. They need to be fed every day. This Spring Festival, the students went home for a holiday, and Teacher Shi took on the task of raising bats."

WHO inspector's denial of bats in Wuhan lab contradicted by facts
(ScienceNet.cn screenshot)

In an archived view of the WIV introduction page, it states that the institute had "3 sets of barrier facilities" covering 1,216 square meters. It then itemized the cages it houses for various types of lab animals, including "126 cages for Japanese white rabbits, 340 cages for SD and Wistar rats, 3268 cages for inbred strains, closed groups, mutant strains and genetically engineered mice, 12 cages for ferrets, 12 cages for bats, 2 species of cotton bollworm and beet armyworm, totaling 52 subspecies."

In addition, an open-source intelligence consultant discovered that the WIV has filed at least two patents that appear to point to a bat breeding program in the lab. The first patent was filed in June of 2018 and was called "A kind of carnivorism bat rearing cage." The patent was granted in April of 2019.

WHO inspector's denial of bats in Wuhan lab contradicted by facts
Bat cage patent. (patents.google.com image)

The description of the cage includes partitions, feed openings, and drinking tubes. The description concludes that the device is intended to enable the bats to be "capable of healthy growth and breeding" under artificial conditions.

The second patent describes an artificial breeding method of feeding insectivorous bats with predatory insects, ensuring their safe "overwintering," and ensuring a "high breeding rate and survival rate." A third patent, filed in November of 2019, just one month before the first COVID-19 cases in Wuhan were announced, is an instrument designed to quickly stop the bleeding on a finger if it had been injured while working pathogenic viruses in a biosafety lab.
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

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ריסערטשער וואס האט געפארשט לעב ליעק באשולדיגט אז leading Western science and medical journals, including Nature and The Lancet.
זענען גווען א חלק פונעם קאווער אפ, און האבן נישט צוגעלאזט קיין שום ארטיקל אדער שטודיע וואס האט אויפגעברענגט אז עס איז דא עפעס א מעגליכקייט אז עס איז גווען א לעב ליעק, בשעת וואס די וואס האבן געשריגן אז עס "מוז" זיין נאטירליך האבן געהאט אן אפענע טיר.

בעצם דארף מען נישט זיין עדות. מען קען עס אליינס זען. נישטא קיין איין איינציגע ארטיקל ביז MAY 2021. אין אנפאנג 2021 (נאכדעם וואס טראמפ איז שוין נישט גווען פרעזידענט) איז שוין געווען א צאל פרעסטיזשפולע סייענטיסטען וואס האבן זיך געוואגט צו זאגן אז דער לעב ליעק איז א מעגליכקייט אדער א וויירשיינליכקייט, אבער די סייענס מאגאזינס האבן אנגעהאלטן דעם קאווער אפ ביזן לעצטען מינוט. נאך ארגער פון די מעינסטריעם מידיא.

די מאגאזינען לייקענען עס. זיי זאגן בפירוש, אז די איינציגסטע זאך וואס אינטרעסירט זיי איז דער אמת.

Chinese Lab-Leak Investigators Demand Inquiry into Role Science Journals Played During Pandemic

By Jamie Dettmer

Scientists who have been challenging the theory that the coronavirus emerged naturally and couldn’t have leaked from a Chinese lab are calling for an inquiry into the role played during the pandemic by
They say the editors of the influential journals rebuffed dozens of critical articles which raised at least the possibility of the coronavirus being engineered and that it might have subsequently leaked from a lab in Chinese city of Wuhan. 

“The managers of these journals may have wanted to appease the Chinese Communist Party, as China is where an increasing proportion of their revenue comes from, and China has made it clear that those journals it supports must agree to adhere to its policy agendas,” Nikolai Petrovsky, a professor of medicine at Australia’s Flinders University, told VOA.

“So many papers questioning the origins were quickly rejected by the journal editors at Nature and Lancet, etc. without even being sent for review. This early rejection was therefore presumably largely not on scientific grounds but on political or other grounds determined at a high level within those journals,” he says. 

The editors of The Lancet and Nature reject the complaints, saying scientific merit determines the submissions they pick to publish and not politics.

Workers in PPE spray the ground with diinfectant in Baishazhou market during a visit of World Health Organization (WHO) team tasked with investigating the origins of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, in Wuhan
FILE - Workers in PPE spray the ground with desinfectant in Baishazhou market during a visit of World Health Organization (WHO) team tasked with investigating the origins of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, in Wuhan
A World Health Organization-led team earlier this year ruled the lab-leak theory “extremely unlikely,” and favored the prevailing standard narrative that the coronavirus most likely originated in a Wuhan wet market, jumping from an animal, likely a bat or pangolin, to humans. But the WHO inquiry has come under increasing criticism from some prominent Western scientists — as well as Western governments — who say the Chinese authorities blocked the WHO team during a four-week visit to Wuhan in January making the international probe worthless.

Petrovsky is one of dozens of scientists skeptical of the natural-spillover theory who say their efforts to point out inconsistencies in the quickly established standard narrative was met with silence, rejection and hostility by the editors of major Western science journals. 

Day of reckoning

Another, Richard Ebright, a professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University in New Jersey, says there should be a “day of reckoning.” In an email exchange with VOA he said: “Untruthful statements and improper actions by scientists and science journalists who established and enforced the false narrative extended far beyond refusing to consider papers challenging the false narrative.” 

Ebright and others allege some non-peer-reviewed were rushed into print, if they supported the conventional narrative. Those articles in turn set the tone for general media coverage, they add. “Starting in January 2020 and continuing through early 2021, a small group of scientists, and a larger group of science journalists, established and enforced the false narrative that scientific evidence supported natural spillover and a false narrative that this was the scientific consensus,” says Ebright. 

But Magdalena Skipper, editor-in-chief of Nature, says this is not so. “I would like to be very clear that Nature has never rejected a paper on the basis that it does not fit with a particular narrative or conventional wisdom; certainly not on my watch,” she told VOA.

In an email exchange, she added: “We make decisions based solely on whether research meets our criteria for publication — robust original scientific research (where conclusions are sufficiently supported by the available evidence), of outstanding scientific importance, which reaches a conclusion of interest to a multidisciplinary readership; and we remain completely independent. All editors consider all submissions on the basis of their scientific merits alone and no subject is ever excluded from publication because the conclusions may be controversial.”

US inquiry

Last month, U.S. President Joe Biden instructed American intelligence agencies to investigate whether the virus may have been engineered and leaked from a Chinese lab. Biden has given the agencies three months to report back.

FILE PHOTO: FILE PHOTO: Security personnel keep watch outside the Wuhan Institute of Virology during the visit by the World…
Biden Orders Fresh Intelligence Report on COVID-19 Origin
Amid growing speculation that COVID-19 might have leaked from Chinese laboratory, president tells US intelligence community to report back to him in 90 days
The central focus of the investigation is on the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China as suspicions mount that the novel bat-derived virus roiling the world, and which has led to at least four million deaths, may have leaked from its lab, a claim Beijing has furiously denied. 

Biden’s order came after U.S. intelligence discovered more details about three researchers at the Wuhan lab who fell ill in November 2019, several weeks before the first identified case of the outbreak — and more than a month before China informed WHO of “cases of pneumonia” of an “unknown cause” had been detected.  The researchers were hospitalized with symptoms consistent with both COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, but also with common respiratory illnesses, according to the intelligence report first publicly disclosed by The Wall Street Journal.

Britain’s intelligence agencies — along with other Western European security services — are assisting the new American-led probe, according to officials on both sides of the Atlantic.  

China’s authorities have denied there was any leak from the Wuhan lab, which conducts research on viruses and receives some funding from the U.S. government. Last year, Chinese propagandists blamed the coronavirus outbreak on an American Army sports delegation, which visited Wuhan just before the outbreak, and have also touted several other theories, which have been subsequently discredited by prominent virologists and epidemiologists.

Scientists skeptical from the start of the natural-spillover theory, including Petrovsky, Ebright and a so-called Paris Group of scientists, which drafted two open letters on the origins of coronavirus, say an inquiry into the role of major science journals is in order. Much of the focus has been on The Lancet and Nature but other leading journals have come under criticism, including Science, an academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

“This pandemic has exposed just how vulnerable our scientific institutions including our academies, universities and scientific journals are to politicization and covert influence,” says Petrovsky. “At the same time as exerting undue influence over Western journals, China is launching hundreds of its own journals over which it will have direct control and are offering easy routes to publication and incentives for scientists to publish in them,” he adds. 

