איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

אבינו מלכנו מנע מגיפה מנחלתך - אלעס ארום די קאראנא וויירוס

די אחראים: יאנאש , אחראי , געלעגער

שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

איז דער קאראנא וויירוס געקומען פון דער וואהאן ווייראלאגיע לאבאטאריע?

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תגובה דורך חדשות »

דער אשכול וועט דיענען איבער אלעס ארום דעם וואהאן לעב. קאראנע האט שוין פארשניטען 2 מיליאן לעבענס איבער די וועלט. דער וואהאן לעב פארדיענט א באזונדערער אשכול.

לויט אלע אנדייטונגען (וואס איך האב געזען) קומט דער וויירוס פון דארט, אינדרעצייט וואס אלע אולטערנאטיווע טעאריעס פון די סיע פוד מארקעט און עפעס בעטס פון 1000 מייל אוועק אין להם על מה שיסמכו.

יעצט אז טראמפ איז שוין נישט פרעזידענט קען מען קוקען אויף די זאך מיט א גראדען קאפ נישט געוואנדען אין פאליטישע אפיליאציע.
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

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תגובה דורך חדשות »

ובזה החלי. א ווידיא פון פיטער דאסזאק (א נאמען וואס מען גייט נאך אסך הערן) אום דעצ. 9 2019, שמועסט אויס מיט א קלארקייט ווי אזוי מען שפילט זיך ארום מיט קאראנע וויירוס, מען געט עס אריין אין מייז, מיט מענטשליכע סעלס, מעו טוישט עס ארום. אויך זאגט ער אז די ריזיקאלישע שטודיעס וואס ווערט גערופען "געין אף פאנקשון".. (ווי מאדיפיצירט דעם וויירוס עס זאל זיך קענען אריבערכאפן צו מענטשען כדי אזוי ארום עס בעסער צו קענען פארמיידען) האט זיך אנגעהייבן אינעם וואהאן לעב פונקט אין יאר 2019... א פשוטער קא אינצידענט?? דאנט טינק סאו
WHO inspector caught on camera revealing coronavirus manipulation in Wuhan before pandemic
Video shows scientist mention coronavirus experimentation in Wuhan lab weeks before pandemic
15478 Tweet
By Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
2021/01/18 00:31
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Video taken just days before the start of the coronavirus pandemic shows a current World Health Organization (WHO) inspector discuss the testing of modified coronaviruses on human cells and humanized mice in the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), just weeks before the first cases of COVID-19 were announced in the city of Wuhan itself.

In a video that was originally taken on Dec. 9, 2019, three weeks before the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission announced an outbreak of a new form of pneumonia, virologist Vincent Racaniello interviews British Zoologist and President of EcoHealth Alliance Peter Daszak, about his work at the nonprofit to protect the world from the emergence of new diseases and predict pandemics. Since 2014, Daszak's organization has received millions of dollars of funding from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), which it has funneled to the WIV to carry out research on bat coronaviruses.

In the first phase of research, which took place from 2014 to 2019, Daszak coordinated with Shi Zhengli, (石正麗), also known as "Bat Woman," at the WIV on investigating and cataloging bat coronaviruses across China. EcoHealth Alliance received 3.7 million of funding from the NIH for this research and 10 percent was channeled to the WIV, reported NPR.

The second, more dangerous phase, which started in 2019, involved gain-of-function (GoF) research on coronaviruses and chimeras in humanized mice from the lab of Ralph S. Baric of the University of North Carolina. The funding for this program was worth US$3.7 million but was withdrawn by the NIH under the Trump administration on April 27 amid the pandemic.

At the 28:10 mark of the podcast interview, Daszak states that researchers found that SARS likely originated from bats and then set out to find more SARS-related coronaviruses, eventually finding over 100. He observed that some coronaviruses can "get into human cells in the lab," and others can cause SARS disease in "humanized mouse models."

He ominously warned that such coronaviruses are "untreatable with therapeutic monoclonals [antibodies] and you can’t vaccinate against them with a vaccine." Ironically, he claims that his team's goal was trying to find the next "spillover event" that could cause the next pandemic, mere weeks before cases of COVID-19 were beginning to be reported in Wuhan.
When Racaniello asks what can be done to deal with coronavirus given that there is no vaccine or therapeutic for them. Daszak at the 29:54 mark appears to reveal that the goal of the dangerous GoF experiments was to develop a pan-coronavirus vaccine for many different types of coronaviruses.

Based on his response, it is evident that just before the start of the pandemic, the WIV was modifying coronaviruses in the lab. "You can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily." What he then mentioned has become the telltale trait of SARS-CoV-2, it's spike protein: "Spike protein drives a lot of what happens with the coronavirus, zoonotic risk."

Daszak mentions the WIV's collaboration with Baric: "and we work with Ralph Baric at UNC [University of North Carolina] to do this." As has been suggested by proponents that SARS-CoV-2 is a chimera made in a lab, he speaks of inserting the spike protein "into a backbone of another virus, and do some work in the lab."

Providing evidence of the creation of chimeras for the sake of a vaccine, he states "Now, the logical progression for vaccines is, if you are going to develop a vaccine for SARS, people are going to use pandemic SARS, but let’s try to insert these other related diseases and get a better vaccine.”

Based on Daszak's statements, it appears that just before the start of the pandemic, the WIV was using GoF experiments with chimeras in an attempt to create a vaccine. These experiments appeared to have included infecting mice genetically modified to express the human ACE2 protein with these chimeras.

In a presentation titled "Assessing Coronavirus Threats," which was delivered four years before the pandemic in 2015, Daszak points out that experiments involving humanized mice have the highest degree of risk. Demonstrating his close ties with the WIV, he also listed the lab as a collaborator at the end of the presentation.

WHO inspector caught on camera revealing coronavirus manipulation in Wuhan before pandemic
(Assessing Coronavirus threats, Peter Daszak image)

Controversially, Daszak has been included among a team of experts from the WHO that has finally been allowed by Beijing to investigate the origin of the outbreak of COVID-19, over a year after it started. Scientists such as Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University in New Jersey, are condemning Daszak's participation due to conflicts of interest "that unequivocally disqualify him from being part of an investigation of the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic," reported the Daily Mail.

In light of the WHO's trip to Wuhan, a researcher who goes by the pseudonym Billy Bostickson and his colleagues at DRASTIC (Decentralized Radical Autonomous Search Team Investigating COVID-19) have created a petition demanding that the international investigation team answer 50 key questions about the outbreak in Wuhan. Among the questions is a request to access to the facility's database and laboratory records, which are supposed to go back 20 years and include a look at its safety procedures, safety audit reports, and safety incident reports.
שר חמש מאות
תגובות: 658
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:דינסטאג יאנואר 08, 2019 4:47 pm

Re: די וואהאן לעב ווי דער קאראנע מאנסטער איז געווארן באשאפען.

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תגובה דורך פערפלוואל »

NYP: Mike Pompeo reveals intel that may link China lab to COVID-19 outbreak

https://nypost.com/2021/01/16/pompeo-re ... -covid-19/

קאוד: וועל אויס אלע

 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo late Friday revealed previously unreported intelligence that may link a lab in Wuhan, China, to the start of the global coronavirus pandemic.

Pompeo also called on the World Health Organization to fully investigate the possibility that the deadly bug accidentally escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Daily Mail reported.

“Beijing continues today to withhold vital information that scientists need to protect the world from this deadly virus, and the next one,” Pompeo said.

The intelligence data claimed that researchers at the lab fell ill in the fall of 2019 with symptoms consistent with COVID-19, that scientists there were working with a bat coronavirus that is 96.2 percent similar genetically to the virus that causes COVID since 2016, and that the lab has secret links to the Chinese military, according to the Daily Mail.

Pompeo did not suggest that the virus was intentionally engineered or released, instead suggesting it escaped the lab accidentally. The State Department said the lab “has not been transparent or consistent about its record of studying viruses most similar to the COVID-19 virus.”

The call came one day after a WHO research team landed in Wuhan to seek clues to the pandemic’s origins. Pompeo said that the team should have full access to the lab and a “full accounting” of records on bat coronaviruses removed from its online database.

“Beijing continues today to withhold vital information that scientists need to protect the world from this deadly virus, and the next one,” Pompeo said.
ראש הקהל
תגובות: 23343
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:זונטאג נאוועמבער 10, 2019 4:52 pm
לאקאציע:אין מיין בעט


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תגובה דורך נארמאליזעם »

חדשות האט געשריבן: ובזה החלי. א ווידיא פון פיטער דאסזאק (א נאמען וואס מען גייט נאך אסך הערן) אום דעצ. 9 2019, שמועסט אויס מיט א קלארקייט ווי אזוי מען שפילט זיך ארום מיט קאראנע וויירוס, מען געט עס אריין אין מייז, מיט מענטשליכע סעלס, מעו טוישט עס ארום. אויך זאגט ער אז די ריזיקאלישע שטודיעס וואס ווערט גערופען "געין אף פאנקשון".. (ווי מאדיפיצירט דעם וויירוס עס זאל זיך קענען אריבערכאפן צו מענטשען כדי אזוי ארום עס בעסער צו קענען פארמיידען) האט זיך אנגעהייבן אינעם וואהאן לעב פונקט אין יאר 2019... א פשוטער קא אינצידענט?? דאנט טינק סאו

ווער איז דעי מענטש?
א סוקסעספעלע אונליין נייעס פובליקאציע זוכט א ענערגישע פאר-טיים סעילסמאן פאר עדס אין די מאנסי אומגעגנט
גוט באצאלט פאר די פאסיגע קאנדידאט.

פאראינטערסערטע שיקט אן אימעיל צו: [email protected]
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: די וואהאן לעב ווי דער קאראנע מאנסטער איז געווארן באשאפען.

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תגובה דורך חדשות »

פיטער דאסזאק איז א סייענטיסט אין אמעריקא וואס האט געארבעט בשותפות מיט די וואהאן לעב אויף קאראנע עקספרימענטען.
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

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תגובה דורך חדשות »

Huang Yanling א סייענטיסט פון די וואהאן לעב איז דער ערשטער מענטש וואס מען ווייסט האט געהאט קאוויד. זי איז "פארשווינדען" געווארען א יאר צוריק.
שר חמישים ומאתים
תגובות: 434
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:דינסטאג יוני 02, 2015 4:26 pm


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תגובה דורך געוואלדיג »

חדשות האט געשריבן: ובזה החלי. א ווידיא פון פיטער דאסזאק .

וואו איז די ווידיא זעלבסט? נישט כשר?
לייפציק האט געשריבן:
לעבן איז א גרויסע סכנה, מ'איז אויסגעשטעלט צו כל מיני זאכן, פאר געשטארבענע מענטשן שאדט גארנישט,
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: Re:

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תגובה דורך חדשות »

געוואלדיג האט געשריבן:
חדשות האט געשריבן: ובזה החלי. א ווידיא פון פיטער דאסזאק .

וואו איז די ווידיא זעלבסט? נישט כשר?

איך האב נישט קיין עקסעס, אדרבה אז איינער האט יא עקסעס און עס איז כשר, אהער דערמיט.
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: די וואהאן לעב ווי דער קאראנע מאנסטער איז געווארן באשאפען.

