There are many Internet web sites focusing on affordable housing which are of interest to housing developers, owners, lenders, managers and suppliers. Here are many of the more important ones, including several nationally based multi-housing magazines. For affordable housing trade organizations on line, click here .

1.  The U.S. Department of Housing and urban Development (HUD).

The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development is, of course, the primary federal agency dealing with housing subsidies of various kinds.  Their web site located at http://www.HUD.gov/ is well organized and full of information for anyone connected with subsidized housing. Two other interesting sites part of HUD are;

HUD Office of Policy Development and Research at
www.huduser.org HUD Property Owners and Managers Survey at www.census.gov/hhes/www/poms.html 

2.  Regulatory Barriers Clearinghouse maintains a database of over 4,000 state and local regulations that have an impact on affordable housing.  Check them out at www.regbarriers.org

3.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture

The USDA also has an agency, the Rural Housing Service, which has a site listed above, dealing with their multifamily programs, including the full texts of their regulations

4.  The Federal Register
     Website: www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/aces/aces140.html

If you are into subsidized housing, you will live or die by government regulations.  Here is your link to the Federal Register (see above), which can be used to keep abreast of all new regulations issued from Washington.

5.   Fannie Mae

Fannie Mae has a very slow loading site which contains information on its underwriting policies and some of its current affordable housing initiatives at the above web site.

6.  The Bond Market Association

The Bond Market Association maintains a site at http://www.bondmarket.com/ that may be of help to developers considering bond financing for their projects. Primarily they speak for the bond industry.

7.  American Seniors Housing Association 

Nationally based senior citizen housing association. Provides services to seniors in the area of legislative and regulatory matters and promotes a friendly environment for developers, financiers and mangers of senior citizen housing issues.

8.  National Council of State Housing Agencies

www. ncsha.org

Nationally formed association to assist its members in advancing the interests of lower      income individuals through the financing, development, and preservation of affordable housing.

9.  National Leased Housing Association


A national trade association representing all major participants in the multifamily rental housing industry, including developers, owners, managers, public housing authorities, state housing finance agencies, local governments, investment bankers, attorneys, accountants, architects, non-profit sponsors, syndicators involved in affordable housing.

10. Affordable Housing Finance Magazine  


This nationally based magazine provides news and information for developers, owners, lenders, etc.  Their web site is at www.housingfinance.com.  Some of their articles are available here on line.  The landlord can also subscribe to the whole magazine.

11. Units Magazine

This is another nationally based magazine produced by the National Apartment Association. It provides news and information for individuals and companies who develop, own, manage and supply multi-housing properties. They have outstanding educational programs, superior lobbying and legislative advocates, as well as an excellent trade magazine referenced above. Their web site is at www.naahq.org.

12. National Real Estate Investor Magazine

Big magazine for any one in real estate, not just for the affordable housing industry though, the National Real Estate Investor magazine covers a wide range of topics. Fast loading and comprehensive web site.  Some of their articles are available there on line, including obtaining a current and archived issues of their outstanding magazine.

13. Apartment Finance Today Magazine

If you want to know about finance for multi-housing this is it. Sister magazine to Affordable Housing Finance, described above.

14. Journal of Property Management Magazine

The premiere national magazine for multi-housing managers and owners. This is the official publication of the Institute of Real Estate Management. Covers all aspects of managing and owning real estate.

15. Real Estate Forum Magazine

Does an excellent job and takes on the business aspects of owning, managing and selling real estate across America. Covers office, retail, industrial, multi-family, regional market trends, global deal making, asset management and capital/finance marketing.

16. Resources & Services Magazine

A magazine for multi-housing professionals. It contains advertisements for vendors who service and supply the apartment industry.

17. National Affordable Housing Whois

Affordablehousing.com is an industry-specific, searchable database to be created by industry participants. Businesses, non-profits, housing authorities, and individuals, such as consultants and professionals, can all include themselves in the database.

18. ehousingcredit.com

ehousingcredit.com brings the affordable housing community together. We help investors and developers meet their goals of buying and selling housing tax credits. ehousingcredit.com offers access to industry experts who have the expertise, experience, and knowledge to ensure success in a deal. We are a source of information and resources that is essential to affordable housing professionals.

19. Texas Low Income Housing Information Service

Texas Low Income Housing Information Service (TxLIHIS) is a nonprofit 501(c) (3) corporation established in Austin in 1988 by a concerned group of community leaders, nonprofit, public and private housing providers and low-income people.

National Fair Housing Advocate web site. Beneficial for both landlords and tenants.

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