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5 Tech Tips Every Content Creator Should Follow

Whether you are a content creator working on your projects or working as part of a large business, there are several tech tips to improve your content to ensure it’s engaging and reaches your desired audience.

Audit your content

Make time to audit your content to encourage originality and avoid mistakes. Self-checking and assessment provide time to reflect on your work and consider whether there is room for improvement. Many online tools can help with written content. For example, tools like Grammarly can highlight improvements in sentence structure, readability, and grammar. Then plagiarism detector tools can be used to scan work to highlight whether there are duplicated or plagiarised parts.

Leverage insights and data to define your audience and drive ideas

Understanding your audience is one of the essential steps to creating great content . Great content is designed for your audience and their needs. Therefore, it needs to speak their values and appeal to them in several ways to keep them engaged. It’s essential to understand their pain points and the common questions they’re asking. Different online tools help you define your audiences, such as Google Analytics and social media insights. You can learn more about your audience demographics (age, gender, location etc.), understand when they are most active online, and understand what existing content they are engaging with most. Data and insights will drive successful ideas for new content and help you understand ways to make content more engaging.

Do your keyword research

Keyword research is a vital part of creating strategic content. To increase your online visibility, you will need to give your content the best chances of ranking well on Google and getting high search impressions. To do this, your content needs to compliment the search queries your target audiences are putting into search engines. You can start by searching for keywords that have lots of traffic (high volume), with a fair competition rating for a chance to rank for them. SEM Rush is an excellent tool for conducting this kind of research. Once you have refined your keyword research, it’s then a matter of optimising your content to include these keywords, aiming for 3% or less keyword density.

Promote your content online

Creating content is meaningless without effective marketing. You need to take steps to successfully promote your content to increase the chances of your target audiences seeing it. Don’t hope your content will go viral; take steps to ensure it does. A few ways include:

Create content with purpose

Successful content is created with a purpose. Three key characteristics of great content include:

  • Inspirational
  • Entertaining
  • Educational

Does your content inspire action? Does it inspire readers to click-through onto other parts of your website or hit the subscribe button on social media? Does your content provide answers to the most common questions your target audience asks? Does your audience find your content entertaining? Entertaining content can spark emotion and lead to an engaged community around your content.

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