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תגובה דורך חדשות »

ראבערט רעטפילד, דער באקאנטער CDC דירעקטאר ווען קאראנע האט זיך אנגעהויבן איז היינט ארויסגעקומען, אז לויט זיין מיינונג קומט דער קאראנע וויירוס פונעם וואהאן לעב.
עס איז דאכטזיך דער ערשטער מאל וואס א הויכער "מעדיקעל" באאמטער אין אמעריקא באשטעטיגט דעם געדאנק וואס איז אמאל (היינט) גערופען געווארן אין די מידיא און סייענס זשורנאלען א...קאנספיראציע.
פרישע קישקע
שר חמש מאות
תגובות: 643
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג יולי 27, 2020 9:22 pm
לאקאציע:ביים רבינ'ס טיש
פארבינד זיך:

Re: די וואהאן לעב ווי דער קאראנע מאנסטער איז געווארן באשאפען.

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תגובה דורך פרישע קישקע »

די ווידיאוי ביטע
איך פארלאז אייוועלט
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

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תגובה דורך חדשות »

דעילי מעיל דעקט אויף דאקומענטען אז די כינעזער מיליטער איז געווען פעסט אקטיוו אין די וואהאן לעב פאר מיליטערישע צוועקן, בשעת די תמימותדיגע אמעריקאנער האבן געשיקט געלט צום לעב וואס מאכט הוימאנעטערישע ריסערטש..

נאר לעצטע חודש האט די לעב שארף אפגעלייקענט אז זיי האבן געהאט סיי וואסארע שייכות צום מיליטער.

A Daily Mail investigation has uncovered additional evidence that the COVID-19 coronavirus may have originated in a military virus lab in Wuhan, China, despite denials from the Chinese Communists that the military was involved.

In February, the World Health Organization concluded that there was no evidence for the lab origin theory, and that the team investigating the virus’s origins should stop pursuing that theory. Hundreds of scientists around the world were outraged and demanded the WHO continue looking into the Wuhan lab hypothesis.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology project began nine years ago and was tasked with studying bat viruses. It was a maximum-security facility overseen by the Chinese army.

Daily Mail:

Documents obtained by The Mail on Sunday reveal that a nationwide scheme, directed by a leading state body, was launched nine years ago to discover new viruses and detect the ‘dark matter’ of biology involved in spreading diseases.

One leading Chinese scientist, who published the first genetic sequence of the Covid-19 virus in January last year, found 143 new diseases in the first three years of the project alone.

It would be logical for someone familiar with the COVID-19 virus to be the first scientist in the world to sequence its genome. But it’s the involvement of the military and the research to find viruses that might be weaponized that has raised red flags with Western intelligence agencies. It should be noted that there is no direct evidence for a military bioweapons program in China. But it’s hard to find another reason for the military’s interest.

The fact that such a virus-detection project is led by both civilian and military scientists appears to confirm incendiary claims from the United States alleging collaboration between the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and the country’s 2.1 million-strong armed forces.

The scheme’s five team leaders include Shi Zhengli, the WIV virologist nicknamed ‘Bat Woman’ for her trips to find samples in caves, and Cao Wuchun, a senior army officer and government adviser on bioterrorism.

Prof Shi denied the US allegations last month, saying: ‘I don’t know of any military work at the WIV. That info is incorrect.’

The U.S. State Department has raised concerns about the “gain of function” work done at the lab. Basically, gain of function “places positive selective pressure on the microorganisms to effect mutations that would increase their pathogenicity, transmissibility, and antigenicity.” In other words, gain of function takes a bad bug and turns it into a very, very bad bug.

Recommended: Obama’s NIH Helped Bankroll Wuhan Lab Where Coronavirus May Have Originated

Now, why would civilian scientists do something like that? The standard response is that they were trying to explore life at its most basic level. But with the confirmed military connection, gain of function takes on a whole, new, dark meaning.

The documents obtained by The Mail on Sunday detail a major project called ‘the discovery of animal-delivered pathogens carried by wild animals’, which set out to find organisms that could infect humans and investigate their evolution.

It was launched in 2012 and funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. The project was led by Xu Jianguo, who boasted at a conference in 2019 that ‘a giant network of infectious disease prevention and control is taking shape’.

The professor also headed the first expert group investigating Covid’s emergence in Wuhan. He denied human transmission initially, despite evidence from hospitals, then insisted in mid-January ‘this epidemic is limited and will end if there are no new cases next week’.

We’re never going to get the truth out of China. And once the pandemic fades into a bad memory, the impetus to discover its origins will also disappear.

China is going to get away with it. Helping them do so will be their wholly-owned subsidiary, the World Health Organization. It would take guts for an American president to demand accountability and put our money where his mouth is. Stiff economic sanctions on China would invite retaliation, but also could damage their economy more severely than their sanctions could damage ours. This would be especially true if we managed to get the rest of the industrialized world to act in concert with America.

China is not the preeminent power in the world — yet. Until it is, the Chinese Communist Party must be shown that their failures to contain the pandemic have a steep real-world cost.
אוסף החסיל
שר חמש מאות
תגובות: 717
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מיטוואך נאוועמבער 20, 2019 7:19 pm

Re: די וואהאן לעב ווי דער קאראנע מאנסטער איז געווארן באשאפען.

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תגובה דורך אוסף החסיל »

חדשות האט געשריבן: דער אשכול וועט דיענען איבער אלעס ארום דעם וואהאן לעב. קאראנע האט שוין פארשניטען 2 מיליאן לעבענס איבער די וועלט. דער וואהאן לעב פארדיענט א באזונדערער אשכול.

לויט אלע אנדייטונגען (וואס איך האב געזען) קומט דער וויירוס פון דארט, אינדרעצייט וואס אלע אולטערנאטיווע טעאריעס פון די סיע פוד מארקעט און עפעס בעטס פון 1000 מייל אוועק אין להם על מה שיסמכו.

קען מען קוקען אויף די זאך מיט א גראדען קאפ נישט געוואנדען אין פאליטישע אפיליאציע.

יעצט אז טראמפ איז שוין נישט פרעזידענט איז שוין נישטא ווער זאל טוען עפעס דערוועגן...
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: די וואהאן לעב ווי דער קאראנע מאנסטער איז געווארן באשאפען.

  • ציטיר
  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך חדשות »

חדשות האט געשריבן: יעצט אז טראמפ איז שוין נישט פרעזידענט קען מען קוקען אויף די זאך מיט א גראדען קאפ נישט געוואנדען אין פאליטישע אפיליאציע.

עטליכע חדשים אריבער, און מען האלט שוין ביי הודאת בעל דין. אומגלויבליך ווי אזוי פאקטן ווערן באשאפן, געוואנדען אויף פערזענליכע חשבונות.

פון ניו יארק מאגאזין.
How the Liberal Media Dismissed the Lab-Leak Theory and Smeared Its Supporters
By Jonathan Chait

Photo: Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images
When Nicholson Baker wrote a cover story for New York laying out the evidence that COVID-19 may have originated in a lab in Wuhan, China, the hypothesis was still highly controversial. In the months that have followed, and especially over the last week, it’s gained more and more credibility. A week ago, 18 prominent scientists signed a letter published in Science calling for an open investigation into the virus’s origins. This weekend, the Wall Street Journal reported that U.S. intelligence believes three researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology became sick enough in November 2019 to require hospitalization, lending even more credence to the possibility of a lab leak.

The hypothesis is far from proven. But this account of the virus’s origins is highly plausible, and at least as well-grounded as the original story of an infection that naturally leapt from a bat to a person.

This development would come as a shock to anybody who had been following this question in the news, especially its more left-leaning precincts. Many mainstream journalists, though not all, dismissed the lab-leak hypothesis out of hand as a conspiracy theory. In part, they were deceived by some especially voluble public-health experts. In part, they simply took Donald Trump’s bait, answering the former president’s dissembling with false certainty of their own.

It is not too early to grapple with the failures of the media, which reflect the wider struggles of trying to fairly convey the truth in an atmosphere deformed by misinformation. Rather than meet lies with truth, the media often met it with other lies.

The confusion surrounding this issue was sown in no small measure by Trump, who used China as a transparent gambit to distract from his failure to respond to the pandemic. His messages characteristically contained a mix of unproven, false, and irrelevant statements. Trump said China was withholding information about the pandemic’s origins, that it might not have started in a market, and that China may have intentionally started the pandemic or allowed it to spread in order to harm him:

“Whether they made a mistake or whether it started off as a mistake and then they made another one, or did somebody do something on purpose … Certainly it could have been stopped,” Trump said during an event in the East Room on his administration’s efforts to aid seniors during the outbreak. “They either couldn’t do it from a competence standpoint, or they let it spread.”

Obviously, the idea China would intentionally start a deadly pandemic inside of China, just so the virus would eventually spread around the globe and kill Americans, is preposterous. In any case, whether it originated in a lab or a wet market is irrelevant to Trump’s decisions — either way, his job was to protect Americans from the virus, and he failed.

However, the charge that the virus began in a lab and China was covering it up was never clearly false. Yet many media reports treated this aspect with the same skepticism as Trump’s other lies on the subject, often blending different aspects of these claims together.

In January 2020, the Washington Post wrote a story headlined, “Experts debunk fringe theory linking China’s coronavirus to weapons research.” This piece correctly refuted the claim that the virus was deliberately manufactured as a biological weapon. It did not distinguish the (highly unlikely) bioweapon theory from the related, more plausible theory that the disease escaped from the Wuhan lab without ever having been intended as a weapon. More damagingly, this story treated the Wuhan lab’s security as essentially impregnable, asserting that “the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory is a ‘Cellular Level Biosafety Level 4’ facility, which means it has a high level of operational security and is authorized to work on dangerous pathogens, including Ebola.”

The security level of a lab in China is not something the Western media was, or is, in a position to assess. But this assumption that the lab almost certainly couldn’t suffer a breach became embedded in a lot of the coverage that followed.

In February, Senator Tom Cotton appeared on television to raise questions about what China was hiding. Cotton kept his exact accusation vague, perhaps deliberately. “We don’t have evidence that this disease originated there,” he said of the Wuhan lab, “but because of China’s duplicity and dishonesty from the beginning, we need to at least ask the question to see what the evidence says, and China right now is not giving evidence on that question at all.”

Reporters immediately began accusing him of promoting the most extreme version of Trump’s charge. The New York Times labeled Cotton’s remarks a “conspiracy theory.” The Washington Post’s account was headlined, “Tom Cotton keeps repeating a coronavirus conspiracy theory that was already debunked.” The Post quoted an expert denying the virus “was a deliberately released bioweapon,” but Cotton hadn’t said that.

Not all media handled the controversy this poorly. The New York Times treated the lab-leak hypothesis as an open question. A report that Trump officials were pressuring intelligence staffers to substantiate the lab-leak theory presented evidence for both sides. Another report a few days later noted, “Some officials who have examined the intelligence reports, which remain classified, say it is possible an animal that was infected with the coronavirus in the laboratory was destroyed, and a lab worker was accidentally infected in the process. But that is just one of many theories still being examined.”