“An inquiry by Congress into this might be a good first step although this is also a much broader international issue, that should ultimately involve an international effort to fix these problems,” he told VOA.

Petrovsky says he and others faced tremendous hurdles in getting published papers casting doubt on the natural-spillover theory. He says if a rare paper was initially accepted for consideration, it fell at the second stage when it was sent to reviewers to consider its merits and would then be rejected. “Almost all the scientific community, from which reviewers are selected, had been indoctrinated by the misleading and heavily manipulative early Lancet and Nature Medicine commentaries that suggested any questioning of the origins should be seen as an attack by conspiracy theorists from the extreme right,” he says.

Magdalena Skipper, the British geneticist and the first woman to edit Nature in its 150-year history, says editorial decision-making is kept strictly separate from the wider commercial interests of Springer Nature, the German-British academic publisher that owns Nature. 

“We have always been and continue to be scrupulous in keeping any business commercial interests Springer Nature may have, in China or anywhere else, totally separate from our editorial processes,” she said. Nature and its sister titles have sought to reflect “the science of the pandemic, as new evidence has come to light,” Skipper adds.

Springer Nature has offices spread across the world and publishes around 3,000 journals, including Nature and Scientific American. Four years ago following a Financial Times report, the company acknowledged it had been blocking access in China to hundreds of academic articles touching on subjects seen as sensitive by the Chinese Communist government. The company said less than one percent of its content available online in global markets had been impacted. 

Springer Nature has dozens of cooperation and sponsorship agreements with Chinese educational and government institutions. So, too, does the owner of The Lancet, Elsevier, a Netherlands-based publishing company specializing in scientific, technical, and medical content.  

The Lancet also told VOA that neither politics nor commerce play any part in shaping editorial policies. In a statement it said: “The Lancet is an editorially independent journal. Scientific discussion and debate are an important part of the scientific process, and the Lancet journals welcome responses from readers and the wider scientific community to content published in the journals. The Lancet journals set extremely high standards and papers are selected for publication based on the strength of the science and the credibility of the scientific argument.”
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

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תגובה דורך חדשות »

די ווידיא פון די לעבעדיגע בעטס אין די וואהאן לעב איז געגאנגען וויירעל מיט א מיליאן מענטשען וואס האבן שוין דאונלאודעד די ווידיא די לעצטע טאג צוויי.

ווארט מיר נאר טוויטער און יו טוב זאלן עס אפשטעלן פאר מיסאינפארמאציע...

Wuhan Lab Video Appearing to Show Bats in Cages Fuels Speculation About Pandemic Origins

Avideo purportedly taken inside a Wuhan lab and appearing to show bats in cages has fuelled speculation about the origins of the coronavirus pandemic after garnering more than 1 million views since it emerged earlier this week.

A team of self-described "underground researchers," who told Newsweek they are dedicated to exposing the origins of COVID-19, unearthed the footage. It is said to have been taken by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and produced for the launch of the Wuhan level 4 laboratory back in May 2017

The group, who call themselves DRASTIC, which stands for Decentralized Radical Autonomous Search Team Investigating COVID-19, compiled a detailed collection of documents, images, and laboratory data allegedly taken from the Wuhan facility.

The 144-page report, titled "Wuhan laboratories, bat research and biosafety," was published to Research Gate in April.

How Amateur Sleuths Broke the Wuhan Lab Story and Embarrassed the Media
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How Amateur Sleuths Broke the Wuhan Lab Story and Embarrassed the Media
Snippets of footage from the report were broadcast by Sky News Australia on Sunday night and pegged as a "world exclusive." It was later uploaded to YouTube under the headline: "Footage proves bats were kept in Wuhan lab."

The collection shows bats inside a cage, while another shows a researcher feeding a bat a live worm. One still image shows a group of hazmat-clad researchers "capturing bats" and another shows a bat hanging from a woman's hat.

The footage is believed to come from a 10-minute video titled "The construction and research team of Wuhan P4 laboratory of Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences," taken from inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Officials inside the lab were aware of the presence of live bats inside the facility before the outbreak of COVID-19 and a World Health Organization report investigating the origin of the pandemic "failed to mention that any bats had been kept at the Wuhan Institute of Virology," Sky News alleged.

"It shows that much of what we've been told about the origin of the pandemic from the very beginning was Chinese disinformation which was then propagated by many people who had been working in conjunction with the Wuhan Institute of Virology who are compromised, who had extreme conflicts of interest," Sky News host Sharri Markson later told Fox News' Tucker Carlson.

"The Wuhan Institute of Virology kept live bats in cages .... disproving denials from World Health Organization investigators who claimed the suggestion was a 'conspiracy'."

Markson pointed towards one member of the World Health Organization team investigating the origin of the pandemic in Wuhan, Peter Daszak, and noted the zoologist said it was a conspiracy to suggest bats were held at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

"No BATS were sent to Wuhan lab for genetic analysis of viruses collected in the field. That's now how this science works. We collect bat samples, send them to the lab. We RELEASE bats where we catch them!" Daszak tweeted in December of 2020.

"This is a widely circulated conspiracy theory. This piece describes work I'm the lead on and labs I've collaborated with for 15 years. They DO NOT have live or dead bats in them. There is no evidence anywhere that this happened. It's an error I hope will be corrected," he tweeted again on December 10 of 2020.

EXCLUSIVE: The Wuhan Institute of Virology kept live bats in cages, new footage from inside the facility has revealed.

This disproves denials from World Health Organisation investigators like Peter Daszak who claimed the suggestion was a “conspiracy”. https://t.co/XGokKUmWzS

— Sharri Markson (@SharriMarkson) June 13, 2021
Markson told Carlson: "People like Peter Daszak insisted that it was a conspiracy theory – he used the term in a tweet from December 2020 – that it was a conspiracy theory to say that there were bats in the lab.

"He's an official WHO, World Health Organisation, investigator who went into Wuhan to supposedly investigate the origins of the virus earlier this year and it was completely false.

"This new footage shows that there were bats being kept in the Wuhan Institute of Virology and it's something Peter Daszak has had to admit, has had to correct just this month."

Newsweek has contacted WHO and Daszak for comment.

DRASTIC, which discovered the recently published footage, is composed of about two dozen or so amateur sleuths and correspondents, many anonymous, working across the world.

They scour the internet for clues and uncover obscure documents and other information that they disseminate over Twitter. More recently, their research has drawn a larger following, including many professional scientists and journalists.

"Daszak lied many times, the Wuhan Institute of Virology failed to tell the World Health Organization, WHO failed to ask, DRASTIC had to dig all this information out, piece by piece and the video is the final evidence supporting all our earlier claims of live bats at the Wuhan Institute of Virology laboratory," DRASTIC told Newsweek.

The idea that the coronavirus pandemic could have been triggered by a laboratory accident in Wuhan, China, has gained traction in recent months. President Joe Biden has ordered a report by U.S. intelligence on the origins of COVID-19.

Wuhan lab
Workers are seen inside the P4 laboratory in Wuhan in 2017. A recently released video purportedly taken inside the Wuhan lab and appearing to show bats in cages has fuelled speculation about the origins of the coronavirus pandemic. Johannes EISELE/Getty Images
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זיך איינגעשריבן אום:דינסטאג יולי 14, 2020 11:46 am

Re: איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

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תגובה דורך הײמישער זײגער »

דער געוועזענער סי-די-סי דירעקטער ערקלערט די הונטערלאגע פון זיין שטעלונג אז די וויירוס קומט ווארשיינליך פון א לעב
ג' חקת פ״א
רעדפיעלד ערקלערט אז ביים זען וויאזוי די וויירוס גייט אזוי שנעל פון איין מענטש צום אנדערן האט ער געקלערט אז דא רעדט מען נישט פון א וויירוס וואס איז אריבער פון א פלעדערמויז צו א מענטש, נאר ענדערש פון א וויירוס וואס איז אריבער פון א פלעדערמויז צו א לאבארטארי און דארט אין די לאבארטארי איז די וויירוס געווארן איבערגעמאכט ביז עס איז געווארן א וויירוס וואס קען גאר שנעל גיין פון איין מענטש צום אנדערן.

שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

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א ראיה שאין עליו תשובה. ווי אזוי זיין אז עס קומט פון א לעב, ווען עס איז נישטא קיין סטאדיס וואס זענען פיער ריוויוד אין די סייענס מאגאזינען וואס קומען צו דעם אויספיר??

“I don’t think that we’ve learned anything new in the last few months,” said Stephen Goldstein, who studies evolutionary virology at the University of Utah.

