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Secret Hacks That Will Make You Have An Easier Time Cleaning Your Apartment

After a busy day, there are many of us who are just too tired to face doing a big apartment clean. Whilst cleaning is not the most fun thing to do, a clean and tidy apartment can help to put you in a great mood and make your home more comfortable and welcoming every evening when you come home. 

To help make your job easier, here are some secret hacks that will make you have an easier time cleaning your apartment. 

Hire a Professional Cleaner

It may not exactly be a secret hack, but hiring a professional cleaner is the most effective way to ensure that you have a perfectly clean apartment. The reality is that many of us just don’t have the time to do it ourselves so calling in an expert cleaner can be an excellent option. The professionals at explain that a qualified cleaning firm will not only save you time, but they will also all do a far more effective job than you can do as they are trained and experienced in every cleaning method. Professional cleaners are excellent because you can either hire them just once when you need a big clean or you can book them for a weekly clean. Most cleaning companies will give you a discounted rate if you sign up for weekly cleans.

Follow a Thorough Routine

For those people who do want to clean your apartment yourself, one way to significantly reduce cleaning time is to follow a thorough, systematic routine. This will ensure that you don’t end up going over the same spot twice and that you don’t miss any spots. There are various routines which you can follow such as starting at the top of your house and working your way down. Or starting on the left side of your apartment and working your way from room to room to the right.

If you don’t have a systematic routine you may make a common mistake like mopping the floor and then noticing there are cobwebs and dust in the corner of your ceiling. When you brush this down it is going to make the floor dirty again and you are going to have to mop the floors once more.

Clean Regularly

One of the easiest ways to make your cleaning easier is to just clean your apartment more regularly. It’s usually an easier task to keep an apartment clean and tidy than it is to clean up a really messy home. If your apartment is really messy or dirty now, do one big clean, and then spend about 30 minutes each day just doing a little tidy up. This will mean that you don’t have to do another big clean except for places like the bathroom or the kitchen on occasion. 

Buy the Right Products

Buying the right products and cleaning equipment will make cleaning your apartment a whole lot easier and quicker. Many people use the wrong products and this adds time and effort to cleaning and produces inferior results. One reason why professional cleaners are so fast and thorough is that they know exactly what to use for each room and each cleaning task. 

Use a Window Squeegee

The windows are one of the most difficult home features to clean properly and many of us are perpetually plagued by dirty streaks even after you have spent a lot of time cleaning them. The best way to clean windows is to mix a normal washing-up liquid with water, wipe this on the windows with a wet squeegee and then wipe it off again with a dry one. If you don’t have a squeegee, you can also use a microfiber cloth but make sure you always clean horizontally.

Let Your Appliances Clean Themselves

There are various clever hacks when it comes to cleaning kitchen appliances and one of the best is for the microwave . There is often a lot of food stuck to the inside of the microwave so it is not an easy thing to clean. All you have to do is put a small mug of water in your microwave and turn it on for two minutes. The moisture will soak the food which will make it easy for you to just wipe it off with a wet cloth.

Cleaning your apartment does not need to be a difficult or time-consuming process. If you have the right products and routine you can make cleaning a lot easier. Having a clean and tidy apartment to come home to each evening is exactly what you deserve after a busy day.

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