But other reporting spread the same confusion. One April NPR report asserted, “Virus researchers say there is virtually no chance that the new coronavirus was released as result of a laboratory accident in China or anywhere else.” But if you read the story closely, you can see the gaps between what the experts say, and the conclusions of the authorial voice. For instance, one expert explained:

Lim says she does not believe a lab accident is the cause of the current outbreak: “While there is always some risk for lab accidents, risk is not reality,” she told NPR in an email. “The origin of COVID-19 is consistent with other natural zoonotic crossover events, without invoking lab accidents.”

Note that the expert calls contagion a “risk,” without assessing its likelihood, and calls the evidence “consistent with” it having emerged naturally. Neither of these statements rule out the possibility of a lab accident. Yet the report went beyond the evidence to support that different, stronger conclusion.

More liberal news sources went even farther. The Guardian covered the issue through the prism of Trump’s habit of spreading conspiracy theories, with headlines like “Trump fans flames of Chinese lab coronavirus theory during daily briefing” and “Trump claims to have evidence coronavirus started in Chinese lab but offers no details.”

In March, Vox (whose parent company also owns New York) reported, “In some right-wing news outlets and on social media, a dangerous conspiracy theory about the origin of the health crisis won’t die.” It scolded New York Post columnist Steven Mosher for having “stoked the leakage rumor, using an array of circumstantial clues that Chinese labs’ handling of deadly pathogens can’t be trusted,” to which the story asserted in response, “The Wuhan lab has the same safety protocols as top biosafety labs in the US and Europe.”

A Slate story, headlined “Where the Coronavirus Bioweapon Conspiracy Theories Really Come From,” conflated the bioweapon theory with the more modest lab-leak hypothesis:

Responsible outlets have covered the conspiracy theories, attempting to debunk them. But even some experts don’t seem immune here. One rejected the idea of the virus being a biological weapon and praised the Wuhan Institute of Virology as a “world-class research institution that does world-class research” to the Washington Post at the end of January. Less than a month later, he was tweeting sympathetically about a New York Post opinion piece claiming the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the virus that causes COVID-19, had escaped from the same lab

The story proceeds to lay the blame for the lab-leak theory on bigotry: “The rumors of a lab escape or a bioweapon stem from historical amnesia, a caricatured villain, and good old-fashioned racism.” After asserting that China’s lab security is world class, it explains:

Driving these caricatured views, moreover, is an undercurrent of racism. The history of China includes a series of at times violent occupations by English, American, French, and Japanese forces. From this history arises the trope of China as the “sick man of Asia,” an unintentional collaboration between English diplomats and Chinese intellectuals, and made popular more than a century later by, of all people, Bruce Lee, as the South China Morning Post describes. This trope describes the government of China as weak and failing, but also the Chinese people themselves as physically frail. Recently revived by a columnist at the Wall Street Journal, to the anger of the Chinese government, the trope feeds an image of the Chinese as cunning but not intelligent. It’s an odious hang-up from our colonial past, and one we’d be well placed to abandon. It’s worth noting that part of that history includes the use of biological weapons against China by the Japanese—China is the most recent nation to have had bioweapons used against them, en masse, by a foreign power.

Of course, there are sound reasons other than racism to question the security of a lab that has refused to be transparent with international authorities, and whose government is run by an oligarchic one-party state.

The debate over the virus’s origins died down after the spring of 2020, but the original impression as a “conspiracy theory” did not disappear. After a guest on Tucker Carlson’s program called the virus man-made and asserted it had originated in a lab – a hypothesis that, to be clear, was hardly proven – Politifact labelled it a “debunked conspiracy theory.” And yet the same pattern recurred, in which the guts of Politifact’s story failed to support such a confident conclusion, and even conceded it was possible:

That doesn’t rule out the possibility that Chinese researchers were studying the virus in a lab when it managed to spread outside the lab, which is something that the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency has considered. But the agency has also said there is “no credible evidence to indicate SARS-CoV-2 was released intentionally or was created as a biological weapon.”

Politifact has since appended an editor’s note to the top of that piece retracting its original claim.

In October, Business Insider reported with alarm that a quarter of the public believed a “conspiracy theory” that the virus originated in a lab. But, once again, the story itself merely suggested this was “highly unlikely” (not impossible), due to the Wuhan lab’s stringent safety protocols.

An Associated Press fact-check in December, rounding up various myths related to the pandemic, described the lab-leak hypothesis as a “falsehood.” The story proceeded to assert the virus “likely originated in nature.” Likely, of course, does not mean absolutely.

It is understandable that authorities, including public health experts and journalists, responded to the crisis with initial confusion. But they erred on the side of certainty when they ought to have erred on the side of uncertainty. And the false certainty they embraced at the outset of 2020 hardened into a dogma that they did not question for far too long.

The lab-leak hypothesis may well turn out to be wrong. But that won’t make any of these reports right. The origins of COVID-19 were always hazy, and China’s lack of transparency created significant doubt. Reporters looked at the uncertainty and fell back on an impulse to straightforwardly call out racist lies, even though the evidence to call it lies was quite threadbare.

It is true that most of these outlets were more faithful to the truth than Trump, whose gusher of lies vastly exceeded whatever false claims trickled out of the liberal media. But Trump is not the right standard for journalists. And those who chose to follow the ethos of moral clarity, at the expense of objectivity, misled their audiences.
שר שלשת אלפים
תגובות: 3550
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:דאנערשטאג מאי 13, 2021 4:33 pm

Re: די וואהאן לעב ווי דער קאראנע מאנסטער איז געווארן באשאפען.

  • ציטיר
  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך שפיצער »

אויף קול מבשר הערע'ך אצינד אן אפדעיט איבער די מיינונג פון א געוועזענער fda דירעקטאר איבער די אריגינ'ס פונעם וויירוס .
איינער מיט מער אינפאו?
קנאפער ידען
שר החסד
תגובות: 35000
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:זונטאג יאנואר 06, 2013 10:06 pm
לאקאציע:וואו ג-ט ב"ה וויל

  • ציטיר
  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך קנאפער ידען »

שפיצער האט געשריבן: אויף קול מבשר הערע'ך אצינד אן אפדעיט איבער די מיינונג פון א געוועזענער fda דירעקטאר איבער די אריגינ'ס פונעם וויירוס .
איינער מיט מער אינפאו?

וועלכע אינפאו?

דער דאקטאר איז סקאט גאטליעב, געווען קאמישאנער פון דער FDA אין יארן 2017-2019.

דער שמועס קומט מיט אים איז געווען נאך א ריפארט פון דער וואל סטריט דזשורנאל נעכטן וואס האט ציטירט פון א אינטעלעדזשענס באריכט אז אפאר ארבעטער פון דער וואהאן לעב זענען האספיטאלאזירט געווארן אין נאוועמבער יארע 19 “with symptoms consistent with both Covid-19 and common seasonal illness.”

גאטליעב זאגט אז אין ליכט פון דער באריכט ווערט דער טעאריע אז דער וויירוס איז במקורו פון דער לעב פארשטערקערט, בנוסף צו דער פאקט אז מען האט ביז היינט נאכנישט געקענט אפירזוכן דער אזויגערופענער בעל חי' פון וואס דער וויירוס האט געזאלט קומען (אין דער עבר - ביי MARS און SARS וויירוס אויסברוכן - האט מען אסאך אסאך שנעלער געטראפן דער מקור אין א פריערדיגער אויסברוך ביי בעלי חי.)
מ'זעמיר אויף ברעיק פאר א וויילע (זעט דערוועגן דא ). אי"ה צום ווידערזען!

ביטע מיר נישט קאנטעקטן אויף סיי וואספארא וועג. אן אויסנאם איז טעקניקעל אירע וואס העלפן אנדערע און דארף הילף דערמיט
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: די וואהאן לעב ווי דער קאראנע מאנסטער איז געווארן באשאפען.

  • ציטיר
  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך חדשות »

שפיצער האט געשריבן: אויף קול מבשר הערע'ך אצינד אן אפדעיט איבער די מיינונג פון א געוועזענער fda דירעקטאר איבער די אריגינ'ס פונעם וויירוס .
איינער מיט מער אינפאו?

כמעט אלע אינפארמאציע וואס מען ווייסט יעצט האט מען שוין געוויסט אנפאנג יאר אויך. דער חילוק? טראמפ איז שוין מער נישט פרעזידענט...
קנאפער ידען
שר החסד
תגובות: 35000
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:זונטאג יאנואר 06, 2013 10:06 pm
לאקאציע:וואו ג-ט ב"ה וויל

  • ציטיר
  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך קנאפער ידען »

חדשות האט געשריבן:
שפיצער האט געשריבן: אויף קול מבשר הערע'ך אצינד אן אפדעיט איבער די מיינונג פון א געוועזענער fda דירעקטאר איבער די אריגינ'ס פונעם וויירוס .
איינער מיט מער אינפאו?

כמעט אלע אינפארמאציע וואס מען ווייסט יעצט האט מען שוין געוויסט אנפאנג יאר אויך. דער חילוק? טראמפ איז שוין מער נישט פרעזידענט...

נישט ריכטיג, ווי געשריבן איז געווען די וואך א פרישע ביז-איצט-נישט-פאבליק ריפארט וועגן די קראנקע לעב ארבעטער.
מ'זעמיר אויף ברעיק פאר א וויילע (זעט דערוועגן דא ). אי"ה צום ווידערזען!

ביטע מיר נישט קאנטעקטן אויף סיי וואספארא וועג. אן אויסנאם איז טעקניקעל אירע וואס העלפן אנדערע און דארף הילף דערמיט
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm


  • ציטיר
  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך חדשות »

קנאפער ידען האט געשריבן:
חדשות האט געשריבן:
שפיצער האט געשריבן: אויף קול מבשר הערע'ך אצינד אן אפדעיט איבער די מיינונג פון א געוועזענער fda דירעקטאר איבער די אריגינ'ס פונעם וויירוס .
איינער מיט מער אינפאו?

כמעט אלע אינפארמאציע וואס מען ווייסט יעצט האט מען שוין געוויסט אנפאנג יאר אויך. דער חילוק? טראמפ איז שוין מער נישט פרעזידענט...

נישט ריכטיג, ווי געשריבן איז געווען די וואך א פרישע ביז-איצט-נישט-פאבליק ריפארט וועגן די קראנקע לעב ארבעטער.

נישט ריכטיג. שוין גווען באריכטעט אין יאנאוער (מיט עטוואס חילוקים) נאר די מעינסטריעמערס האבן עס פשוט און פראסט נישט באריכטעט. דוק ותשכח. עס גלייבט זיך נישט, איך ווייס, עס איז אבער א טרוקענער פאקט.
קנאפער ידען
שר החסד
תגובות: 35000
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:זונטאג יאנואר 06, 2013 10:06 pm
לאקאציע:וואו ג-ט ב"ה וויל

  • ציטיר
  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך קנאפער ידען »

חדשות האט געשריבן: נישט ריכטיג. שוין גווען באריכטעט אין יאנאוער (מיט עטוואס חילוקים) נאר די מעינסטריעמערס האבן עס פשוט און פראסט נישט באריכטעט. דוק ותשכח. עס גלייבט זיך נישט, איך ווייס, עס איז אבער א טרוקענער פאקט.

