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The Vital Importance of SEO for Law Firm Websites

Last year, due to COVID, people got used to spending more time online than offline. As a result, the internet became a vital part of everyone’s daily life, including law firms who had to move online as quickly as possible. If you have a law firm that now offers online consultation and so on, you need to pay attention to the SEO of your website. SEO stands for “search engine optimization,” which refers to the techniques you use to help your website appear on the first page of the search results. Here are 5 reasons SEO is vital for your online business. 

Why Should You Use SEO For Your Law Firm Website?

1. You Land More Clients 

Research shows that more than 80% of the people searching for answers online click on the first 10 results on the first page. Using the correct techniques can help google recognize you as an authority and increase your visibility to reach the first 10 results on the web. To do that, you need to use on-page SEO techniques and off-page techniques. You can either hire an SEO specialist to help you build an SEO strategy for your website, or use an agency to help you part-time. 

2. You Stand Out 

Are you wondering why your law firm is not landing as many clients as your competitors? Well, they are doing what you are not. They are using technical SEO to make sure your website is mobile-friendly, safe, and easy to navigate. Always use SEO to ensure you catch up to your competitors. SEO tools like Ahref, Semrush, Buzzsumo, and so on are perfect for helping you notice all the errors on your website like broken links, long URLs, de-indexed pages, weak security, etc. 

3. It Reduces Your Bounce Rate

SEO is the way to reduce your bounce rate significantly as you target the correct keywords to help your audience reach you. If your bounce rate is high, most likely you are not targeting the right keywords; hire good content writers who are familiar with on-page SEO and keyword optimization to help your bounce rate stay within the 50% range. If not, you can always hire a good writer and an SEO specialist to follow the keyword implementation process after them. 

4. It Helps Your Ads Reach Your Audience

If you are familiar with SEO and keyword optimization, you are more likely to choose the correct keywords for your Google ads campaigns. Keyword choice is vital if you wish to appear to the audience who needs to convert. For example, if your firm is a California firm, paying for a Google ad that targets “California Law Firm” is a lot better than paying for “ American Law Firm.” This is because the first keyword targets your local audience; however, the second keyword could appear to anyone in any of the 50 states. Therefore, recognizing what to target and when, is the main benefit of SEO.

5. It Helps Your Content Marketing Strategy

SEO is the way to make sure your content marketing strategy is helping your website. For example, if you intend to increase your online presence through social media and blog writing, your SEO specialist can help your blogs rank on the first page for the topics they discuss. In addition, using long-term keywords to help your blogs rank well will help Google recognize you as an authority and recommend you to more readers, increasing your traffic. 

6. People Can Reach You even Through Images and Videos.

Using keywords in your video title, image names, and ALT text will help your images appear in google images and videos for viewers searching for visual content related to your topic. Use SEO to create video content that helps you promote your firm and answer the most frequently asked legal questions. 

7. Drive More Visits Using Google My Business

If you optimize your Google My Business page, you can spin even the basic search for “Lawyers near me” to your benefit. Use your Google My Business profile to move users to your website or urge them to call you on the phone added to your business page. 

Finally, it is always an excellent choice to follow the trends of digital marketing. Of course, you can always spend money on ads and email marketing campaigns; however, don’t underestimate the power of SEO. You can even use SEO to target other search engines such as Bing and Yahoo. Think about what you can do on your website on your own, and hire an expert for the rest. Search for terms such as link-building, backlinking strategies, technical SEO, and so on to understand more about the subject. 

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