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Celebrating Valentine’s Day in Lockdown

With the UK still in lockdown, your Valentine’s celebrations are going to be different this year. However, why not make the most of it? Rather than worry about reservations or picking the perfect romantic getaway spot, you and your partner can simply enjoy quality time together. Here’s a guide for how the two of you could spend your day.

Exchange Gifts

Of course, you can still get your partner a Valentine’s Day gift. Rather than follow the traditional route of flowers and chocolates, why try something more personalised? You don’t have to break the bank with this either. Sometimes the most simple gifts mean the most. You could get them a book you think they’ll like or a photo frame of the first picture you had together. Think about what they would appreciate. Don’t forget to get them a Valentine’s Day card.

Romantic Stroll

Even in lockdown, you’re still allowed out of the house for a walk. So why not check out your local area to see if there are any hidden gems you’ve yet to discover? There are lots of romantic hiking options in the UK. Or, you could make it a walk down memory lane. Stroll through all of your favourite spots nearby and reminisce over your happy memories together. There’s still plenty more to be made and moments to celebrate. For now, wrap up warm, grab a hot drink, and enjoy some fresh air together.

Dine Together

Just because you can’t go out for dinner doesn’t mean you can’t have a romantic meal. Check to see which of your local restaurants are doing take out options. Some may even have Valentine’s deals. This way neither of you have to cook, and you’re helping local restaurants. Of course, if you want to cook a romantic meal for your partner, that would be a lovely gesture, too. There’s plenty of meal ideas you can try . For the final touch, remember to set the scene with candles and music.

Virtual Events

The two of you can still do something special with your evening, even while you stay at home. With so much of the world shifting online this past year, there’s a whole array of virtual activities you can get involved in. Whether it’s an online cocktail class or wine and cheese tasting – or live music or a theatre performance – explore what’s going on and pick something you both like the sound of. You can also get dressed-up to really make the most of the night.

You and your partner can throw yourself into how different this Valentine’s Day will be and do something you’d never normally do. The main thing is you’re enjoying your time together. Do you have any plans for Valentine’s Day this year?

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