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7 Ways to Add Some Awesomeness Into Your Car

Your car isn’t just a random vehicle or a means of transportation, it becomes your safe haven after you start forming a deep connection with it. That’s when it’s time to give your car the attention and care it deserves you would want to pump it up to make it even more enjoyable. 

Here are 7 ways you can add awesomeness to your car: 

1. Sound System 

If you spend a lot of time in your car, it’s time to invest in a proper pair of speakers and a sweet sound system that adds a whole lot of entertainment to your car rides. Based on the Caraudiologic reviews , you can get speakers that provide super clear vocals, great frequency and barely provide any form of distortion at both high and low volumes. You’ll find several options that not only give you awesome specs, but will also offer you bang for your bucks without putting a dent in your pocket. With the right kind of speakers, you’ll not only be able to guarantee you have a good time while driving around the city, but will also open up your car to guests and make sure that you offer your passengers good beats, too. 

2. Add a bit of you to your car 

One of the best ways of making your car feel more like you is pimping it up with personalized items. There are several ways that this can be done without it being too over the top. Whether you choose to use a steering wheel cover with something that speaks your language, or just make it more elegant with a leather cover, the choice is yours. You can also choose to engrave your initials, add your favorite football team’s logo or rock it with your favorite band. It’s an extra touch that will make your car feel more like your sanctuary and adds a bit more personalization for anyone to be able to know that it’s yours. There are also several other options you could customize like a floor mat to match your personal style with a funny comic, or even a sun visor with a world map on it. Whatever decorative item you choose to use, you can add a whole lot of swag to your car and make it pretty awesome. 

3. Customize your seat pockets 

If your car ends up being pretty messy most of the time because you don’t know where to place things, it’s time to add a great deal of awesomeness with a customized seat pocket set to help you store things away. You’ll not only have more room, but will also know where to find and place specific objects without just chucking them in the boot or back seat and making a never-ending mess. 

4. Accessorize your exterior 

Just like you can personalize the interior with something that speaks your language, there are also several super cool ideas that you can use for your exterior without having to worry about ruining the car. The most basic, but still quite effective option is to use bumper stickers that either crack a joke, represent your favorite things or are just super cute and adorable. They’re easy to find, with so many options available and can also be peeled on and off without ruining your car whenever you feel like you’re in the mood for some change. Another option is to use stickers that can be placed across the back or side of the car, really pimping it up and making it stand out like no other. You’ll be able to spot your car from a distance as well as have all eyes on your wheels when you’re driving because of how cool it looks. 

5. Add a mini fridge to your car 

Having snacks can always come in handy, whether it’s a long drive or you just happen to be stuck in traffic. But instead of being worried about how long it’s been in the sun, or end up drinking a beverage that is no longer cool, you can add so much coolness to your car by having a mini fridge on board. Just like those hotel mini bars you’re always so afraid to use, add a bit of luxury and awesomeness on board with a mini-fridge filled with chocolates, snacks and beverages for anyone who decides to keep you company. 

6. Don’t forget the screens 

Whether you have kids on board or use your car for road trips , it can always be super handy and entertaining for your passengers to have screens on the back of the seats. That way, you’ll be able to keep your kids and guests occupied for as long as you need to without having to worry about listening to their yammering, whining or even just having to hold a conversation for the duration of the ride. Whenever you’re stuck, you can just switch it on and have them find something that will keep them entertained as well as make you and your car super duper awesome. 

7. Navigator 

Having to rely on your phone to figure out where you’re heading can be annoying. Not only do you need to ensure that your battery is always charged, that your mobile internet package is still working and that the area you’re heading to has pretty good coverage, but it also requires you to either multi-function, which could lead to several accidents or mishaps, or to install a specific car accessory for your phone. Instead of going through all that hassle you can either install a navigation system in your car or purchase a navigator that allows you the best route options without having to depend on your phone and network. Forget about getting lost and make sure your car is a safe and sweet ride to get into. 

Spending time in your car will never be boring again once you’ve pimped it up with these super cool options. It will not only make your care more convenient, but also adds a bit more glamour and personalization along with a whole lot more entertainment and excitement for your passengers. 

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