“We’re completely in want of evidence.”

To date, there are few—perhaps just a couple—peer-reviewed papers seriously entertaining the lab leak idea. Meanwhile, there have been numerous credible studies pointing to COVID-19’s natural origins. An exhaustive study published in Nature in March 2020 found “SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.
” The paper’s author Kristian G. Andersen said in a statement that the conclusions in the paper “have only since been further strengthened by additional evidence, of which there is a great deal.”
הײמישער זײגער
שר שלשת אלפים
תגובות: 3289
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:דינסטאג יולי 14, 2020 11:46 am

Re: איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

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תגובה דורך הײמישער זײגער »

שפעקולאציעס אז הויכראנגיקער כינעזער מיניסטער האט דעפעקטירט קיין אמעריקע און מיטגעברענגט שפיאנאזש‎
ה' חקת פ״א
לויט די שמועות, האָט דער וויצע מיניסטער פון כינע'ס סטעיט סעקיוריטי, דאנג דזשינגווי, באַשלאָסן צו אַנטלויפן פון כינע און ער האָט דעפעקטירט קיין אַמעריקע מיט עטליכע חדשים צוריק. די באַריכטן געבן אָן, אַז דזשינגווי האָט איבערגעגעבן פאַר אַמעריקע פרישע קלאָרע באַווייזן אַז די קאָראָנאַ וויירוס מגיפה האָט זיך אָנגעהויבן פון די וואָוהאַן לאַבאַראָטאָריע.

הײמישער זײגער
שר שלשת אלפים
תגובות: 3289
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:דינסטאג יולי 14, 2020 11:46 am

Re: איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

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תגובה דורך הײמישער זײגער »

צופרי נייעס: טראמפ האט געוואלט אהער שטעלן א פרעזידענטליכע קאמיסיע אפיר צו האלטן דאקטער פאוטשי פארן שיקן געלטער פאר די וואהאן לאבארטארי
א' קרח פ״א

שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

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תגובה דורך חדשות »

די חברה האבן גאטס. די וואהאן לעב זאל גאר באקומען די נאבעל פרייז. נישט קיין וויץ..

Chinese Science Academy Lists Wuhan Lab as Outstanding Prize Candidate for COVID-19 Research

The Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) has been listed as one of the candidates for the Chinese Academy of Sciences' 2021 Outstanding Science and Technology Achievement Prize for its COVID-19 research. The announcement comes as the theory that the virus could have leaked from the lab—once widely dismissed as a controversial conspiracy—continues to gain mainstream traction in the U.S.
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

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תגובה דורך חדשות »

יעצט לייקענט מען אז מען האט געלייקענט. און אז די קריטיקירער זענען חלילה וחס נישמער נישווייניגער actually criticizing science רח"ל

Fauci denies scientists ‘deliberately suppressed’ Wuhan lab leak theory
By Jackie SaloJune 17, 2021 | 12:15pm | Updated June 17, 2021 | 12:37pm
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Anthony Fauci claimed health officials did not "deliberately suppress" the COVID-19 lab leak theory.
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Anthony Fauci
Fauci doubles down on claim that attacks on him are ‘actually criticizing science’

Dr. Anthony Fauci denied that health officials “deliberately suppressed” theories that COVID-19 came from a laboratory — insisting he always encouraged scientists to have an “open mind” while investigating its origins.

“If you go back then, even though you lean towards feeling this is more likely a natural occurrence, we always felt that you gotta keep an open mind — all of us,” Fauci said Wednesday on “CBS This Morning.”

“We didn’t get up and start announcing it, but what we said, ‘Keep an open mind and continue to look.’ So I think it’s a bit of a distortion to say that we deliberately suppressed that,” he said.

The White House chief medical adviser, however, publicly rejected the lab-leak theory in the early months of the pandemic, insisting last year that “everything” points to the virus coming from nature.

“If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and what’s out there now, [the scientific evidence] is very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated,” Fauci told National Geographic in May 2020.

“Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that [this virus] evolved in nature and then jumped species,” the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said.

He said at the time that he didn’t believe an “an alternate theory — that someone found the coronavirus in the wild, brought it to a lab, and then it accidentally escaped.”

Researchers work inside the inside the P4 laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China.
The lab leak theory gained traction last month following revelations that three researchers at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology became ill in November 2019 and sought hospital treatment. Their symptoms were consistent with both COVID-19 and common seasonal illness.

Though it’s still not clear whether they were infected with coronavirus, their illnesses came at a time most experts believe the virus was spreading through Wuhan, the original epicenter of the pandemic.

President Biden has since ordered US intelligence agencies to launch a 90-day investigation of the origin of the virus.
לעצט פארראכטן דורך חדשות אום מאנטאג יוני 21, 2021 9:05 pm, פארראכטן געווארן 1 מאל.
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תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

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הויכראנגקיגער כינעזער באאמטער דעפעקטירט און געט איבער באווייזן אז דער וויירוס האט געליעקט פונעם לעב לויט באריכטען.

(איך וואלט בכלל נישט גווען סורפרייזד אז די סיבה פארוואס די מידיא האט געמאכט א 180 דעגרי טוירן איז גווען ווען איינער פון די ביידען אדמינסטראציע אדער אינטליזשענס געמיינדע האט זיי געלאזט וויסען אז עס איז דא הייסע ווארע און זאלן בעסער צוריקדרייען וואס שנעלער)

Chinese top official defected to US, gave Biden administration info about Wuhan lab, report suggests
Fri, 18 June, 2021, 12:15 am·3-min read
Representative image
Representative image
Washington [US], June 18 (ANI): Chinese vice-minister of State Security, Dong Jingwei, reportedly defected to the United States and gave the information about the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is at the center of coronavirus lab-leak hypothesis.

According to a report in SpyTalk, Chinese-language anti-communist media and Twitter are abuzz with rumours that Dong fled to the US via Hong Kong with his daughter, Dong Yang mid-February.

SpyTalk is a newsletter covering US intelligence, defense, and foreign policy, on the Substack platform.

Dong supposedly gave Washington information about the Wuhan Institute of Virology that changed the stance of the Biden Administration concerning the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to Spy Talk, if rumours are true, it would be the highest level-defection in the history of the People's Republic of China.

Dong is, or was, a longtime official in China's Ministry of State Security (MSS), also known as the Guoanbu.

His publicly available background indicates that he was responsible for the Ministry's counterintelligence efforts in China, i.e., spy-catching, since being promoted to vice minister in April 2018.

The issue of Dong's defection was raised by Chinese officials at the Sino-American summit in Alaska, according to Han Lianchao, a former Chinese foreign ministry official who defected after the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.

In a tweet on Wednesday, Han, citing an unnamed source, alleged that China's foreign minister Wang Yi and Communist Party foreign affairs boss Yang Jiechi demanded that the Americans return Dong, and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken refused.

However, several experts have said that unconfirmed reports of defections surface regularly.

Former Pentagon, State Department, and CIA expert, Nicholas Eftimiades, author of Chinese Espionage: Operations and Tactics, called the report "exactly what it is, a rumor. It happens all the time" in the information warfare between Beijing and anti-communist overseas Chinese.

Mollie Saltskog, a senior intelligence analyst with The Soufan Group, who earned a master's degree in global affairs from Tsinghua University in Beijing, also urged caution, saying unconfirmed reports of defections surface regularly.

Chinese-language press stories also claim that Dong's daughter Yang defected with him from Hong Kong on or about Feb. 10.

She is allegedly the former spouse of a senior Alibaba Group executive, Jiang Fan, who heads up TMall, China's big Amazon-like business

Dong "was last seen in public in September 2020," Han said. His photos have been deleted by the Chinese search engine Baidu, according to some Chinese-language news reports abroad.

Without naming Dong, the pro-Trump web site Red State reported June 4 on a high-level defection from China, saying the Defense Intelligence Agency had received information from him that Beijing is covering up biological warfare research at the Wuhan lab, and advanced its story to question the integrity of Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

"Sources say the level of confidence in the defector's information is what has led to a sudden crisis of confidence in Dr. Anthony Fauci, adding that U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) personnel detailed to DIA have corroborated very technical details of information provided by the defector," it said.

The origin of coronavirus that causes COVID-19 has remained a mystery with scientists and countries calling for further investigations to figure out whether the virus originated naturally or leaked from a lab in Wuhan.

The Wuhan lab leak theory has recently become the subject of renewed public debate after several prominent scientists called for a full investigation into the origins of the virus.

