Apple cinnamon roll cupcakes. Fall flavors packed into in a moist cupcake. These really taste like warm, gooey apple cinnamon rolls!

You know what doesn’t make for fun food blogging? A week of rainy weather. 🙁 It’s been so dark every day that no picture is even worth taking. We got lucky though, I haven’t seen any really bad flooding or damage from the rain like a lot of places I am hearing about.

Last night I decided to try to cook with my father. Yeah, that’s right, I was feeling like a kamikaze dive bomber. I love my daddy and we both love to cook, but if you put the two of us alone in a room together for more than 5 minutes, it’s mortal combat.

Last night wasn’t so bad and we both agreed that we would like to try to make it a weekly event – after the fishing season ends. Hopefully, it results in daddy daughter bonding time and not Bruce Willis being dropped in by helicopter guns blazing.

If it does resort to guns blazing, I can calm the beast with our apple cinnamon roll cupcakes. Because food is the language of peace and love.

Apple Cinnamon Roll Cupcakes \\ Recipe from


Apple Cinnamon Roll Cupcakes

from Paula Deen

Apple Cinnamon Roll Cupcakes \\ Recipe from Ingredients:

  • 2 cups 2% milk
  • 1 tbs (.5 oz) active dry yeast
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 2 teas salt
  • 6 ½ cups all-purpose flour, divided
  • 2 eggs
  • ¼ cup unsalted butter, room temperature

For the Filling:

  • ½ cup unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 3 tbs cinnamon
  • 1 cup loosely chopped pecans
  • 2 cups finely chopped tart apples

Preparation:In a small saucepan or a microwave oven, warm milk to about 110 F. In a large mixing bowl, dissolve yeast and sugar in the milk. Add salt and two cups of flour and beat for two minutes. Beat in eggs and 1/4 cup butter. Stir in the remaining flour a half cup at a time, beating well after each addition. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic (about five minutes).

Place the dough in a large bowl and cover it with a towel.  Set in a warm place and allow to rise for 40 minutes or until approximately doubled in volume.

Roll out dough into a long rectangle about 1/4” thick. Brush with about half of the melted butter.

To make the filling, in a medium-sized bowl, mix sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, pecans, and apples. Spread the pecan/apple mixture evenly over the dough, leaving about an inch empty on all sides.

Roll dough over itself from back to front along the long side of the rectangle to form a log. Slice the log into 24 even pieces.
Line cupcake tins with cupcake liners and place each piece of the log in a cupcake liner.  If they don’t fit, fold the ends together to make a “C” shape.  The pieces should come to about the top of the liners.

Cover the cupcake tins and set in a warm place to rise for another 40 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 350 F.

Evenly distribute the remaining ¼ cup of melted butter over the tops of the cupcakes. Bake for 20 minutes or until the tops are golden.

Apple Cider Glaze Ingredients

  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 2 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon apple cider

In a medium-sized bowl, mix powdered sugar and apple cider until fully combined.Drizzle over cupcakes.


I used a simple confectioner sugar glaze as we aren’t huge fans of fruit in my household. These smelled great, the apple wasn’t over powering and overall made a nice breakfast treat.

As hindsight is 20/20, in the future I will be looking at the over all time of a project before deciding on which one I will make on Daddy/Daughter night.

Making these cinnamon roll cupcakes was a long project for a weeknight, and it required a lot of clean up – but they were worth it. 🙂 Enjoy!


  1. Wow, these look tasty, can’t tell the weather was bad since you photos are fab!

  2. my dad and i are exactly the same way. mortal combat or not, the roll/cupcakes are lovely 🙂

  3. Yum, cupcakes! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  4. Heavenly Housewife says:

    What a beautiful desert. I have several apple trees and I’m at a loss how to use all of my apples. Thank you for this wonderful idea.*kisses* HH

  5. What a creative way for making cinnamon rolls. Just the perfect thing to make any breakfast extra special.

  6. Looks gooooood.

    I’m afraid of yeast, like afraid of it. I always feel like it won’t work for me, and I’ll have to throw away the batch.

    I need supervision!

  7. Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner says:

    Hey Kita!

    My fellow Tribe member. I’m so excited that SITS set us up together. These look delicious. I can’t wait to give these a try. The kids and I hit the apple orchard recently, these will work perfect.

    Look forward to getting you know you. I’m your latest follower.

    Lots of yummy love,Alex aka Ma What’s For Dinner

  8. Oooh! Glad you re-foodbuzzed this cause I missed it the first time around. These look delish! I’m so jealous of your daddy time 🙁 Wish I was closer to mine!

    By the way, you’re probably the ONLY person that will appreciate our Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox costumes from last year that I just put in my newest post. LONG LIVE FABLES!

  9. Oh wow, those are really beautiful! I think I can ALMOST smell them through the screen! It’s times like these when I really with I had scent-ernet! 🙂
    PS I’m having my first ever giveaway today. Come check it out! 🙂

  10. Individual servings of cinnamon rolls, then packed with apple? Yes I would like seconds already.

  11. What a great idea to put a cinnamon roll into a cupcake liner. Genius! Looks so good Kita. I like cooking with my Daddy too, has a very limited range but he is fun hehe

  12. These cupcakes look so good, Kita!! Great idea to add the apples!

  13. So fun that you get to cook with your Dad! These little cupcakes look amazing! I am not looking forward to winter and bad light. That and I need my camera back! Hubby took mine to Colorado, and I am dying with the hold crappy one!

  14. I can’t wait to make these in a couple of weeks when my house will be full of family.

  15. These look amazing and I’m glad you were able to bond with your father without destroying the kitchen! :o) I look forward to this becoming a new series!

  16. I hate how weeknight nights are so short. My dad and I enjoy being in the kitchen together. Your experience seems similar to what I have with my mom. It works…some of the time. These little sweet treats look delicious. I love the cinnamon roll idea in an individual cup. Super cute!

  17. OMG These look ssooooo amazing!! I’m having a serious craving and I’ve never even heard of them before haha! YUMMM!!

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