באריכטעט אלץ פאקט פון אינטעלעדזשענס סורסעס אדער באריכטעט מיט אזאנע מקורות אז איך טראכט/מיין/אפשר?
מ'זעמיר אויף ברעיק פאר א וויילע (זעט דערוועגן דא ). אי"ה צום ווידערזען!

ביטע מיר נישט קאנטעקטן אויף סיי וואספארא וועג. אן אויסנאם איז טעקניקעל אירע וואס העלפן אנדערע און דארף הילף דערמיט
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm


  • ציטיר
  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך חדשות »

קנאפער ידען האט געשריבן:
חדשות האט געשריבן: נישט ריכטיג. שוין גווען באריכטעט אין יאנאוער (מיט עטוואס חילוקים) נאר די מעינסטריעמערס האבן עס פשוט און פראסט נישט באריכטעט. דוק ותשכח. עס גלייבט זיך נישט, איך ווייס, עס איז אבער א טרוקענער פאקט.

באריכטעט אלץ פאקט פון אינטעלעדזשענס סורסעס אדער באריכטעט מיט אזאנע מקורות אז איך טראכט/מיין/אפשר?

אודאי. אפיציעלפון די סטעיט דעפט אום JAN 15. די מעינסטריעמערס האבן עס ניטאמאל געפינען וויכטיג צו באריכטען.

https://2017-2021.state.gov/fact-sheet- ... index.html
1. Illnesses inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV):

The U.S. government has reason to believe that several researchers inside the WIV became sick in autumn 2019, before the first identified case of the outbreak, with symptoms consistent with both COVID-19 and common seasonal illnesses. This raises questions about the credibility of WIV senior researcher Shi Zhengli’s public claim that there was “zero infection” among the WIV’s staff and students of SARS-CoV-2 or SARS-related viruses.
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: די וואהאן לעב ווי דער קאראנע מאנסטער איז געווארן באשאפען.

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מיין קאנקלוציע איז. אז די איינרעדעניש אז אין אמעריקא קען מען גארנישט באהאלטן אנדערש ווי אין רוסלאנד, איז געוואנדען אינעם גוטען ווילן פון די מעינסטריעמערס און זייער קאנקעקציעס.
לעצט פארראכטן דורך חדשות אום דינסטאג מאי 25, 2021 7:58 pm, פארראכטן געווארן 1 מאל.
שר שלשת אלפים
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זיך איינגעשריבן אום:דאנערשטאג מאי 13, 2021 4:33 pm

Re: Re:

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חדשות האט געשריבן:
קנאפער ידען האט געשריבן:
חדשות האט געשריבן:
שפיצער האט געשריבן: אויף קול מבשר הערע'ך אצינד אן אפדעיט איבער די מיינונג פון א געוועזענער fda דירעקטאר איבער די אריגינ'ס פונעם וויירוס .
איינער מיט מער אינפאו?

כמעט אלע אינפארמאציע וואס מען ווייסט יעצט האט מען שוין געוויסט אנפאנג יאר אויך. דער חילוק? טראמפ איז שוין מער נישט פרעזידענט...

נישט ריכטיג, ווי געשריבן איז געווען די וואך א פרישע ביז-איצט-נישט-פאבליק ריפארט וועגן די קראנקע לעב ארבעטער.

נישט ריכטיג. שוין גווען באריכטעט אין יאנאוער (מיט עטוואס חילוקים) נאר די מעינסטריעמערס האבן עס פשוט און פראסט נישט באריכטעט. דוק ותשכח. עס גלייבט זיך נישט, איך ווייס, עס איז אבער א טרוקענער פאקט.

יוש איך בין דיזזי.
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: די וואהאן לעב ווי דער קאראנע מאנסטער איז געווארן באשאפען.

  • ציטיר
  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך חדשות »

https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics ... -credible/
Why scientists are suddenly more interested in the lab-leak theory of Covid's origin
https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/25/politics ... index.html

די וואשינגטאן פאסט האט א טיימליין פון די וואהאן לעב סטארי. דארט קענסטו זען אז די איינציגסטע וויכטיגע דעוועלאפמענט אין די לעצטע פאר חדשים איז גווען יאנאור 20 ווען ביידען איז געווארן פרעזידענט. דאס איבריגע איז, דער רעפארטער טאנצט ארויף אויפן וואגן און דערנאך א צווייטער רעפארטער.

Early speculation
Dec. 30, 2019: The Wuhan Municipal Health Commission issues an “urgent notice” to medical institutions in Wuhan, saying that cases of pneumonia of unknown cause have emerged from the city’s Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market.

Jan. 5, 2020: Earliest known tweet suggesting China created the virus. @GarboHK tweeted: “18 years ago, #China killed nearly 300 #HongKongers by unreporting #SARS cases, letting Chinese tourists travel around the world, to Asia specifically to spread the virus with bad intention. Today the evil regime strikes again with a new virus.”

Jan. 23: A Daily Mail article appears, headlined: “China built a lab to study SARS and Ebola in Wuhan — and U.S. biosafety experts warned in 2017 that a virus could ‘escape’ the facility that’s become key in fighting the outbreak.”

Jan. 26: The Washington Times publishes an article with the headline: “Coronavirus may have originated in lab linked to China’s biowarfare program.” An editor’s note is added March 25: “Since this story ran, scientists outside of China have had a chance to study the SARS-CoV-2 virus. They concluded it does not show signs of having been manufactured or purposefully manipulated in a lab.”

Jan. 26: A study by Chinese researchers published in the Lancet of the first 41 hospitalized patients in Wuhan who had confirmed infections found that 13 of the 41 cases, including the first documented case, had no link to the seafood marketplace that originally was considered the origin of the outbreak.

Jan 30: Sen. Tom Cotton, speaking at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, says: “This coronavirus is a catastrophe on the scale of Chernobyl for China. But actually, it’s probably worse than Chernobyl, which was localized in its effect. The coronavirus could result in a global pandemic.” He adds: “I would note that Wuhan has China’s only biosafety level-four super laboratory that works with the world’s most deadly pathogens to include, yes, coronavirus.”

Feb. 3: WIV researchers report in the journal Nature that the novel coronavirus spreading around the world was a bat-derived coronavirus. The report said SARS-CoV-2 is 96.2 percent identical at the whole-genome level to a bat coronavirus named RaTG13.

Feb. 6: Botao Xiao, a molecular biomechanics researcher at South China University of Technology, posts a paper stating that “the killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan.” He pointed to the previous safety mishaps and the kind of research undertaken at the lab. He withdrew the paper a few weeks later after Chinese authorities insisted no accident had taken place.

Feb. 9: In response to criticism from China’s ambassador that Cotton’s remarks are “absolutely crazy,” the senator tweets: “Here’s what’s not a conspiracy, not a theory: Fact: China lied about virus starting in Wuhan food market. Fact: super-lab is just a few miles from that market. Where did it start? We don’t know. But burden of proof is on you & fellow communists. Open up now to competent international scientists.”

Feb. 16: Cotton, in response to a Washington Post article critical of him, offers four scenarios on Twitter: “1. Natural (still the most likely, but almost certainly not from the Wuhan food market) 2. Good science, bad safety (e.g., they were researching things like diagnostic testing and vaccines, but an accidental breach occurred). 3. Bad science, bad safety (this is the engineered-bioweapon hypothesis, with an accidental breach). 4. Deliberate release (very unlikely, but shouldn’t rule out till the evidence is in). Again, none of these are ‘theories’ and certainly not ‘conspiracy theories.’ They are hypotheses that ought to be studied in light of the evidence.”

Scientists respond
Feb. 19: A statement is published in Lancet by a group of 27 scientists: “We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that covid-19 does not have a natural origin,” the statement says. Scientists “overwhelmingly conclude that this coronavirus originated in wildlife.” The statement was drafted and organized by Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, which funded research at WIV with U.S. government grants. (Three of the signers have since said a laboratory accident is plausible enough to merit consideration.)

March 11: Scientific American publishes a profile of virologist Shi Zhengli, who heads a group that studies bat coronaviruses at WIV. “I had never expected this kind of thing to happen in Wuhan, in central China,” she said. If coronaviruses were the culprit, she remembers thinking, “Could they have come from our lab?” The article said that after the virus emerged, Shi frantically went through her own lab’s records from the past few years to check for any mishandling of experimental materials, but she “breathed a sigh of relief when the results came back: none of the sequences matched those of the viruses her team had sampled from bat caves.” She told the magazine: “That really took a load off my mind. I had not slept a wink for days.”

March 17: An analysis published in Nature Medicine by an influential group of scientists states: “Although the evidence shows that SARSCoV-2 is not a purposefully manipulated virus, it is currently impossible to prove or disprove the other theories of its origin described here. However, since we observed all notable SARS-CoV-2 features, including the optimized RBD [receptor- binding domain] and polybasic cleavage site, in related coronaviruses in nature, we do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible.”

The intelligence community weighs in
March 27: A Defense Intelligence Agency assessment on the origin of the coronavirus is updated to include the possibility that the new coronavirus emerged “accidentally” due to “unsafe laboratory practices.”

April 2: David Ignatius, writing in The Washington Post, notes: “The prime suspect is ‘natural’ transmission from bats to humans, perhaps through unsanitary markets. But scientists don’t rule out that an accident at a research laboratory in Wuhan might have spread a deadly bat virus that had been collected for scientific study.”

April 14: Josh Rogin, writing in The Post, reveals that in 2018, State Department officials visited the WIV and “sent two official warnings back to Washington about inadequate safety at the lab, which was conducting risky studies on coronaviruses from bats. The cables have fueled discussions inside the U.S. government about whether this or another Wuhan lab was the source of the virus — even though conclusive proof has yet to emerge.”

April 22: Yuri Deigin, a biotech entrepreneur, in a long and detailed post on Medium, reviews “gain-of-function” research undertaken at the lab and concludes that “from a technical standpoint, it would not be difficult for a modern virologist to create such a strain” as the new coronavirus. He adds: “The opposite point is worth repeating too: the inverse hypothesis about the exclusively natural origin of the virus does not yet have strong evidence either.”

April 24: Under pressure from the White House, the National Institutes of Health terminates the grant to EcoHealth Alliance that funded study of bat coronaviruses at WIV.

April 30: President Donald Trump tells reporters: “You had the theory from the lab. … There’s a lot of theories. But, yeah, we have people looking at it very, very strongly.”

May 3: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says in an interview with ABC News: “There’s enormous evidence that that’s where this began. … Remember, China has a history of infecting the world, and they have a history of running substandard laboratories. These are not the first times that we have had the world exposed to viruses as a result of failures in a Chinese lab.”

May 18: The Seeker, an anonymous Twitter user, posts a medical thesis describing a mine in Mojiang, Yunnan, where miners fell ill with a viral-induced pneumonia in 2012.