The hypothesis that the virus was accidentally leaked from the lab was largely disregarded by scientists in the early stages of the coronavirus outbreak. China has repeatedly denied that the lab was responsible for the outbreak.

Recently, US President Joe Biden ordered intelligence officials to "redouble" efforts to investigate the origins of Covid-19, including the theory that it came from a laboratory in China. (ANI)
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

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תגובה דורך חדשות »

גאנץ אן אבזשעקטיוו ארטיקל איבער די פאררעטערישע ראלע פון די מידיא בנוגע דעם וואהאן לעב, געשריבען דורך....יא, איר האט צוגעטראפן איינעם פון די מידיא.

וואס זענען די LESSONS זאגט ער?? עטליכע גוטע נקודות.

And what are the lessons for all of us who read, watch and listen to the news?

Seek out a wide range of sources, including those who challenge the conventional wisdom.

Maintain a healthy skepticism. Even the most credible sources can be wrong. While, in most cases, a broad consensus of credible media and other sources (including scientists) can be trusted, this may not apply when evidence is unavailable or hidden.

Don’t rush to judgment, especially where science is involved and evidence is inconclusive.Check your own biases; d on’t automatically disregard everything that someone you typically disagree with says.

Finally, follow the story as it evolves. Truth can take time to emerge. In this case, the story is far from over

ממילא קומענדיגע מאל וואס איר לייענט אן ארטיקל פ"וו אפילו קאוויד געליטענע דארפן נעמען וואקסינען, אדער פארוואס היידראקסיקלאראקווין און הויכע ווייטאמין D העלפט דוקא נישט פאר קאוויד, איז כדאי צו געדענקען די לעקציעס וואס איינער פון די מידיא רעקאמאנדירט.

What we can learn from the media’s dismissal of the Wuhan lab theory
The newfound credibility of the lab-leak theory has sparked widespread criticism of media coverage and soul-searching among journalists.

A view of the P4 lab and the Wuhan Institute of Virology is seen after a visit by the World Health Organization team in Wuhan in China's Hubei province on Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2021. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)
By: Alan C. Miller
June 17, 2021

For more than a year, the theory that the COVID-19 pandemic began with the leak of a previously unknown coronavirus from a laboratory at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology in late 2019 was roundly, even vociferously, dismissed by many scientists and most in the news media.

A New York Times report called it a conspiracy theory. Facebook deemed it false and took down posts making that claim. The (Poynter-owned) fact-checking site PolitiFact dismissed it as “inaccurate and ridiculous. We rate it Pants on Fire!” (a term reserved for its most discredited assertions).

These conclusions were published despite the fact that the virus’ origin had not been definitively identified. The Wuhan Institute of Virology, located in the city where COVID-19 first surfaced, engages in cutting-edge studies of coronaviruses. But from the start of the pandemic, the Chinese government shared little information and blocked independent inquiries into the source of the outbreak.

Instead, based on disease outbreaks caused by other coronaviruses, the gospel among public health officials and the news media was that the deadly pathogen likely jumped from animals to humans in a market where live animals are sold.

That is, until recently.

In the past two months, the lab-leak theory has gone from “debunked” (The Washington Post) to “plausible” (The Wall Street Journal). In a May 5 article in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, veteran science writer Nicholas Wade made the case that it deserved serious consideration. Nine days later, the journal Science published a letter, signed by 18 leading scientists, calling for an independent investigation. On May 23, The Wall Street Journal reported that according to U.S. intelligence, three workers at the Wuhan lab sought hospital care in November 2019 “with symptoms consistent with both Covid-19 and common seasonal illness.” And in a statement on May 26, President Joe Biden announced that after an initial analysis, the U.S. intelligence community had “coalesced around two likely scenarios” for the virus’ origin — a species jump and a lab leak. He also ordered a second intelligence analysis, to be completed within 90 days, “that could bring us closer to a definitive conclusion.”

As a result, some news outlets have revised or corrected some of their prior reporting. Facebook reversed its ban. PolitiFact removed its fact check from its database, but archived it “for transparency” and added an editor’s note.

The newfound credibility of the lab-leak theory has also sparked widespread criticism of media coverage, particularly from conservatives, and soul-searching among journalists themselves about a story that has enormous stakes.

The COVID-19 pandemic has already caused more than 176 million infections and 3.8 million deaths worldwide, along with catastrophic economic damage and dislocation. Confirmation that the virus (formally known as SARS-CoV-2) had escaped from the lab would be devastating for China’s standing in the world. It would also raise grave doubts about the types of research — and the safety procedures — at the Wuhan lab and at similar facilities around the world.

Should the lab leak be confirmed, the initial coverage of the pandemic would represent a massive journalistic failure. In any case, the mainstream news media was misguided in dismissing a theory that was always plausible.

This rush to judgment is a teachable moment, both for the producers of journalism and for those who read, watch and listen to their work.

MORE FROM POYNTER: Can scientific uncertainties about COVID-19 be fact-checked?

The first lesson is that journalists in general, and science journalists in particular, were too credulous and reliant on outspoken scientists and failed to probe their potential conflicts of interest. For example, on Feb. 19, 2020, The Lancet, an influential medical journal, published a statement, signed by 27 public health scientists, that “strongly condemn(ed) conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin.” That statement “effectively ended the debate over COVID-19’s origins before it began,” according to a Vanity Fair investigation by Katherine Eban, published on June 3 of this year.

But several months after the statement was published, a public records request revealed that the scientist who organized, drafted and signed it was involved in providing funding — including repackaged U.S. government grants — to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. “Conflicts of interest, stemming in part from large government grants supporting controversial virology research, hampered the U.S. investigation into COVID-19’s origin at every step,” Eban wrote.

Just four months ago, during a press conference in Wuhan, the leader of a World Health Organization team that was allowed into China for a four-week investigation called the lab-leak theory “extremely unlikely.” But China is an influential member of that organization, and the WHO team was given only limited access to independent data and Chinese facilities.

The second lesson concerns the predilection of journalists to dismiss the lab theory because President Donald Trump, who perpetuated so many falsehoods during his four years in office, was promoting it. His comments, along with his racially offensive references to the “China virus” and “kung flu,” were widely seen as attempts to deflect attention from his administration’s mishandling of the pandemic in the United States.

(One of the earliest proponents of the lab-leak theory, Sen. Tom Cotton, an Arkansas Republican and Trump ally, was also derided when he suggested during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing in January 2020 that the virus may have originated in a Wuhan “superlaboratory.”)

“The ‘boy who cried wolf’ metaphor is at the heart of this,” Kelly McBride, the chair of the Craig Newmark Center for Ethics and Leadership at Poynter, told me. She said numerous journalists had told her that they had disregarded the leak theory because it was being espoused by Trump, so they viewed it as yet another example of disinformation.

The third lesson is to tread carefully when telling readers, viewers and listeners what to think by labeling something as false or fabricated.

Despite the lack of conclusive evidence for either the species-jump theory or the lab-leak theory, journalists didn’t simply express skepticism about the latter possibility; they dismissed it entirely, saying it had been “debunked” or calling it a ”fringe theory.” Particularly during the last two years of Trump’s presidency, the media became bolder in calling out his disinformation. In this case, the circumstances didn’t support this extreme step.

“You can be too inconclusive when the conclusive evidence is there, a la climate change,” McBride told me. “And you can be overly conclusive when the evidence isn’t there, a la Wuhan.”

A small number of scientists and journalists did give the lab-leak theory credence early in the pandemic — but they were like trees falling in the forest that no one was around to hear.

As a result, journalists fell into a common narrative — some critics call it groupthink — that failed to give dissenting voices their due. In this respect, and because of the overreliance on self-serving sources, the media’s response to assertions that the virus had escaped from the Wuhan lab is reminiscent of the widespread failure of journalists to challenge the claims of the George W. Bush administration that Saddam Hussein was harboring weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

“Good journalism, like good science, should follow evidence, not narratives,” opinion columnist Bret Stephens wrote in The New York Times last month. “It should pay as much heed to intelligent gadflies as it does to eminent authorities. And it should never treat honest disagreement as moral heresy.”

And what are the lessons for all of us who read, watch and listen to the news?

Seek out a wide range of sources, including those who challenge the conventional wisdom.
Maintain a healthy skepticism. Even the most credible sources can be wrong. While, in most cases, a broad consensus of credible media and other sources (including scientists) can be trusted, this may not apply when evidence is unavailable or hidden.
Don’t rush to judgment, especially where science is involved and evidence is inconclusive. Check your own biases; don’t automatically disregard everything that someone you typically disagree with says.
Finally, follow the story as it evolves. Truth can take time to emerge. In this case, the story is far from over.
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זיך איינגעשריבן אום:זונטאג יאנואר 17, 2021 1:42 pm

Re: איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

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דר' פאוטשי איז געווארן געהעכערט אין ראנג דורך סעלף פראמוישען, ביז היינט איז ער נאר געווען בעל הבית פון סייענס, היינט איז ער שוין סייענס אליינס...

