In addition to being a city rich with physicians serving numerous medical specialties, Missoula is also home to a wide variety of alternative healing professionals, including acupuncture, physical therapy, and naturopathy. There is no shortage of opportunities in Missoula for those seeking healing methods other than traditional health care.
Acupuncture is one form of alternative medicine that is effective for chronic conditions like joint pain or headaches, and leaves its patients with virtually no side effects. It works by triggering the body’s natural healing mechanisms rather than administering medicine.
Chiropractic Medicine
Chiropractic clinics in town provide a variety of services besides chiropractic care such as advanced diagnostic services and testing, physiotherapy, corrective exercising, and nutritional counseling. Chiropractors specialize in pain relief but also have techniques to help treat things like asthma and allergies.
Clinical Hypnotherapy
Another alternative care method that specializes in a variety of ailments is hypnotism. Treating primarily weight loss issues, stress management, pain control, and smoking cessation, hypnosis has yielded positive results for those with open minds.
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy has a long history in cultures around the world. Today, people use many different types of massage therapy for a variety of health-related purposes. In the United States, massage therapy is often considered part of complementary and alternative medicine, with advancements like the electro-mechanical massage therapy machine providing innovative techniques for targeted relief and enhanced relaxation.
Physical Therapy
Rehabilitation centers in Missoula have helped residents get back on their feet for years. Using a wide variety of physical therapy programs, rehabilitation centers treat patients with all kinds of injuries whether they are from a skiing accident or a car crash.
Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic medicine is founded on a holistic philosophy that combines safe and effective traditional therapies with current advances in modern medicine. It can be used to treat a broad range of health conditions.
If you’re interested in exploring integrative medicine and holistic health, it’s important to find a practitioner who is experienced and knowledgeable in this area. Look for Holistic doctors or integrative medicine practitioners who specialize in chronic disease management and are trained in functional nutrition, hormone imbalances, and gut health.
Reiki Healing is a Japanese healing art based on the idea of a “universal energy,” though it has no religious affiliation. Practitioners aim to channel and focus this energy in a way that is healing and nurturing to the patients.