For All Things Missoula, Montana

Five Ways to Make Your Trip to Montana Stress-Free

Montana is a beautiful state with plenty to see and do. It is great for those who love to explore, those who love the outdoors, and even those who need a luxurious getaway. Just as with any trip, however, it is up to you to plan accordingly so that you can enjoy your vacation. Stress is a mood killer, but through budgeting, planning and research, you can limit any anxiety-induced panic.

1. Find Great Accommodation That Suits Your Needs

Decide what you need and want from your accommodations. Is it a place to sleep or more than that? If it’s more, what are the extras that you desperately need? By asking and writing down your answers, you can create a checklist.

Once you know what you want, it’s time to look for options. Private rentals are great options because if you are prone to being stressed, you do not have to worry about fellow tourists. What’s more, you have the added benefits of a more relaxed atmosphere and added security features. Look for a vacation rental company that can also offer many accommodation types so that you can find the perfect one for you. For instance, VacationRenter has luxurious accommodation options for Austin and beyond.

Visit Glacier National Park in Northwest Montana

To enjoy all that Montana has to offer , find accommodations that is near to the activities you wish to partake in. By limiting your travel times from place to place, you do not have to worry about arriving late.

2. Create a Master List of Things to Do

There are two major ways your planning could be causing you stress. Firstly, your planning is not thorough enough and you are left with no idea where to go and how to get there, or secondly, you over plan and don’t take into account your energy levels.

Under planning and over planning can both cause undue stress, which is why making a master list of things to do , and then picking and choosing as you go day by day, can be a good compromise – especially if you are traveling with others.

3. Budget Accordingly

Money will always be a stressor, which is why it is important that you budget well in advance. Thankfully, two of the major costs – travel and accommodation – are things you can purchase in advance. This way you can recoup the cost before you go.

To budget further, read reviews and guides so that you can get a sense of how much you will spend. Guides such as Lonely Planet offer price points and options for each price bracket so that everyone can enjoy their vacation.

4. Know What to Pack and Create a List

If you are planning on going on a hike, having all the tools with you can save you a lot of stress. Again, reading guides and following advice from fellow travelers can help you bring everything you need before you go. Create a list that you can tick off when packing, so you don’t forget anything important.

5. Prepare for Emergencies

Finally, you will want to have several emergency preparations in place to keep you safe. A map with your route in case your phone dies. Checking in with people (especially park ranger’s if you are hiking) before you head out. The exact safety measures you do will need depends entirely on what you are doing, but it is always better to be safe than sorry.

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