וויאזוי דער איז נאך נישט געפלויגן איז נישט צום פארשטיין.

אויב פארמאגסטו נישט קיין סענס אוו הומער בעט איך דיר שוין איבער!

האבן ספיקות וועגן די אויפריכטיקייט פון די 2020 עלעקשינס = קאנספיראטער
זיין איבערצייגט אז טראמפ האט אנגעפירט אן אינסערעקשאן = אנשטענדיג און שכל'דיג
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תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

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מזל טוב, מזל טוב...

די גרויסע קארפן קעפ פון די סייענס מאגאזין the lancet איינס פון די מערסטע פרעסטיזשפולסטע (אויב נישט דיפרעסטיזשפולסטע) האבן נאך 20 חדשים ענדליך איינגעזען אז יא... עס שטימט טאקע מיט די כללים פון סייענס, אז פיטער דאסזאק וואס האט געארבעט האנט ביי האנט מיט די וואהאן לעב, באלאנגט נישט צו זיין אויף די קאמיסיע וואס פארשט אויב פון ווי דער וויירוס קומט...

EcoHealth Alliance head Daszak leaves UN-backed COVID origins probe

[spoil]EcoHealth Alliance head Daszak leaves UN-backed COVID origins probe
By Samuel ChamberlainJune 22, 2021 | 12:14am | Updated June 22, 2021 | 10:27am
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Peter Daszak (R), Thea Fischer (L) and other members of the World Health Organization (WHO) team investigating the origins of the COVID-19 coronavirus, arrive at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan in China's central Hubei province on February 3, 2021.
Peter Daszak (right), Thea Fischer (left) and other members of the World Health Organization team investigating the origins of the COVID-19 coronavirus, arrive at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan in China's central Hubei province on February 3, 2021.AFP via Getty Images
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The head of a New York City-based nonprofit that directed hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal grant money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology is no longer part of a UN-backed commission examining the origins of the coronavirus pandemic.

EcoHealth Alliance president Peter Daszak’s profile on the website of The Lancet COVID-19 Commission has been updated to include the parenthetical quote “recused from Commission work on the origins of the pandemic.” The Daily Mail first reported on Daszak’s recusal Monday.

Earlier this month, Vanity Fair reported that Dazsak helped organize a statement signed by 27 leading scientists that appeared in The Lancet — a prestigious British medical journal — in February 2020. The statement condemned what it called “conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin” and proclaimed “solidarity with all scientists and health professionals in China.”

“Conspiracy theories do nothing but create fear, rumours [sic], and prejudice that jeopardise [sic] our global collaboration in the fight against this virus,” the statement added.

Peter Daszak speaks to media upon arriving with other WHO members to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Peter Daszak speaks to media upon arriving with other WHO members to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
AFP via Getty Images
Though the statement initially claimed that the signatories had “no competing interests,” The Lancet issued a statement Monday saying it had invited all 27 signatories (at least one of whom has walked back his support of the natural, or zoonotic, theory) to “re-evaluate their competing interests.” The statement included an updated disclosure from Daszak attached to the February 2020 statement and two other pieces he co-authored or contributed to.

In his expanded disclosure, Daszak stated that EcoHealth’s work in China — including at the Wuhan lab — was funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the US Agency for International Development (USAID). Daszak also denied that he or EcoHealth received money directly from the Chinese government.

Peter Daszak, the President of EcoHealth Alliance.
Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance
“EcoHealth Alliance’s work in China … includes the production of a small number of recombinant bat coronaviruses to analyse [sic] cell entry and other characteristics of bat coronaviruses for which only the genetic sequences are available,” he wrote. “NIH reviewed the planned recombinant virus work and deemed it does not meet the criteria that would warrant further specific review by its Potential Pandemic Pathogen Care and Oversight (P3CO) committee.”

The belated disclosure from The Lancet comes months after the nonprofit group US Right to Know reported that four of the statement’s co-authors had direct ties to EcoHealth Alliance. The Vanity Fair report stated that six signatories had either worked at EcoHealth Alliance or received funding from it.

Two months after The Lancet statement was published, Daszak emailed National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci thanking him for supporting the theory that the coronavirus naturally jumped from animals to humans and did not leak out of the Wuhan lab.


Who is Peter Daszak, the nonprofit exec who sent taxpayer money to Wuhan lab?
“I just wanted to say a personal thank you on behalf of our staff and collaborators, for publicly standing up and stating that the scientific evidence supports a natural origin for COVID-19 from a bat-to-human spillover, not a lab release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” Daszak wrote on April 18, 2020. “From my perspective, your comments are brave, and coming from your trusted voice, will help dispel the myths being spun around the virus’s origins.”

“Many thanks for your kind note,” replied Fauci, who had been told by another email correspondent in late January that the coronavirus may have been “engineered.”

The so-called “lab leak” theory, once dismissed by the mainstream media, has gained traction in recent weeks after a series of revelations — most notably that three researchers at the Wuhan lab were hospitalized with possible COVID symptoms in November 2019, the same period when experts believe the virus was spreading through the 11 million-strong city of Wuhan.

Peter Daszak arrives at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Peter Daszak arrives at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
AFP via Getty Images
Internal NIH emails obtained by the conservative group Judicial Watch earlier this month show that EcoHealth funneled more than $825,000 in grant money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology over a six-year period ending in fiscal year 2019. In total, the Wuhan lab was to receive $1.5 million between fiscal year 2014 and fiscal year 2025 for its work on bat coronaviruses before the grant was terminated by NIH in April of last year.

Daszak has also been scrutinized over his role as the sole US representative on a World Health Organization fact-finding mission to Wuhan earlier this year. That trip produced a report that said the virus likely emerged from animals and that was panned by governments around the world, as well as the WHO’s own director general.

Despite his position at the center of the scientific response to the pandemic, Daszak has repeatedly declined to speak to reporters or lawmakers about EcoHealth, the initial WHO investigation, his relationship with Fauci, the Wuhan Institute of Virology or other issues.[/spoil]
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תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

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15 איז שוין אריבער זייט די זעלבע סייענס מאגאזין THE LANCET האט פארעפענטליכט א בריוו פון 27 פראמינענטע סייענטיסטען אום מארטש 2020 אראפצורייסן די וואהאן לעב קאנספיראציע. דער גאנצער בריוו איז געווארן אנגעפירט דורך נישט קיין צווייטער ווי פיטער דאסזאק. אונטער דעם בריוו איז אויך געשטאנען אז קיינער האט נישט קיין קאנפליקט אף אינטערעסט... און שוין א יאר צייט וואס עס איז דא טענות אז אין לך קאנפליקט אף אינטרעסט גדול מזה, אבער מען האט נישט געהערט קיין פיפס פון דעם מאגאזין..

יעצט האבן זיי זיך דערמאנט. נאכדעם וואס דער דעמעזעש וואס דאס האט געמאכט איז שוין לאנג אווער, און די וואהאן לעב טעאריע איז אנערקענט אז א לעגעטימע טעאריע איבער די גאנצע וועלט, האט זיך THE LANCET ארויסצולייגן א דיסקלאוזשער וועגן דעם בריוו, אז עס איז עטוואס מעגליך אז עס איז גווען קאנפליקט אף אינטרעסט. (אויך אז עס איז דא כמה אופנים ווי אזוי מען קען אפטייטשען קאנפליקט אף אינטרעסט...)

וכדי בזיון וקצף.

Addendum: competing interests and the origins of SARS-CoV-2
Editors of The Lancet
Published:June 21, 2021DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01377-5
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In February, 2020, 27 public health experts co-authored a Correspondence in The Lancet (“Statement in support of the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China combatting COVID-19”),1 supporting health professionals and physicians in China during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this letter, the authors declared no competing interests. Some readers have questioned the validity of this disclosure, particularly as it relates to one of the authors, Peter Daszak. In line with guidance from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, medical journals ask authors to report financial and non-financial relationships that may be relevant to interpreting the content of their manuscript.2 There may be differences in opinion as to what constitutes a competing interest. Transparent reporting allows readers to make judgments about these interests. Readers, in turn, have their own interests that could influence their evaluation of the work in question. With these facts in mind, The Lancet invited the 27 authors of the letter to re-evaluate their competing interests. Peter Daszak has expanded on his disclosure statements for three pieces relating to COVID-19 that he co-authored or contributed to in The Lancet—the February, 2020, Correspondence,1 as well as a Commission Statement3 and a Comment4 for the Lancet COVID-19 Commission. The updated disclosure statement from Peter Daszak is:
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תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

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פאמפעי: מען דארף האלן טשיינע פאראנטווארטליך פאר קאוויד שאדענס.

