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The Role of Mathematics in the Modern World

Everywhere we look, we can find mathematics. It’s in the giant clock overlooking Union Square. It’s in the colorful math textbook that a mother is reading to her excited, giggling toddler. Mathematics truly exists in almost every nook and cranny of our daily lives.

Today, many parents have realized the sheer importance of mathematics, which explains why Brighterly and other edtech platforms are rapidly gaining momentum. Parents want their kids to speak the language of the gods – mathematics.

But what specific role does mathplay in today’s world? How and why is it important to us? Let’s take a closer look at the answers to this question, shall we?

Encouragement of Analytical Thinking

In today’s world, analytical thinking skills are essential in almost all industries and sectors. These skills help us identify problems, investigate and draw out relevant information, and arrive at a logical conclusion. For instance, we need analytical skills to create financial reports and budgets if we are a part of the corporate world.

So, how does mathematics come into the picture? Well, it’s quite simple. When we solve a mathematical problem, we collect facts, break them down, and explore any possible relationships to arrive at a logical conclusion. In essence, this is what we call analytical thinking.

Thus, mathematics helps us develop analytical thinking and problem-solving skills that can be applied in real life.

Finance and Money Management

Apart from analytical skills, money management is yet another crucial survival skill that every adult needs in their arsenal. Without proper money management skills, you’ll find it difficult to budget or save and may end up living from paycheck to paycheck.

Fortunately, mathematics serves as our very first introduction to money management. For instance, in math classes, we hear about the concepts of capital and interest. Understanding these concepts will certainly guide us when it comes to taking out bank loans or investing in businesses.

Technological Development

If technology were a bus, mathematics would be the driver. On the surface, math might seem like a complex and boring subject. However, if we dig deeper, we’d find that there’s so much more in this subject. Maths is, in fact, the key driver of technological and scientific development.

With mathematical concepts and solutions, we can organize, structure, and analyze data to make scientific discoveries and improve technology. If you have a new discovery or creation, Google’s Kamau Bobb and other innovators are encouraging you to join XPRIZE global competition and share your ideas.

Universal Language

Here’s the thing, we often think that English is the language spoken by most of the world’s population. However, this is grossly untrue. Rather, maths is recognized as the only universal language in the world. This is because it is the one language spoken by people from different cultures and backgrounds all over the world. Despite cultural differences and language barriers existing between two people from different parts of the world, they would still be able to understand math.

For instance, basic mathematical concepts like 1+1=2 will remain the same across different languages and cultures. Thus, mathematics in the modern worldnot only provides us with important skills but also serves as a unifying language.

Application to Almost Every Real-life Situation

When it comes to teaching math for second graders , most tutors try to teach kids how to apply basic concepts to real-life situations. For instance, we teach kids how to use addition and subtraction to figure out how many crayons they have left. But the application of math doesn’t just end there.

We’re constantly applying mathematical concepts to our everyday lives, even as adults. When it comes to buying and selling, our activities are based on inherent mathematical concepts. Making financial decisions? It’s the same thing. Math guides our daily lives and actions, which is why it’s so important.

How to Encourage Kids to Learn Math

Now that we’ve established the importance of math in the modern world, it’s essential that we encourage kids to learn math and apply it in their daily lives. Wondering how to do this? Here are a few tips:

Be enthusiastic

Here’s the thing: we often associate enthusiasm with fun activities like playing games and watching movies. However, we can also be enthusiastic about learning. Although most children would rather play a game of fetch than learn math, they’d be more motivated to do the latter if you’re enthusiastic about it. In essence, your enthusiasm would rub off on them, and they would begin to see math as a fun activity. This way, they would begin to look forward to learning math.

Make learning math a part of their daily routine

Kids need to understand the importance of math. However, the only way to get them to this level is by incorporating math into their daily routine. For instance, when picking out apples to make a pie, ask your kid how many apples would be left if you used seven out of twelve.

If children encounter math in their daily lives, they’d gradually understand its essence and usefulness. Subsequently, they’d be more eager to learn math and acquire problem-solving skills.

Reward progress

Regardless of how small your child’s achievement or progress may be, it’s essential to ensure that they feel seen and heard. In fact, children are more likely to be enthusiastic about learning when positive reinforcement is involved. Thus, when your child gets an answer correct, encourage them and reward their progress (i.e., giving them a gold star or a treat). Rewarding their progress could also mean complementing or offering words of affirmation.

When each achievement is rewarded, anyone would feel encouraged and become eager to learn more.

Final Thoughts

The role of mathematicsin the modern world is a crucial one. Math serves as a universal language and equips us with the necessary skills for survival. As such, children of all ages should recognize mathematics’ role in our world and be encouraged to learn it.

By incorporating math into kids’ daily routines and rewarding their progress, we can encourage kids to learn and love math. This way, we’ll be building a society of math geniuses equipped with the right survival skills.

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