June 4: Milton Leitenberg, writing in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, reviews the history of lab safety and the type of research conducted at WIV and argues that the lab-leak theory cannot be easily dismissed. “The pros and cons regarding the two alternative possibilities—first, that it arose in the field as a natural evolution, as many virologists maintain, or second, that it may have been the consequence of bat coronavirus research in one of the two virology research institutes located in Wuhan that led to the infection of a laboratory researcher and subsequent escape—are equally based on inference and conjecture,” he says.

New evidence emerges
July 4: The Times of London reports that a virus 96 percent identical to the coronavirus that causes covid-19 was found in an abandoned copper mine in China in 2012. The bat-infested copper mine in southwestern China was home to a coronavirus that left six men sick with pneumonia, with three eventually dying, after they had been tasked with shoveling bat guano out of the mine. This virus was collected in 2013 and then stored and studied at WIV.

July 28: Jamie Metzl, a former Clinton administration national security official, writes in The Wall Street Journal that “suggesting that an outbreak of a deadly bat coronavirus coincidentally occurred near the only level 4 virology institute in all of China—which happened to be studying the closest known relative of that exact virus—strains credulity.” He calls for a “comprehensive forensic investigation must include full access to all of the scientists, biological samples, laboratory records and other materials from the Wuhan virology institutes and other relevant Chinese organizations. Denying that access should be considered an admission of guilt by Beijing.”

July 31: Science magazine publishes an interview with Shi Zhengli of WIV. She said it was impossible for anyone at the institute to have been infected, saying “to date, there is ‘zero infection’ of all staff and students in our institute.” She added: “President Trump’s claim that SARS-CoV-2 was leaked from our institute totally contradicts the facts. It jeopardizes and affects our academic work and personal life. He owes us an apology.” In the interview, she admitted that some coronavirus research was conducted at biosafety level 2, not the more restrictive BSL-4.

Nov. 2: David A. Relman, a Stanford University microbiologist, writes in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: “The ‘origin story’ is missing many key details, including a plausible and suitably detailed recent evolutionary history of the virus, the identity and provenance of its most recent ancestors, and surprisingly, the place, time, and mechanism of transmission of the first human infection.”

Nov. 17: An influential paper written by Rossana Segreto and Yuri Deigin is published: “The genetic structure of SARS-CoV-2 does not rule out a laboratory origin.” The paper noted that “a natural host, either direct or intermediate, has not yet been identified.” It argues that certain features of the coronavirus “might be the result of lab manipulation techniques such as site-directed mutagenesis. The acquisition of both unique features by SARS-CoV-2 more or less simultaneously is less likely to be natural or caused only by cell/animal serial passage.” The paper concluded: “On the basis of our analysis, an artificial origin of SARS-CoV-2 is not a baseless conspiracy theory that is to be condemned,” referencing the Lancet statement in February.

Nov. 17: WIV researchers, including Shi, post an addendum to their Feb. 3 report in Nature, acknowledging that RaTG13, the bat coronavirus closely associated with the coronavirus, was found in a mine cave after several patients had fallen ill with “severe respiratory disease” in 2012 while cleaning the cave.

Jan. 4, 2021: New York magazine publishes a lengthy article by Nicholson Baker, who reviews the evidence and concludes the lab-leak scenario is more compelling than previously believed.

Jan. 15: Days before Trump leaves office, the State Department issues a “fact sheet” on WIV that states: “The U.S. government has reason to believe that several researchers inside the WIV became sick in autumn 2019, before the first identified case of the outbreak, with symptoms consistent with both covid-19 and common seasonal illnesses. … The WIV has a published record of conducting ‘gain-of-function’ research to engineer chimeric viruses. But the WIV has not been transparent or consistent about its record of studying viruses most similar to the covid-19 virus, including ‘RaTG13,’ which it sampled from a cave in Yunnan Province in 2013 after several miners died of SARS-like illness.”

Jan. 20: Joe Biden becomes president.

Feb. 9: A joint report by the World Health Organization and China declares: “The findings suggest that the laboratory incident hypothesis is extremely unlikely to explain introduction of the virus into the human population.”

Feb. 11: WHO Secretary General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus refuses to rule out the lab-leak scenario. “Some questions have been raised as to whether some hypotheses have been discarded,” he said. “I want to clarify that all hypotheses remain open and require further study.”

Feb. 19: National security adviser Jake Sullivan issues a statement about the WHO report: “We have deep concerns about the way in which the early findings of the COVID19 investigation were communicated and questions about the process used to reach them. It is imperative that this report be independent, with expert findings free from intervention or alteration by the Chinese government. To better understand this pandemic and prepare for the next one, China must make available its data from the earliest days of the outbreak.”

March 4: Prominent scientists from around the world, in an open letter to WHO, call for a new investigation into the origins of the virus, saying the previous investigation was flawed. The letter detailed the elements of a “full and unrestricted” investigation. (Additional letters are released April 7 and April 30.)

March 22: The Australian newspaper reports: “Wuhan Institute of Virology researchers working on corona­viruses were hospitalized with symptoms consistent with covid-19 in early November 2019 in what U.S. officials suspect could have been the first cluster.”

March 28: “60 Minutes” airs report on lingering questions about the origins of the coronavirus, featuring Metzl and former deputy national security adviser Matt Pottinger. “There was a direct order from Beijing to destroy all viral samples -- and they didn’t volunteer to share the genetic sequences,” Pottinger says, quoting from declassified intelligence information.

May 5: Former New York Times science reporter Nicholas Wade, writing in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, reviews the evidence and makes a strong case for the lab-leak theory. He focuses in particular on the furin cleavage site, which increases viral infectivity for human cells. His analysis yields this quote from David Baltimore, a virologist and former president of the California Institute of Technology: “When I first saw the furin cleavage site in the viral sequence, with its arginine codons, I said to my wife it was the smoking gun for the origin of the virus. These features make a powerful challenge to the idea of a natural origin for SARS2.”

May 14: Eighteen prominent scientists publish a letter in the journal Science, saying a new investigation is needed because “theories of accidental release from a lab and zoonotic spillover both remain viable.” One signer is Ralph Baric, a virologist who worked closely with Shi.

May 17: Another former New York Times science reporter, Donald G. McNeil Jr., posts on Medium: “How I Learned to Stop Worrying And Love the Lab-Leak Theory.” He quotes W. Ian Lipkin of Columbia University — who had signed the March 2020 letter in Nature Medicine — as saying his mind had changed in light of new information.
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: די וואהאן לעב ווי דער קאראנע מאנסטער איז געווארן באשאפען.

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תגובה דורך חדשות »

און דאס איז די פאוטשי טיימליין (אונזער גרעסטער עקספערט זעט אויס קויפט אויך מידיא לאקשען).
April 3, 2020
Context: In the early days of the pandemic, the predominant origin theory was that the outbreak began in a wet market in Wuhan, China. During an interview with Fox & Friends, co-host Brian Kilmeade asked if Fauci would call for wet markets to close.

"I think we should shut down those things right away. It boggles my mind how, when we have so many diseases that emanate out of that unusual human-animal interface, that we don't just shut it down," Fauci told Kilmeade. "What we're going through right now is a direct result of that."

April 17, 2020
Context: A reporter at a White House press briefing asked Fauci what the prospects are of the virus being manmade and possibly coming from a lab in China.

"There was a study recently that we can make available to you, where a group of highly qualified evolutionary virologists looked at the sequences [of the novel coronavirus] and the sequences in bats as they evolve. And the mutations that it took to get to the point where it is now is totally consistent with a jump of a species from an animal to a human."

May 4, 2020
Context: In a National Geographic interviewFauci was asked if he believed or if there was evidence the virus was made in the lab or accidentally released from the lab.

"There's two issues. If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats, and what's out there now it's very, very strongly leaning toward this [virus] could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated—the way the mutations have naturally evolved. A number of very qualified evolutionary biologists have said that everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that it evolved in nature and then jumped species," Fauci said.

"If it isn't manipulated in the lab and you're trying to say it escaped from the lab, then how did it get in the lab? It got in the lab because somebody isolated it from the environment. That's why I don't spend a lot of time in that circular argument," he added.

fauci covid-19 origin lab natural
Dr. Anthony Fauci is facing criticism for leaving the door open to the possibility COVID-19 originated in a lab after calling it a "circular argument" last year. Above, he speaks during a Senate hearing on May 11 at the Capitol in Washington, D.C.
January 19, 2021
Context: During an interview with WMBD, Fauci was asked what he hopes a World Health Organization (WHO) team investigating the origin finds and what they're looking for.

"You want to find out the origin, how did that happen. The obvious thing if it is anything like SARS, which we saw come about in 2002, it was felt to be a jumping of species ... that's how we got that infection ... also MERS was felt to go from a bat to a camel to human so we really need to know what the origin of this was? Was it an animal species that it jumped from and if so, how?"

March 26, 2021
Context: At a White House press briefing, Fauci was asked to respond to former CDC Director Robert Redfield stating that it's his opinion that COVID-19 originated at a Wuhan lab.

"Okay, so when you think about the possibilities of how this virus appeared in the human population, obviously there are a number of theories. The issue that would have someone think it's possible to have escaped from a lab would mean that it essentially entered the outside human population already well adapted to humans, suggesting that it was adapted in the lab," Fauci said.

He added: "However, the alternative explanation, which most public health individuals go by, is that this virus was actually circulating in China, likely in Wuhan, for a month or more before they were clinically recognized at the end of December of 2019. If that were the case, the virus clearly could have adapted itself to a greater efficiency of transmissibility over that period of time up to and at the time it was recognized."

China Refutes Wuhan Lab Leak Theory as Researchers' Illness Fuels Debate
Coronavirus Lab Leak Theory Needs Further Study, 18 Scientists Say
WHO Team Arrives in Wuhan, But Will We Ever Know the Origin of Coronavirus?
March 29, 2021
Context: Ahead of the release of a WHO-China joint mission report on the origin of COVID-19, Fauci told the Associated Press he needed more information before he could speak to the report's credibility.

"I'd also would like to inquire as to the extent in which the people who were on that group had access directly to the data that they would need to make a determination," he said. "I want to read the report first and then get a feel for what they really had access to—or did not have access to."

May 11, 2021
Context: During a Senate committee hearing, Senator Rand Paul asked Fauci if he can categorically say that COVID-19 could not have occurred through serial passage in a laboratory.

"I do not have any accounting of what the Chinese may have done and I am fully in favor of any further investigation of what went on in China," Fauci said.

Senator Roger Marshall also asked Fauci if it's possible the novel coronavirus was the result of a lab accident and if it should be fully investigated.

"That possibility certainly exists, and I am totally in favor of a full investigation of whether that could have happened," Fauci responded.

Marshall then asked if it's possible the virus is not naturally occurring.

"That is a possibility," Fauci said. "I don't know if we're ever going to be able to prove that, but you always need to open up and leave all possibilities, which is why I and so many of my colleagues are in favor of what the WHO said, that they want to go back and take another look in there and see what was going on in that lab."

May 11, 2021
Context: At a "United Facts of America: A Festival of Fact-Checking" event, PolitiFact's Kate Sanders asked if he was "still confident" that COVID-19 developed naturally.