[spoil]Pompeo: China 'must be held accountable' for 'reckless' Wuhan lab leak & 'cover-up'
by ADAM FORGIE | Sinclair Broadcast GroupTuesday, June 29th 2021

WASHINGTON (SBG) — Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Tuesday referred to the first people sickened at the Wuhan Institute of Virology as "doctors," in what could be the first public reference to the specific jobs of those who first contracted COVID-19.

Pompeo made the comments in an exclusive interview with Sinclair's television news program, The National Desk.

Pompeo also says the Chinese Communist Party needs to be held accountable for the virus that he says was leaked from the institute, then subsequently covered up.

Pompeo, who also served as Trump's first CIA director, also suggested that China should be kicked out of The World Health Organization, the U.S. should not send athletes to Beijing's 2022 Olympics, and that possible government sanctions may be necessary.

Pompeo also discussed U.S. relations with Taiwan, as well as protecting religious liberty in America during Sinclair's interview.


Pompeo, who served as former President Donald Trump's secretary of state for nearly three years, first proposed the Wuhan lab leak theory back in May 2020. The theory states that the COVID-19 virus leaked, either accidentally or on purpose, from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and did not come from an animal, like a bat.

Under Trump, Pompeo led state department efforts to investigate the origins of SARS-CoV-2.

No one but the Chinese government can be certain of where the virus originated, Pompeo says, but all signs point to the lab theory.

Every stick of evidence that we've seen today suggests this is where it came from," Pompeo said. "There is genetic evidence that this was manipulated by gain-of-function research. There's evidence that doctors became sick in the late fall of 2019 with symptoms that look exactly like we now know as the Wuhan virus symptoms. We've seen evidence that they were working on this kind of viral activity and we also know they were conducting military activity at this site. Every single thing we've seen suggests this didn't come from a bat, it didn't come from a pangolin, it leaked from this laboratory.

Initially, the Wuhan lab leak theory was promoted and believed in conservative circles, and those loyal to Trump, but the theory has since picked up steam, with President Joe Biden's administration investigating COVID-19's origins to see if it came from the lab.

The military is deeply ingrained in many aspects of daily life in China, and Pompeo says it was also present at the lab when the outbreak first began. It's another piece of evidence Pompeo believes leads to a "logical" conclusion.

They're conducting bioresearch there that was connected to the Chinese People's Liberation Army... We don't know if that was connected to the work they were doing on these viruses, it's not clear. Again, we know who knows the answers to these questions. We have a doctor who would love to tell his story, but he's dead, under very suspicious circumstances. Everything suggests that the Chinese Communist Party doesn't want us to know where this came from. That tells me that there is something about this laboratory that was very unique and if the Chinese won't answer these questions, it seems logical for us to assume this is where it came from.
Pompeo met with senior Chinese foreign policy adviser Yang Jiechi in 2020, in a meeting, he says, that was very formal and unproductive. The Chinese government "closed that place down and they allowed people from Wuhan, people they knew were sick to travel around the world, including to Milan, Italy where the first big outbreak took place," Pompeo said. "This is reckless, this is dangerous, this is the kind of thing that the Chinese Communist Party must be held accountable for. When I spoke with Yang Jiechi that day, these were the points that I made, the response I got was wholly inadequate."

Yang says the Wuhan lab leak theory is being used to "slander" China, but Pompeo disagrees and suggested a couple of things the U.S. could do to get China to comply.

Anybody who touched that place who refuses to talk, we should sanction and punish. Second, we should be very clear, that if you're going to continue to cover up a virus and operate a lab where you're conducting very dangerous virus research, we're certainly not going to send American athletes to your Olympics.
The World Health Organization is another target of Pompeo's, who says the organization is being used by China to cover up the lab leak.

Members of a World Health Organization team are seen wearing protective gear during a field visit to the Hubei Animal Disease Control and Prevention Center for another day of field visit in Wuhan in central China's Hubei province Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2021. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

The Trump administration last year formally moved to get the U.S. out of WHO, a move since reversed by President Biden.

We got out of the World Health Organization. The WHO was complicit in the cover-up and the Biden administration got back in that organization. That's a massive gift to the CCP and suggests, somehow, that the cover of the World Health Organization will continue to be provided to the Chinese. We should get out. Everyone should get out. We should kick the Chinese out of the World Health Organization, they haven't lived up to their legal international commitments to international health regulations.
"There will ultimately be lawsuits in the United States, we need to think long and hard about how to make sure that the Chinese Communist Party bears the full cost for what they did to the world," Pompeo said.


In his interview with Sinclair, Pompeo also touched on U.S. relations regarding China and Taiwan.

In March, current Secretary of State Antony Blinken had a contentious meeting with Yang and other top Chinese government officials in which he pushed back against China's increasing authoritarianism, specifically referring to China's recent government actions in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Because of those recent actions, Pompeo says the U.S. needs to offer more support to Taiwan, and he praised the Biden administration's efforts on the issue.

We have a commitment to provide the defensive weapons systems, we should continue to do that. [The Trump] administration provided them F-16s and all kinds of help. So far, this administration has done good work. They've continued to conduct naval operations. I applaud this administration for doing that.
Pompeo also had strong words for Yang and Chinese President Xi Jinping over any move against Taiwan. "If they take action against Taiwan, there will be enormous costs imposed on them. And if we're clear, if we're stern, if we're direct, and we say, 'these are the things that will happen,' I'm convinced we can deter this."


Lastly, Pompeo briefly talked about the importance of the role of the United States in protecting religious liberty at home and abroad.

He says the U.S. needs to work on religious liberty at home before going abroad and pointed to various government entities closing churches nationwide to contain the pandemic.

[It is] really scary here at home. It's the kind of thing we frankly see in countries around the world that we've tried to stop. We know that every human being was created in the image of God, and they ought to be able to practice freely, or if they choose not to practice, so be it as well. In too many countries, people are denied that.
Despite progress made internationally with respect to religious freedoms, Pompeo says there is still a long way to go. "There are persecuted Christians, there are persecuted Muslims around the world, and the United States, rightly, should be a leader in trying to create more space for those people to practice their own faith," Pompeo added.[/spoil]
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תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

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CBS ברענגט מאך פון די ביידען וואהאן קאמיסיע, אז א ליעק זעט אויס זייער א ערענסטע מעגליכקייט.

COVID-19 Wuhan lab-leak hypotheses are "absolutely legitimate" and "plausible," expert says

[spoil]COVID-19 Wuhan lab-leak hypotheses are "absolutely legitimate" and "plausible," expert says
JUNE 30, 2021 / 10:33 AM / CBS NEWS

The U.S. intelligence community is nearly halfway through a 90-day review of the origins of COVID-19. Investigators are looking at whether the virus emerged naturally from human contact with an infected animal or if it accidentally escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China.

Former State Department officials tell CBS News significant information about the Wuhan lab's activities in 2019 was buried in government databases and didn't reach their desks for nearly a year.

In Southwest China, the nearest known relatives of the COVID-19 virus were discovered in caves nearly a decade ago, more than 900 miles from Wuhan, where the coronavirus pandemic began.

"It's impossible to tell whether that last bit of evolution took place in a laboratory or whether it took place in nature," Stanford professor and microbiologist David Relman told CBS News' Catherine Herridge.

Relman is no stranger to complex cases. When Anthrax was sent through the mail in 2001, Relman reviewed the science underpinning the FBI probe. Now, he's advising the government on the science behind the pandemic's origins.

He told CBS News that the lab-leak hypotheses are "absolutely legitimate" and are "plausible." Relman said the Wuhan lab housed a vast library of bat coronaviruses, including specimens from the caves.

"They weren't just studying these viruses. They were actually collecting samples from nature in the largest number with the greatest diversity of almost any place on the planet," he said.

Seventeen months ago, as COVID-19 went global and even less was known about the virus, a group of scientists labeled the lab-leak theory a "conspiracy."

