The buttons on the toolbar at the top of the µTorrent interface allows you perform some basic functions, most of which apply to the currently selected torrent(s). The order of the list here reflects the order of the buttons in the toolbar. If you are unsure, you can place your mouse cursor over a button, and a tooltip should pop up providing the description of the button. The toolbar's visibility can be toggled by selecting " Options " then " Show Toolbar " in the main menus , or by pressing F4 on the keyboard.

  • Add TorrentAdd Torrent prompts you for the location of the .torrent file that you are trying to open on disk. If you set a default download location , the torrent job will automatically be added to the torrent jobs list and started (if you did not set µTorrent to start torrent jobs in stopped mode ). If you did not set a default download location, you will be prompted where you would like to save the torrent contents, with the Add New Torrent dialog being shown by default.
  • Add Torrent from URLAdd Torrent from URL allows you to open a .torrent file directly from URL without having saved the it to your hard disk. Depending on the method used by the website for authenticating users (if any), the URL may have to be entered in a specific format . Magnet URIs may be used here, and µTorrent will attempt to download the info dictionary from the corresponding .torrent file from any other client that also supports the URI scheme.
  • Add RSS FeedAdd RSS Feed opens up the Add RSS Feed dialog, where you can add RSS feeds for µTorrent to monitor. This is hidden by default in the torrent view, but is shown while viewing Feeds. To show the icon, disable Narrow Toolbar in the main menu.
  • createCreate New Torrent lets you create .torrent files that you can use to share your data with other people.
  • RemoveRemove will remove the selected torrent job(s) using the default action when left-click ed. This default action can be set by right-click ing the button, holding Shift on the keyboard, and left-click ing one of the four possible options. The default remove action can also be performed by pressing Delete on the keyboard. By holding Shift while pressing Delete , µTorrent will also remove the torrent contents in addition to performing the default remove action.
  • StartStart will start the selected torrent job(s), or add it onto the queue if the number of active torrent jobs has reached the maximum set in the Preferences.
  • PausePause will pause the selected torrent job(s), but won't actually stop it. This tells µTorrent to attempt to retain connections to peers without having to re-establish them like starting stopped torrent jobs would require. It is useful for when you need quick access to bandwidth. Realize that while µTorrent won't drop the connections on its own accord, the connection can still get dropped by the client on the other end of the connection.
  • StopStop will stop the selected torrent job(s). All connections with peers are dropped.
  • Move Up QueueMove Up Queue will decrease the selected torrent's queue number, thus bringing it closer to the top of the queue (meaning it will become active sooner than those with higher queue numbers). Holding Shift while pressing this button will move the selected torrent job to the top of the queue. Note that this button will not visually move the torrent job up the list unless you sort the list by the "#" column. Pressing Ctrl + Alt + Up on the keyboard is equivalent to pressing this button when a torrent job is selected in the torrent jobs list.
  • Move Down QueueMove Down Queue will increase the selected torrent's queue number, thus bringing it further from the top of the queue (meaning it will become active later than those with lower queue numbers). Holding Shift while pressing this button will move the selected torrent job to the bottom of the queue. Note that this button will not visually move the torrent job down the list unless you sort the list by the "#" column. Pressing Ctrl + Alt + Down on the keyboard is equivalent to pressing this button when a torrent job is selected in the torrent jobs list.
  • The SearchSearch field allows you to enter a query to be searched on the selected search engine. To perform the search, press the button next to the input field, or press Enter on the keyboard. This will open the search results in your default web browser. To change search engines, click on the dropdown arrow next to the search button. If you are using an operating system older than Windows XP, you will need to right-click the button to see the search engine selection menu. Note that the search button and search field will be hidden if the search engines list is empty.
  • Search Search Toggle Torrent View will change the main-view look between the more clasic list-view and a more graphics-oriented - look & feel.
  • Search µTorrent Remote opens up the  Remote dialog, where you can configure most of µTorrent's options.
  • Preferences Preferences opens up the Preferences dialog, where you can configure most of µTorrent's options.

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