"No, actually ... I am not convinced about that, I think we should continue to investigate what went on in China until we continue to find out to the best of our ability what happened," Fauci replied. "Certainly, the people who investigated it say it likely was the emergence from an animal reservoir that then infected individuals, but it could have been something else, and we need to find that out. So, you know, that's the reason why I said I'm perfectly in favor of any investigation that looks into the origin of the virus."

May 24, 2021
Context: A summarized conversation he had with CBS News
Senior White House Correspondent Weijia Jiang, which she posted on Twitter.

Fauci believes it's "highly likely" that COVID-19 occurred naturally before spreading from animal to human, Jiang noted. He is open to a thorough investigation, though, because no one is 100 percent sure.

"Dr. Fauci said that does not mean he believes the virus first emerged in a lab, as some have suggested," Jiang added.
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2139
זיך איינגעשריבן אום:מאנטאג דעצעמבער 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Re: די וואהאן לעב ווי דער קאראנע מאנסטער איז געווארן באשאפען.

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טיימליין פון די מעינסטריעם מידיא. מוראדיג אינטרעסאנט ווי אלע מאכן דעם יו טוירן צוזאמען, און יעדער זעט אקוראט די זעלבע זאך סיי ווען די ווינט איז קעגן און דערנאך ווען די ווינט הייבט בלאזן אויף די פארקערטע זייט.

US liberal media's Covid U-turn: A year after TRASHING theory that COVID originated from a Wuhan lab because Trump supported the suggestion - America's woke mainstream news outlets suddenly start asking if it's true!
The first reported fatality from COVID-19 was in Wuhan, China, on January 11, 2020
By January 21 the virus was in the U.S.; a week later The Washington Times speculated about a 'lab leak'
The suggestion, picked up by Trump and embraced by China hawks, was ridiculed by the left-wing media
A year later, a growing acceptance of the possibility of a 'lab leak' has formed - ignoring past skepticism
Dr Anthony Fauci, the nation's top public health official, now says that he believes it is possible
The WHO sent a team to investigate earlier this year but were not given full access to China's laboratories

PUBLISHED: 01:47 EDT, 25 May 2021 | UPDATED: 11:46 EDT, 25 May 2021


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The liberal media have finally conceded that COVID-19 may have originated in a Wuhan laboratory - after a year spent ridiculing the suggestion.

The first fatality from COVID-19 was reported by Chinese state media on January 11, 2020, when a 61-year-old man who was a regular customer at a market in Wuhan died. The first confirmed case in the United States was 10 days later, when a man returned to Washington state from Wuhan.

Within a week, on January 26, 2020, the first article blaming the Wuhan Institute of Virology for the outbreak was published, in The Washington Times. Yet most mainstream media disputed the claims, dismissing them outright or even decrying them as racist.

When Donald Trump, on May 1, 2020, said he had 'a high degree of confidence' that the virus escaped from a lab, the New York Times, CNN, and NPR were quick to mock his comments.

CNN, which by the end of the Trump administration was brazen in its hostility to the president and his advisors, was almost gleeful in its mockery of the idea that the virus could have come from a laboratory.

The Washington Post, New York Times, and NPR were equally dismissive of suggestions that the virus could have come from a laboratory.

The Washington Post published a fact checker piece on May 25 saying the theory had 'suddenly' become credible after it was repeatedly brought up. It came after a year of naysaying from the liberal media who never accepted that it might be true
The Washington Post published a fact checker piece on May 25 saying the theory had 'suddenly' become credible after it was repeatedly brought up. It came after a year of naysaying from the liberal media who never accepted that it might be true

There is outrage over the fact that for the last year, the theory has been widely discredited by the media in America when it may explain the entire pandemic
There is outrage over the fact that for the last year, the theory has been widely discredited by the media in America when it may explain the entire pandemic
There is outrage over the fact that for the last year, the theory has been widely discredited by the media in America when it may explain the entire pandemic

Some outlets, such as the Huffington Post, even branded any suggestion the virus could have stemmed from a lab as a 'toxic conspiracy theory.'

Few were able to suggest that COVID-19 could have stemmed from a research facility without backlash but that didn't stop some media, including the Daily Mail, from questioning the narrative.

Fox News' Tucker Carlson was also clear in demanding an investigation into whether it could have escaped from the lab.

Finally, in the past few months, came the first signs that opinion was beginning to change.

In January, a World Health Organization (WHO) report only served to raise more questions after Beijing strictly controlled an on-site visit and who the researchers compiling the report spoke to. The WHO team was only allowed three hours inside the Wuhan lab and was unable to examine any of the Wuhan institute's safety logs or records of testing on its staff.

China's actions led to Biden's White House calling for greater transparency.

Even Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO, said that the visit was inconclusive, adding that 'all hypotheses are open' and warranted future study.

By May 11, the leading public health expert in the United States, Dr Anthony Fauci, had accepted that the idea of the virus escaping from a lab had been too quickly dismissed.

Asked whether the virus originated naturally, Fauci replied that he wants to look closer into the matter.

'I am not convinced about that,' he said. 'I think we should continue to investigate what went on in China until we continue to find out to the best of our ability what happened.

'Certainly, the people who investigated it say it likely was the emergence from an animal reservoir that then infected individuals, but it could have been something else, and we need to find that out. So, you know, that's the reason why I said I'm perfectly in favor of any investigation that looks into the origin of the virus.'

Fauci's revelation came as a shock to many on the left who have accepted China's narrative that coronavirus spread from a wet market since the virus first emerged.

Of course, China continues to insist that COVID-19 did not originate in the Wuhan lab.

'The U.S. keeps concocting inconsistent claims and clamoring to investigate labs in Wuhan,' China's foreign ministry said in a written statement on May 24. This fully shows that some people in the U.S. don't care about facts and truth.'


On May 1, 2020, CNN reported that Trump had 'contradicted' the intel community by claiming to have seen evidence the virus came from a lab.

'President Donald Trump contradicted a rare on-the-record statement from his own intelligence community by claiming Thursday that he has seen evidence that gives him a "high degree of confidence" the novel coronavirus originated in a laboratory in Wuhan, China, but declined to provide details to back up his assertion.

'The comments undercut a public statement from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued just hours earlier which stated no such assessment has been made and continues to "rigorously examine" whether the outbreak "began through contact with infected animals or if it was the result of an accident at a laboratory in Wuhan."

"Yes, I have," Trump said when asked whether he's seen evidence that would suggest the virus originated in the lab. Later, asked why he was confident in that assessment, Trump demurred.

"I can't tell you that. I'm not allowed to tell you that," the report read.

Then on May 5, 2020, their editor-at-large Chris Cillizza wrote a scathing attack on the suggestion, entitled: Anthony Fauci just crushed Donald Trump's theory on the origins of the coronavirus.

MAY 1 2020: On May 1, 2020, CNN reported that Trump had 'contradicted' the intel community by claiming to have seen evidence the virus came from a lab. They pointed to how rare it was for the intelligence community to make a statement
MAY 1 2020: On May 1, 2020, CNN reported that Trump had 'contradicted' the intel community by claiming to have seen evidence the virus came from a lab. They pointed to how rare it was for the intelligence community to make a statement

In May 2020, CNN was skeptical that COVID-19 could have come from a lab
MAY 5 2020: Chris Cillizza wrote an opinion piece saying Fauci had 'crushed Trump's theory' about the origins of the virus

OCTOBER 2020: CNN published another report about how the theory came from a 'shoddy' paper that was backed by Bannon. It claimed there was no proof whatsoever behind the theory
OCTOBER 2020: CNN published another report about how the theory came from a 'shoddy' paper that was backed by Bannon. It claimed there was no proof whatsoever behind the theory

Daily Mail has been asking if the virus stemmed from a Wuhan lab since April 2020
The Daily Mail has consistently questioned the consensus that COVID-19 was transmitted from humans to animals.

Our reporters have dug into the details and challenged the assumptions about how the pandemic originated.

APRIL 4, 2020:

Did coronavirus leak from a research lab in Wuhan? Startling new theory is 'no longer being discounted' amid claims staff 'got infected after being sprayed with blood'

Ministers fear that the coronavirus pandemic might have been caused by a leak from a Chinese laboratory, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

Senior Government sources say that while 'the balance of scientific advice' is still that the deadly virus was first transmitted to humans from a live animal market in Wuhan, a leak from a laboratory in the Chinese city is 'no longer being discounted'.

One member of Cobra, the emergency committee led by Boris Johnson, said last night that while the latest intelligence did not dispute the virus was 'zoonotic' – originating in animals – it did not rule out that the virus first spread to humans after leaking from a Wuhan laboratory.

APRIL 15, 2020:

Mike Pompeo demands truth from Beijing as US investigates if COVID-19 escaped from Wuhan lab during experiments and China covered it up by blaming 'wet' food markets

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has demanded that China 'come clean' following reports that coronavirus originated in a Chinese laboratory, not as a bioweapon, but as part of bungling experiments to prove that Chinese scientists were superior to Americans in identifying emerging virus threats.

It comes after President Donald Trump said on Wednesday the U.S. is trying to determine whether the coronavirus first crossed to humans accidentally during experiments with bats at the Wuhan Institute of Virology Lab.

After word of the outbreak finally became public, Chinese leaders were quick to blame Wuhan's 'wet market' where wild animals -- though not bats -- are sold for consumption, leading one source to tell Fox News the debacle is the 'costliest government coverup of all time.'

MAY 2, 2020:

Wuhan virus lab 'cover-up': Startling photos of scientists wearing little protection as they handle deadly bat samples vanish from website of Chinese institute at the centre of global suspicion over pandemic

Pictures which appear to show slack safety standards at the Chinese laboratory at the centre of international sus­picion over Covid-19 have been systematically deleted from its website – as Donald Trump continues to ramp up the pressure on Beijing over its potential role in the outbreak.

During the past month, Wuhan's Institute of Virology has removed photographs of scientists working in its laboratories and edited out references to visits by US diplomats who subsequently raised the alarm about the laboratory's work on bats.

US President Donald Trump announced on Thursday that he had seen intelligence that gave him a 'high degree of confidence' that the global crisis had its origins in the institute – a month after The Mail on Sunday first revealed that British Cabinet Ministers had received classified briefings raising the possibility of a leak from the institute.

Downing Street did not take issue with President Trump's remarks. 'There are clearly questions that need to be answered about the origin and spread of the virus,' a spokesman for Boris Johnson said.

MAY 30, 2020:

Beijing now admits that coronavirus DIDN'T start in Wuhan's market... so where DID it come from

China has become used to public confessions on television. But this time the words came from one of the nation’s top officials and had seismic global implications.

‘At first, we assumed the seafood market might have the virus, but now the market is more like a victim,’ said Gao Fu, director of the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.

Gao’s initial analysis had made sense after previous outbreaks of zoonotic viruses (diseases that jump from animals to humans). Yet suspicion grew over the Chinese government’s failure to share data from animals sampled in the market following its early cover-ups.

JANUARY 2, 2021:

China lab leak is the 'most credible' source of the coronavirus outbreak, says top US government official, amid bombshell claims Wuhan scientist has turned whistleblower

One of America's most senior government officials says the most 'credible' theory about the origin of coronavirus is that it escaped from a laboratory in China.