"The letters that made very defiant or firm statements about the strong likelihood of a natural origin. I think it did some real harm. They forced a lot of people into one way of thinking," Relman said.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, who supports the infected animal to human pathway, recently told CBS News an accidental lab leak is worth investigating.

"We always said keep an open mind and continue to look. So I think it is a bit of a distortion to say we deliberately suppressed that," Fauci said.

The lab-leak theory gained traction in January after the State Department released a fact sheet accusing the Chinese communist party of "deceit and disinformation." David Feith, a former deputy assistant secretary of state, helped draft the fact sheet.

Among the findings, researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology became sick with COVID-like symptoms in the fall of 2019 before the Chinese communist party went public with the virus. Feith said the information was solid and credible.

"The U.S. government's information on this, on this fact, on the lab workers being ill was completely high confidence," Feith said. State Department investigators also found the Wuhan lab had military ties and did high-risk research on coronaviruses. Feith added that the lab is "hiding lab records, they are hiding medical records."

CBS News has also learned that one of the U.S. government's top labs, Lawrence Livermore, issued a classified report last year that found the lab-leak theory was plausible.

"We read it. And we were instantly both alarmed and impressed by its quality, but alarmed by its conclusions," said David Asher, who recently headed a coronavirus task force at the State Department.

"What I can say is that it was important and persuasive. We needed to do deeper diligence including the potential it came out of a lab," Asher said.

When a group of scientists gathered by the World Health Organization went to the Wuhan lab earlier this year, their access was limited. Feith said the scientist's findings are not enough.

"Those findings were completely inadequate. They were not scientific at all. They were not forensic," Feith said.

This lack of transparency rings true to Condoleezza Rice, who was the White House national security adviser at the outset of the SARS outbreak in 2003.

"We couldn't get answers from the Chinese. And so if we're not going to keep repeating this problem, we have to be a little bit more aggressive with the Chinese about the need to cooperate," Rice said.

With nearly four million dead, including over 600,000 Americans, Professor Relman said solving the puzzle of COVID-19 will combat future pandemics.

"The better we understand the origins of this one, the better we can anticipate the origins of the next one," Relman said.

In response to CBS News questions, China's foreign ministry said "the so-called 'China obstructing investigation' by the U.S. State Department is a 'conspiracy theory' concocted by the United States to shirk responsibility in its failed fight against the epidemic. It has no base in reality and it is purely political manipulation."[/spoil]
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זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

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באווייזן קומען אפיר אז די כינעזער מיליטער איז גווען אקטיוו אין די וואהאן לעב.

די נעמען פון די צוויי מיליטערישע סייענטיסטען מיט וועם די הויפט ווייראלאזשיסט אין וואהאן האט געארבעט זענען
Ton Yigang, Zhou Yusen

Wuhan virologist who worked on bat coronaviruses tied to military scientists, report says
June 30, 2021 Pehal News Team 0 Comments

A high Chinese virologist has been tied to a minimum of two Chinese military scientists who collaborated together with her on coronavirus analysis prior to now, together with one now listed as deceased, a report Tuesday mentioned.

In March, Dr. Shi Zhengli, the Wuhan-based virologist who has been accused of conducting dangerous experiments with bat coronaviruses, flatly denied allegations that the Wuhan Institute of Virology carried out research with the military, an NBC News report mentioned.

But the community reported that it uncovered proof linking Shi to military scientists. She collaborated with Ton Yigang, a military scientist, on coronavirus analysis in 2018 after which with Zhou Yusen, one other military scientist in December 2019. Zhou who was listed as deceased within the footnote of an article printed in 2020, the report mentioned. The report mentioned it couldn’t affirm the reason for his dying.


David Asher, a former State Department adviser who co-authored a truth sheet final January on exercise contained in the lab, instructed NBC News that he’s “confident” that the Chinese military was funding a “secret program” that concerned coronaviruses.

He defended his concept by saying he obtained the knowledge from a number of overseas researchers contained in the lab who noticed some researchers there in military garb. The report identified that the lab insists that that facility is just used for civilian functions. Asher and the WIV didn’t instantly reply to emails from Fox News.

China has referred to as claims that the virus escaped the lab “absurd.”

“Some people in the United States have fabricated and peddled absurd stories claiming Wuhan lab leak, which China is gravely concerned about,” a Chinese official mentioned earlier this month. “China urges the United States to respect facts and science, refrain from politicizing COVID-19 origin tracing and concentrate on international anti-pandemic cooperation.”


The U.S. and others have accused China of failing to present the uncooked information and entry to websites that might enable a extra thorough investigation into the place the virus sprung from and the way it initially unfold
לעצט פארראכטן דורך חדשות אום מיטוואך יוני 30, 2021 7:15 pm, פארראכטן געווארן 1 מאל.
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זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

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פון כינע היינט...

Suspect No.1: Why Fort Detrick lab should be investigated for global COVID-19 origins tracing
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זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

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נאך 30 סייענטיסטען פארלאנגען אן אומפארטייאישע אויספארשונג איבער די וואהאן לעב ליעק.

More Scientists Call for Lab Leak COVID-19 Origin Investigation
July 2, 2021
Frank Diamond

A group of 30 respected scientists argue that the Chinese government has stonewalled a thorough investigation into the origin of COVID-19. There should be consequences, they suggest.

What began as a theory that dare not speak its name lest one be labeled a conspiracy crank, has become what might be the major news story of the century. And what could possibly eclipse COVID-19 as the major news story? Well, finding a definitive answer to the question: Exactly where did the spikey little ball that upended our world and killed millions of people and disabled millions more (the damage will be tallied for decades) come from?

As Infection Control Today® (ICT®) reported in May, what helped to drag the possibility that COVID-19 was caused by a lab leak in Wuhan, China, into the mainstream media was an open letter in The Lancet by a group of respected scientists who argued that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which runs China, prevented a delegation from the World Health Organization (WHO) from fully considering a lab leak as a plausible scenario. (Amnesty International ranks China as one of the more repressive regimes in the world and says that it became even more repressive in 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic spread.)

Now, another open letter—called the Paris Letter—dated this Wednesday goes even further with a demand for an investigation into a possible lab leak that should be conducted either with or without China’s cooperation. It was written by another group of 30 respected and highly credential scientists, and this time the scientists take direct aim at the CCP.

“The measures taken by the Chinese government to hide the origins, and stop Chinese experts from sharing certain essential information and detailed data clearly show that the current process, without significant changes, has no chance of putting a complete or credible inquiry in place for all possible scenarios,” the Paris Letter states. (The letter was sent to Le Figaro, the largest newspaper in France. That account is behind a firewall but another French media outlet, The Connexion, does a nice job summarizing it here.)

And what if the CCP stonewalls a thorough investigation into the origin of COVID-19 yet again? Then it’s time to play hardball. The scientists argue that if China doesn’t cooperate, an international investigation be launched by institutions with worldwide clout such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) or the Group of Seven Industrial Countries (G7).

“A well-organized and concerted effort, free of interference, drawing on all available sources of information and involving a large number of experts, may well end up providing unambiguous evidence supporting one particular hypothesis regarding the origins of the pandemic,” the letter states.

They add that a “great number of very pertinent details can be collected without the participation of the Chinese authorities. Many governmental and individual scientists across the world have already gathered, and started to analyze, significant quantities of pertinent data.”

The scientists who wrote the letter to The Lancet back in May took pains to acknowledge the brave Chinese scientists and health care experts who tried to get to the bottom of the COVID-19 origin story. The Lancet letter writers also noted the fear that some have that a full investigation might fuel an anti-Asian backlash.

“Finally, in this time of unfortunate anti-Asian sentiment in some countries, we note that at the beginning of the pandemic, it was Chinese doctors, scientists, journalists, and citizens who shared with the world crucial information about the spread of the virus—often at great personal cost,” the scientists who wrote the open letter to The Lancet stated. “We should show the same determination in promoting a dispassionate science-based discourse on this difficult but important issue.”

The scientists of the Paris Letter also pay homage to the Chinese scientists who want to find the truth. “The measures taken by the Chinese government to hide the origins, and stop Chinese experts from sharing certain essential information and detailed data clearly show that the current process, without significant changes, has no chance of putting a complete or credible inquiry in place for all possible scenarios,” the Paris Letter states.

In ICT®’s report on The Lancet article back in May, Kevin Kavanagh, MD, a member of ICT®’s Editorial Advisory Board, referred to what he described as a “chilling article” by authors affiliated with China's National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (NIFDC) and WHO Collaborating Center for Standardization and Evaluation of Biologicals.

