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Posts Tagged ‘BobWire’

Ladybugs To The Rescue

BY BOB WIRE- An estimated 10 quintillion insects are creeping around on the planet right now. That’s roughly the number of emails Hillary Clinton deleted from her personal account....  more

Mowing the Grass to Make Some Lettuce

BY BOB WIRE- My son, Rusty is trying to get a part-time job for the summer. Rather than donating plasma or sperm, I suggested he try his hand at lawn mowing....  more

Motivational Words for the Boys of Summer

BY BOB WIRE- To inspire my fellow denizens of the diamond, I’ve prepared a motivational speech that I’ll break out as soon as we hit our first slump. ...  more

This Man’s Job is Breathtaking

BY BOB WIRE- I recently went in for a pulmonary function test. I’ve been having trouble breathing since, oh, 2008, and this spring it got pretty bad....  more

AARP’s RealPad vs. the iPad: My Senior Moment

BY BOB WIRE- My Aunt Byrdona emailed me the other day. "I want to get this tablet," she wrote. "What do you think?” I clicked the link and there it was, AARP's RealPad, a tablet for seniors....  more

Bee All You Can Bee

BY BOB WIRE- I was recently featured in a video called "Buggin' Out for the Butterfly House". In this follow-up blog I'll disccuss the green screen, lip synching, and flashing my grapes to the cast and crew....  more

Buggin’ Out for the Butterfly House

BY BOB WIRE- When a friend from the Missoula Butterfly House and Insectarium asked me if I'd be interested in helping them with a fund raising project, I said yes, on one condition.......  more

Plumbing? Let Me Get My Snorkel

BY BOB WIRE- Recently I decided to investigate our wobbly, leaky kitchen faucet, but not because I wanted to stop the leak that was soaking everything under the sink. ...  more

Travelodge Blues

BY BOB WIRE- On a recent family outing to Seattle for my son's lacrosse match, I made the mistake of trying to save a few bucks on a hotel one night....  more

Mr. Wire Goes to Helena

BY BOB WIRE- Everyone complains about our government. So this week I went to see Helena to see what the hell was going on there, and how I could help straighten things out....  more

There’s a Method to My March Madness

BY BOB WIRE- There's Nothing like March Madness! After sifting through all the information I gathered from every college basketball game I watched this season, I carefully filled out my bracket....  more

Getting the Vid But Missing the Point

BY BOB WIRE-I am not a millennial, but I’m old enough to have taken typing class in junior high, ridden in the back of station wagons with no seat belts, and cruised around on my ten-speed with no helmet. ...  more

Missoula: Ten Books I Could Write About Us

BY BOB WIRE-Of all the books that could be entitled Missoula, an investigation into rape is not at the top of my list. Here's ten titles I could write about us....  more

My Kingdom for a Glue Stick

BY BOB WIRE-Living among a bunch of creative types keeps life interesting. And expensive. This occurred to me today as I was searching high and low for a glue stick. ...  more

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