Matthew Pottinger, who is President Donald Trump's respected Deputy National Security Adviser, told politicians from around the world that even China's leaders now openly admit their previous claims that the virus originated in a Wuhan market are false.

Mr Pottinger said that the latest intelligence points to the virus leaking from the top-secret Wuhan Institute of Virology, 11 miles from the market, saying: 'There is a growing body of evidence that the lab is likely the most credible source of the virus.'

JANUARY 9, 2021:

New cover-up fears as Chinese officials delete critical data about the Wuhan lab with details of 300 studies vanishing - including all those carried out by virologist dubbed Batwoman

The Chinese government is facing fresh accusations of a cover-up after officials deleted crucial online data about the laboratory suspected of being the source of Covid-19.

The Mail on Sunday can reveal that hundreds of pages of information relating to studies carried out by the top-secret Wuhan Institute of Virology have been wiped.

Details of more than 300 studies, including many investigating diseases that pass from animals to humans, published online by the state-run National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) are no longer available.

APRIL 24, 2021:

Worrying new clues about the origins of Covid: How scientists at Wuhan lab helped Chinese army in secret project to find animal viruses

Scientists studying bat diseases at China's maximum-security laboratory in Wuhan were engaged in a massive project to investigate animal viruses alongside leading military officials – despite their denials of any such links.

Documents obtained by The Mail on Sunday reveal that a nationwide scheme, directed by a leading state body, was launched nine years ago to discover new viruses and detect the 'dark matter' of biology involved in spreading diseases.

'Before we play the game of 'he said, he said' remember this: Only one of these two people is a world-renowned infectious disease expert. And it's not Donald Trump,' Cillizza wrote.

'In short, Fauci's view on the origins of the disease matters a whole lot more than Trump's opinion about where it came from.

'Especially because, outside of Trump and his immediate inner circle, most people in a position to know are very, very skeptical of the Trump narrative that the virus came out of a lab - whether accidentally or on purpose.'

Cillizza's article followed on from one four days earlier, headlined: 'Trump contradicts US intel community by claiming he's seen evidence coronavirus originated in Chinese lab'.

Yet fast forward almost a year, and the tone had greatly changed.

Dr Sanjay Gupta, CNN's chief medical correspondent, spoke on March 26 this year to Robert Redfield, the former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Protection (CDC).

Redfield said that he had concluded the virus escaped from a lab.

MARCH 2021: The former CDC head, Dr Robert Redfield, on CNN in March 2021, saying he believes the virus came from a lab. He told the reporter: 'I am of the point of view, I still think the most likely etiology of this pathogen in Wuhan was from a laboratory, escaped. Other people don’t believe that. That’s fine, science will eventually figure it out. It’s not unusual for respiratory pathogens that are being worked on in a laboratory to infect the laboratory worker.' CNN called it 'controversial'
MARCH 2021: The former CDC head, Dr Robert Redfield, on CNN in March 2021, saying he believes the virus came from a lab. He told the reporter: 'I am of the point of view, I still think the most likely etiology of this pathogen in Wuhan was from a laboratory, escaped. Other people don’t believe that. That’s fine, science will eventually figure it out. It’s not unusual for respiratory pathogens that are being worked on in a laboratory to infect the laboratory worker.' CNN called it 'controversial'

MAY 2021: On May 24, a new report was which said US intelligence had found there was some evidence the virus came from a Wuhan lab
MAY 2021: On May 24, a new report was which said US intelligence had found there was some evidence the virus came from a Wuhan lab

'I am of the point of view that I still think the most likely etiology of this pathogen in Wuhan was from a laboratory, you know, escaped,' he said.

'Now, other people don't believe that, that's fine. Science will eventually figure it out.

'It's not unusual for respiratory pathogens that are being worked on in the laboratory to infect the laboratory worker.'

On May 23, The Wall Street Journal reported that three researchers from Wuhan Institute of Virology became sick enough in November 2019 that they sought hospital care, according to a previously undisclosed U.S. intelligence report

The following day the paper reported on a mysterious mine around 80 miles outside Wuhan where, in April 2012, six miners here fell sick after entering the mine to clear bat guano. Three of them died.

Chinese scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology were called in to investigate and, after taking samples from bats in the mine, identified several new coronaviruses. Yet they were not forthcoming with their information.

On May 24, CNN admitted that there may be more to the Wuhan lab than initially believed. They published an update: New information on Wuhan researchers' illness furthers debate on pandemic origins

But Cilizza is still standing by his earlier claims it isn't.

He wrote an opinion piece on why Dr. Fauci was 'hedging' on the subject, and said just because Fauci said he was no longer 'convinced' of the origins, it didn't mean he thought it came from a lab.

New York Times

When any Trump-supporting lawmakers said that the Wuhan lab theory merited further exploration, the New York Times was quick to dismiss their claim.

In the first month of the pandemic they seized on questions raised by Tom Cotton, the Republican senator for Arkansas.

'We don't have evidence that this disease originated there,' Cotton said.

'But because of China's duplicity and dishonesty from the beginning, we need to at least ask the question to see what the evidence says, and China right now is not giving evidence on that question at all.'

His words, on February 17, 2020, would prove prescient - yet the New York Times headlined its coverage: Senator Tom Cotton Repeats Fringe Theory of Coronavirus Origins.

By April 30, 2020, the paper was describing the efforts from the Trump administration to get to the bottom of the virus' origins as a political witch hunt.

'Senior Trump administration officials have pushed American spy agencies to hunt for evidence to support an unsubstantiated theory that a government laboratory in Wuhan, China, was the origin of the coronavirus outbreak, according to current and former American officials,' the paper reported.

The New York Times was initially adamant that the Wuhan lab leak theory was a nonsense invented by Trump
FEBRUARY 2020: The New York Times was initially adamant (left) that the Wuhan lab leak theory was a nonsense invented by Trump, but by 2021 was accepting that opinions varied (right)

APRIL 2020: Another NYT report which said Trump officials had been pushing spies to find evidence behind the theory
APRIL 2020: Another NYT report which said Trump officials had been pushing spies to find evidence behind the theory

'The effort comes as President Trump escalates a public campaign to blame China for the pandemic.'

The story was headlined: Trump Officials Are Said to Press Spies to Link Virus and Wuhan Labs

Yet this month two former science reporters at the paper - Nicholas Wade, who retired in 2012, and Donald McNeil, who left earlier this year amid a row about his language while guiding a tour of Peru - both said they now felt it was possible, indeed perhaps likely, that the virus came from a lab.

'In early spring 2020, I reported an article for The New York Times on which I put the tentative headline: 'New Coronavirus Is 'Clearly Not a Lab Leak,' Scientists Say,'' McNeil wrote on Medium.

'It never ran.'

He said that the paper was sharply divided over whether to believe the Trump officials saying it was a lab leak, or the scientists saying it wasn't.

'We still do not know the source of this awful pandemic. We may never know,' he wrote.

'But the argument that it could have leaked out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology or a sister lab in Wuhan has become considerably stronger than it was a year ago, when the screaming was so loud that it drowned out serious discussion.

Donald McNeil, their former COVID correspondent, wrote on Medium this month that he was increasingly open to the idea that the virus escaped from a laboratory. He was
McNeil, who left The New York Times earlier this year, said that China's 'lack of candor' was 'disturbing'
McNeil, who left The New York Times earlier this year, said that China's 'lack of candor' was 'disturbing'. McNeil was fired by the Times after it emerged he'd used the N-word during a conversation with students on a NYT-run trip. He published an article on May 17 about the subject. He said he'd been told 'overwhelmingly' by scientists that it did not come from a lab

By 2021, the paper had shifted to accept that opinions varied
MAY 2021: Now the Times is repeating scientists' calls for an open mind on the theory

'And China's lack of candor is disturbing.'

Wade came to the same conclusion.

'Neither the natural emergence nor the lab escape hypothesis can yet be ruled out. There is still no direct evidence for either. So no definitive conclusion can be reached,' he wrote.

'That said, the available evidence leans more strongly in one direction than the other. Readers will form their own opinion.

'But it seems to me that proponents of lab escape can explain all the available facts about SARS2 considerably more easily than can those who favor natural emergence.'

Washington Post

Reporters for an article published on April 30, 2020, provided a nuanced and in-depth analysis of the Wuhan laboratory's work, and emphasized the risks involved.

Yet their headline read: Chinese lab conducted extensive research on deadly bat viruses, but there is no evidence of accidental release.

The following day, the dismissive tone continued: Was the new coronavirus accidentally released from a Wuhan lab? It's doubtful.

In May 2020, The Washington Post said that the 'lab leak' theory was 'doubtful'
In May 2020 The Washington Post said it was 'doubtful' that the virus came from a lab in a story from its Fact Checker section

By May 24 this year, the paper was very close to admitting that they had been blinkered.

'Given everything we know about how Trump handled such things, caution and skepticism were invited,' wrote Aaron Blake, a senior political reporter at the paper.

'That (very much warranted) caution and skepticism spilled over into some oversimplification, particularly when it came to summarizing the often more circumspect reporting.'

He admitted: 'We might never truly know the truth.'

Now the Washington Post is urging WHO to carry out an investigation into what happened to determine if it did come from a lab
Now the Washington Post is urging WHO to carry out an investigation into what happened to determine if it did come from a lab

By 2021, the paper was more open to the idea, describing it now as a 'vexing' possibility
MAY 2021: Journalist Aaron Blake wrote that it is 'vexing' as a subject. He said: 'It has become evident that some corners of the mainstream media overcorrected when it came to one particular theory from Trump and his allies: that the coronavirus emanated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, rather than naturally. It’s also true that many criticisms of the coverage are overwrought and that Trump’s and his allies’ claims invited and deserved skepticism.'

Huffington Post

As concern was mounting about the virus in the spring of 2020, The Huffington Post was rapidly ridiculing all question of its origins.

'A Toxic 'Infodemic': The Viral Spread Of COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories,' they headlined a story on April 7, 2020.

Yet a little over a year later, on May 24 of this year, the site followed up on the Wall Street Journal's report into the hospitalization of the Wuhan lab workers in 2019, and the issues that this raised.

'Wuhan Researchers Were Hospitalized With COVID-19 Symptoms Pre-Pandemic: Reports,' they wrote.

The Huffington Post initially (left) did not give much credence to any alternative suggestions as to the origins of COVID-19
APRIL 2020: The Huffington Post was initially skeptical (left) about alternative ideas surrounding COVID and called it an 'infodemic'

By May 2020 the site was reporting that there was indeed cause for concern about the Wuhan lab
MAY 2021: Now, like every other outlet, Huff Po is broadening its reporting on the theory


On April 23, 2020, NPR stated: 'Virus researchers say there is virtually no chance that the new coronavirus was released as result of a laboratory accident in China or anywhere else.'

The radio news network was determined to prove that there was no credibility to the Wuhan lab leak theory, and produced a series of 'explainers' insisting that COVID-19 was transmitted from animals to humans.

'Where Did This Coronavirus Originate? Virus Hunters Find Genetic Clues In Bats,' they reported on April 15, 2020.

