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Why Spending Time in Nature Is Good for Your Health

Many of us may not know how exactly spending time in nature helps our body function better but have most probably felt an indescribable feeling of wellness provided by a few hours or days spent outdoors into the open, especially after a period spent mostly indoors. That feeling is enough for many people to know that outdoor activities come with various advantages.

No wonder why that’s so. Humans have developed hand in hand with nature and, in the greater scheme of things and considering our history as a species, indoor living is quite a recent thing. If you don’t get to spend lots of time outdoors, here are a few benefits that might make you do that more often.

Reduced stress

More often than not, people associate the time they spend in nature with relaxation and while it may seem just a myth, spending time out there actually helps your body lower stress. High stress levels affect one’s health in various ways.

Many people experience digestive health issues when they are stressed out and that has something to do with the way stress affects the gut microbiome and allows harmful bacteria to acquire dominion, which can only lead to unpleasant outcomes. The relaxing effects of nature won’t just help you reduce stress but also manage or diminish the negative effects high levels of it come with.

Strengthened immune system

The relationship between our microbiome and the immune system is quite close. Even if research is still needed, the studies that have been carried out so far suggest that spending time in nature will provide you with protection against a variety of diseases and will help your immune system work better.

The link between our immune system and nature sends us back to our beginnings as a species. We spent the greatest part of our history outdoors, therefore, going back to our roots and the habits of your incipient stage as a species, that is, spending more time in nature, is according to many studies an inspired thing to do to support our health and body functions.

Improved memory, sleep, and Vitamin D levels

There are more benefits to spending time in nature than just better immunity and reduced stress levels. Spending time outdoors will help your body regulate sleep patterns, which translates into the needed melatonin to enjoy a good night’s sleep.

Moreover, according to a study conducted by the University of Michigan, outdoor activities will help you improve short-term memory. Taking a walk in nature to break your routine won’t just relax you but will also help you perform better at school and work.

And if we don’t have enough reasons to spend time out there already, add that, when in nature, your body absorbs Vitamin D, which is essential for your health as it reduces the risk of various diseases including multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes and helps strengthen bones.

Vision support, mental rejuvenation, and reduced inflammation

We spend more time in front of a screen and that may affect the eyesight. Giving your eyes a break from all those gadgets will help your eyes more than you think. Engaging in outdoor activities will not only help your body in the various ways mentioned above but will also help you rejuvenate or invigorate mentally.

A break from your work-related tasks and routine is a breath of air your mind will surely appreciate. Getting some cool cocking devices , a fishing rod, or a bike and heading out there for a fun session will trigger both physical and mental benefits.

Studies also suggest that walking in the woods, for example, may lower inflammation in the body. Given all that, you can hardly find a reason not to explore the outdoors. Consider the time you spend in nature as a medicine and a form of respect you pay to your mind and body.

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