“This article describes a plethora of single amino acid substitutions in the spike protein from 106 pseudo-virus which resulted in ‘ten mutations such as N234Q, L452R, A475V, and V483A was markedly resistant to some mAbs’ and that ‘the dominant D614G itself and combined with other mutations are more infectious.’”
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תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

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היסטאריע: צום ערשטען מאל אין 18 חדשים וואס עס ערשיינט א היבש "פרא לעב ליעק" ארטיקל אין א סייענטיפישע זשורנאל. # בלאקאדע געבראכן

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זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

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Now the medical establishment has finally conceded Covid-19 may have leaked from a Wuhan lab, let’s have an open investigation
JULY 12, 2021
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Last week, The BMJ, a prestigious medical journal, added its voice to the growing number of medical scientists calling for a proper investigation of the theory that Covid-19 originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

In a hard-hitting editorial, The BMJ declared that it was scandalous that, until recently, the ‘lab leak’ scenario had been labelled a ‘conspiracy theory’, rejected by the mainstream media and suppressed by Facebook.

It concluded by demanding a ‘full, open, and independent investigation’ into the origins of the virus.

We still don’t know for sure where the virus came from, but the theory that it escaped from a lab in Wuhan has always been quite plausible – which is why it’s peculiar that so many British scientists initially dismissed it as ‘misinformation’.
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תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

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א בריוו געשיקט צו BMJ

The corruption of science.
Dear Editor

This article on the COVID-19 origin is probable the most important published by the BMJ in many decades. Not only is there strong evidence of a leak being the cause, that this Chinese state virology Institute was actively augmenting corona viruses, and that the WHO had warned about such a leak 2 months before the pandemic, but even worse and arguably more importantly, that the western scientific and medical establishment helped to suppress the story and investigation! The Lancet, Scientific American, Nature, Science, along with so-called fact checking websites all were complicit in labelling the lab leak as a conspiracy theory and attacking those who held contradictory opinions to the 'consensus'.

I congratulate the BMJ on its willingness to stand up for truth on this issue. Science is based on an objective seeking of truth through reason. It must never be hijacked by political or other subjective or partisan aims, which unfortunately it has been on this and many other politically charged topics (some of which the BMJ is also complicit).
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

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חדשות האט געשריבן: מזל טוב, מזל טוב...

די גרויסע קארפן קעפ פון די סייענס מאגאזין the lancet איינס פון די מערסטע פרעסטיזשפולסטע (אויב נישט דיפרעסטיזשפולסטע) האבן נאך 20 חדשים ענדליך איינגעזען אז יא... עס שטימט טאקע מיט די כללים פון סייענס, אז פיטער דאסזאק וואס האט געארבעט האנט ביי האנט מיט די וואהאן לעב, באלאנגט נישט צו זיין אויף די קאמיסיע וואס פארשט אויב פון ווי דער וויירוס קומט...

EcoHealth Alliance head Daszak leaves UN-backed COVID origins probe

[spoil]EcoHealth Alliance head Daszak leaves UN-backed COVID origins probe
By Samuel ChamberlainJune 22, 2021 | 12:14am | Updated June 22, 2021 | 10:27am
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Peter Daszak (R), Thea Fischer (L) and other members of the World Health Organization (WHO) team investigating the origins of the COVID-19 coronavirus, arrive at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan in China's central Hubei province on February 3, 2021.
Peter Daszak (right), Thea Fischer (left) and other members of the World Health Organization team investigating the origins of the COVID-19 coronavirus, arrive at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan in China's central Hubei province on February 3, 2021.AFP via Getty Images
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The head of a New York City-based nonprofit that directed hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal grant money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology is no longer part of a UN-backed commission examining the origins of the coronavirus pandemic.

EcoHealth Alliance president Peter Daszak’s profile on the website of The Lancet COVID-19 Commission has been updated to include the parenthetical quote “recused from Commission work on the origins of the pandemic.” The Daily Mail first reported on Daszak’s recusal Monday.

Earlier this month, Vanity Fair reported that Dazsak helped organize a statement signed by 27 leading scientists that appeared in The Lancet — a prestigious British medical journal — in February 2020. The statement condemned what it called “conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin” and proclaimed “solidarity with all scientists and health professionals in China.”

“Conspiracy theories do nothing but create fear, rumours [sic], and prejudice that jeopardise [sic] our global collaboration in the fight against this virus,” the statement added.

Peter Daszak speaks to media upon arriving with other WHO members to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Peter Daszak speaks to media upon arriving with other WHO members to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
AFP via Getty Images
Though the statement initially claimed that the signatories had “no competing interests,” The Lancet issued a statement Monday saying it had invited all 27 signatories (at least one of whom has walked back his support of the natural, or zoonotic, theory) to “re-evaluate their competing interests.” The statement included an updated disclosure from Daszak attached to the February 2020 statement and two other pieces he co-authored or contributed to.

In his expanded disclosure, Daszak stated that EcoHealth’s work in China — including at the Wuhan lab — was funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the US Agency for International Development (USAID). Daszak also denied that he or EcoHealth received money directly from the Chinese government.

Peter Daszak, the President of EcoHealth Alliance.
Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance
“EcoHealth Alliance’s work in China … includes the production of a small number of recombinant bat coronaviruses to analyse [sic] cell entry and other characteristics of bat coronaviruses for which only the genetic sequences are available,” he wrote. “NIH reviewed the planned recombinant virus work and deemed it does not meet the criteria that would warrant further specific review by its Potential Pandemic Pathogen Care and Oversight (P3CO) committee.”

The belated disclosure from The Lancet comes months after the nonprofit group US Right to Know reported that four of the statement’s co-authors had direct ties to EcoHealth Alliance. The Vanity Fair report stated that six signatories had either worked at EcoHealth Alliance or received funding from it.

Two months after The Lancet statement was published, Daszak emailed National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci thanking him for supporting the theory that the coronavirus naturally jumped from animals to humans and did not leak out of the Wuhan lab.


Who is Peter Daszak, the nonprofit exec who sent taxpayer money to Wuhan lab?
“I just wanted to say a personal thank you on behalf of our staff and collaborators, for publicly standing up and stating that the scientific evidence supports a natural origin for COVID-19 from a bat-to-human spillover, not a lab release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” Daszak wrote on April 18, 2020. “From my perspective, your comments are brave, and coming from your trusted voice, will help dispel the myths being spun around the virus’s origins.”

“Many thanks for your kind note,” replied Fauci, who had been told by another email correspondent in late January that the coronavirus may have been “engineered.”

The so-called “lab leak” theory, once dismissed by the mainstream media, has gained traction in recent weeks after a series of revelations — most notably that three researchers at the Wuhan lab were hospitalized with possible COVID symptoms in November 2019, the same period when experts believe the virus was spreading through the 11 million-strong city of Wuhan.

Peter Daszak arrives at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Peter Daszak arrives at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
AFP via Getty Images
Internal NIH emails obtained by the conservative group Judicial Watch earlier this month show that EcoHealth funneled more than $825,000 in grant money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology over a six-year period ending in fiscal year 2019. In total, the Wuhan lab was to receive $1.5 million between fiscal year 2014 and fiscal year 2025 for its work on bat coronaviruses before the grant was terminated by NIH in April of last year.

Daszak has also been scrutinized over his role as the sole US representative on a World Health Organization fact-finding mission to Wuhan earlier this year. That trip produced a report that said the virus likely emerged from animals and that was panned by governments around the world, as well as the WHO’s own director general.

Despite his position at the center of the scientific response to the pandemic, Daszak has repeatedly declined to speak to reporters or lawmakers about EcoHealth, the initial WHO investigation, his relationship with Fauci, the Wuhan Institute of Virology or other issues.[/spoil]

יגעתי ומצאתי.. פון ווי זיי האבן אויסגעפיגערט דעם שטוינענדען אנטדעקונג אז דאסזאק באלאנגט נישט אויף די קאמיסיע...

פון די BMJ ארטיקל.
The Lancet’s editor in chief, Richard Horton, did not respond to repeated requests for comment but, after The BMJ had sent him questions, the Lancet expanded Daszak’s conflicts of interest on the February statement and recused him from working on its task force looking into the pandemic’s origin .1011

The Lancet letter ultimately helped to guide almost a year of reporting, as journalists helped to amplify Daszak’s message and to silence scientific and public debate. “We’re in the midst of the social media misinformation age, and these rumours and conspiracy theories have real consequences,” Daszak told Science.12 Months later in Nature, he again criticised “conspiracies” that the virus could have come from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and complained about “politically motivated organisations” requesting his emails.13
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