NPR was initially reluctant to accept any alternatives to the idea that COVID-19 was transmitted from animals to humans
APRIL 2020: NPR was initially dismissive of suggestions that the virus leaked from a lab (left), but by May 2021 was covering the increasing speculation

A year later, NPR reported on the growing belief that the virus could indeed have escaped from a lab in Wuhan
MARCH 2021: After a WHO report said the theory was gathering more steam, the headlines became more open minded

Yet a little over a year later, NPR was following the WHO's report - and its worrying conclusions - with interest.

'Theory That COVID Came From A Chinese Lab Takes On New Life In Wake Of WHO Report,' they concluded.

On March 31, they reported: Calls For An Open Investigation Into The Possibility COVID-19 Leaked From A Lab.

Among those watching the evolving news lines was Mike Pompeo, Trump's secretary of state.

'Over a year ago, I told @MarthaRaddatz that the Wuhan Virus most likely came from a lab leak,' he tweeted on May 20.

'She stopped just short of offering me a tin hat. The CCP said I was an enemy of mankind,' he said, referring to the Chinese Communist Party.

'And now? Well, now, the Left wing media is scrambling to get on the side of the truth.'

White House spokesman Jen Psaki snaps at reporter for asking about COVID-19 origins
White House press secretary Jen Psaki lost her patience with Fox News' Peter Doocy at Monday's press briefing as he pressed her on whether the Biden administration was doing enough to expose the origins of COVID-19, after Dr. Fauci questioned where the virus originated.

'With 589,920 dead Americans at what point does President Biden say we don't want to wait for the WHO effort, we don't know what they're doing, this needs to be an American-led effort to get to the bottom of what happened?' Doocy asked.

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'I think you're misunderstanding how this process actually works,' she told the him, and said the Biden administration was relying on the World Health Organization to conduct an independent investigation - even though their report already dismissed the lab leak claims.

Doocy was asking about a Wall Street Journal story citing a U.S. intelligence report that said three researchers from China's Wuhan Institute of Virology had sought hospital care in November 2019, a month before China reported its first COVID-19 case.

His question also followed Dr. Fauci saying over the weekend that he 'wasn't convinced' the virus had spread naturally outside a lab and called for an investigation.

Psaki responded by saying they are pushing the World Health Organization to complete a probe 'free from politicization', despite accusations the Biden administration hasn't done enough to hold China to account.


Retired NYT science editor slams the mainstream media for ignoring evidence that COVID leaked from a Wuhan lab and falling for 'sustained Chinese propaganda' instead of doing their own research

Nicholas Wade, a former New York Times science editor, slammed mainstream media in an interview with Mark Levin on Sunday for not investigating the origins of COVID-19
Nicholas Wade, a former New York Times science editor, slammed mainstream media in an interview with Mark Levin on Sunday for not investigating the origins of COVID-19

A retired New York Times science editor has slammed the mainstream media for ignoring the possibility that coronavirus leaked from a laboratory in Wuhan and accused journalists of falling for 'Chinese propaganda' instead of doing their own research.

Nicholas Wade, who penned a 1,100-word article examining the link entitled 'The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan?' earlier this month, took aim at top news outlets in a Fox News interview on Sunday night.

He claimed the media mainstream media failed to 'take off its political glasses' to investigate the virus' origins, the facts of which, he said, are being obscured by the Chinese Communist Party.

Wade's remarks come as more scientists and political officials are coming forward to support the theory that the virus may have been developed in a Chinese laboratory and was covered up - after scoffing at the idea for much of the past year in part because it was pushed by then-President Donald Trump.

Among the top officials now speculating that possibility is Dr Anthony Fauci, who recently said he's 'not convinced' the virus formed naturally after repeated statements to the contrary.

The case for a lab leak was strengthened on Sunday when a previously-undisclosed US intelligence report revealed three researchers from China's Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) sought hospital care in November 2019 - months before China disclosed the COVID-19 outbreak.

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'I think we see a sustained Chinese propaganda effort at work,' Wade, who served as the staff writer for the Science Times section of the New York Times from 1982 to 2012, told Mark Levin on Life, Liberty & Levin.

'But, you know, more than that, it was just the blindness, if I could put it that way, of our media — we're too polarized to see scientific issues for their own sake without putting a political gloss on them,' he continued.

'We don't know for sure: The origin of the virus is just we've got these two possible scenarios. But if you look at all the evidence and ask yourself, well, which scenario explains all these facts better on present evidence, it seems, to me at least, that the lab-escape hypothesis explains it a lot better.

'But it's a sort of complicated conclusion to arrive at, and I can only assume that the media was blindsided, they didn't do the work that was necessary.'

Large outlets, including the New York Times, CNN and the Washington Post, pushed back against the idea that the virus leaked from a lab in Wuhan in the early days of the pandemic.

Facebook labeled a New York Post opinion column saying the virus 'might have jumped to the human population thanks to errors at a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan' as 'false information'.

Former President Trump repeatedly said he suspected the virus may have escaped from a Chinese lab, which Beijing denies, and for which he was ridiculed.

Even former CDC director Robert Redfield was admonished for the suggestion despite no strong evidence to the contrary at the time.

A State Department fact sheet released near the end of the Trump administration had said 'the U.S. government has reason to believe that several researchers inside the WIV became sick in autumn 2019, before the first identified case of the outbreak, with symptoms consistent with both COVID-19 and common seasonal illnesses.' It did not say how many researchers.

COVID-19 spread quickly throughout the world, and now officials in the United States, Norway, Canada and Great Britain are calling for further investigation into its origins
COVID-19 spread quickly throughout the world, and now officials in the United States, Norway, Canada and Great Britain are calling for further investigation into its origins

It is only 20 miles form the Huanan Seafood market, where the first cluster of infection s began
It is only 20 miles form the Huanan Seafood market, where the first cluster of infection s began

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Watch videoMassive snake found hiding in Brisbane home
But now, more and more scientists and political officials are coming forward questioning the origins of the virus and how it mutated to infect humans.

The Huanan wet market, where the first cluster of infections began, is just a few hundred yards from the Wuhan Centers for Disease Prevention and Control and only a few miles from the the Wuhan Institute of Virology Lab, where scientists were reportedly conducting experiments on bats before the pandemic began.

The lab is one of only a handful in the world that is cleared to handle Class 4 pathogens — dangerous viruses that pose a high risk of person-to-person transmission.


Why does Facebook still ban users from saying Covid was...

Retired NYT science editor slams the mainstream media for...

Trump says he is now CERTAIN COVID came from the Wuhan lab...

REVEALED: Three Wuhan lab researchers were hospitalized in...
Three researchers from the institute sought medical care in November 2019, before the virus began to spread, according to a recent report from the Wall Street Journal.

The newspaper said the report - which provides fresh details on the number of researchers affected, the timing of their illnesses, and their hospital visits - may add weight to calls for a broader probe of whether the COVID-19 virus could have escaped from the laboratory.

Security guards patrol outside the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market on January 24, 2020
Security guards patrol outside the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market on January 24, 2020

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Did coronavirus originate in Chinese government laboratory?
The Wuhan Institute of Virology has been collecting numerous coronaviruses from bats ever since the SARS outbreak in 2002. They have also published papers describing how these bat viruses have interacted with human cells.

US Embassy staff visited the lab in 2018 and 'had grave safety concerns' over the protocols which were being observed at the facility.

The lab is just a few miles from the Huanan wet market which is where the first cluster of infections erupted in Wuhan.

The market is just a few hundred yards from another lab called the Wuhan Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (WHCDC). The WHCDC kept disease-ridden animals in its labs, including some 605 bats.

Those who support the theory argue that Covid-19 could have leaked from either or both of these facilities and spread to the wet market. Most argue that this would have been a virus they were studying rather than one which was engineered.

Last year a bombshell paper from the Beijing-sponsored South China University of Technology recounted how bats once attacked a researcher at the WHCDC and 'blood of bat was on his skin.'

The report says: 'Genome sequences from patients were 96% or 89% identical to the Bat CoV ZC45 coronavirus originally found in Rhinolophus affinis (intermediate horseshoe bat).'

It describes how the only native bats are found around 600 miles away from the Wuhan seafood market and that the probability of bats flying from Yunnan and Zhejiang provinces was minimal.

In addition there is little to suggest the local populace eat the bats as evidenced by testimonies of 31 residents and 28 visitors.

Instead the authors point to research being carried out within 300 yards at the WHCDC.

One of the researchers at the WHCDC described quarantining himself for two weeks after a bat's blood got on his skin, according to the report. That same man also quarantined himself after a bat urinated on him.

And he also mentions discovering a live tick from a bat - parasites known for their ability to pass infections through a host animal's blood.

'The WHCDC was also adjacent to the Union Hospital where the first group of doctors were infected during this epidemic,' the report says.

'It is plausible that the virus leaked around and some of them contaminated the initial patients in this epidemic, though solid proofs are needed in future study.'

It reported that current and former officials familiar with the intelligence about the lab researchers expressed a range of views about the strength of the report's supporting evidence, with one unnamed person saying it needed 'further investigation and additional corroboration.'

A World Health Organization team previously deemed the idea that the virus escaped from one of these labs 'extremely unlikely' in the early days of the pandemic, but the report, written in part by Chinese scientists, was repeatedly delayed, as China refused to give the WHO team raw data on the outbreak.

It wrote in its final report, which was co-authored by Chinese scientists, that the virus could have been imported on frozen meat.

Dr Fauci and other scientists, as well as some political officials, are now coming forward and expressing their doubts about those findings.

Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said over the weekend he was 'not convinced' that COVID-19 developed naturally and called for an open investigation.

'I think we should continue to investigate what went on in China until we continue to find out to the best of our ability what happened,' he said at a PolitiFact event on May 11 entitled: United Facts of America: A Festival of Fact-Checking.

'Certainly, the people who investigated it say it likely was the emergence from an animal reservoir that then infected individuals,' he said, 'but it could have been something else, and we need to find that out.'

A National Security Council spokeswoman also told the Wall Street Journal that the Biden administration has 'serious' questions about the earliest days of the COVID-19 pandemic, including its origins in the People's Republic of China.

Last Thursday, White House Press Secretary called for exploring the 'root causes' of the pandemic after Republicans issued an interim report saying there was 'significant circumstantial evidence' that the virus emerged from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

'I would caution you against disproving a negative there which is never the responsible approach in our view when it comes to getting to the bottom of the root causes of a pandemic that has killed hundreds of thousands of people in the United States,' she said in response to a question about the report.

'Our view continues to be that there needs to be an independent, transparent investigation,' she said.

She said the investigation required the 'cooperation and data provided from the Chinese government' – which has denied administration requests to fully share it.

'We don't have enough info at this point to make an assessment,' she continued.

Asked when Biden would call Chinese President Xi Jinping, Psaki responded that 'We have made that call publicly many times' and 'conveyed that privately.

And we have certainly communicated that they were not transparent from the beginning.'

The U.S. joined Norway, Canada, Great Britain and other countries in March in expressing concerns about the WHO-led COVID-19 origins study, and called for further investigation, and full access to all pertinent human, animal and other data about the early stages of the outbreak.
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