Triple Lemon Cake Loafis a lemony dessert that you won’t want to pass by! Moist lemon cake is infused with lemon syrup and drizzled with a sweet, tangy lemon glaze.

Triple Lemon Cake Loaf Recipe \\ PassTheSushi.comEver since I saw Baked I knew I hadto have it. Since purchasing the first book, I have made several of the recipes and loved each and every one. When the newest book from the Brooklyn bakers came out, I wanted it more than the first. I wasn’t disappointed and even wrote a review about just how great I found the book to really be .

In need of some serious bonding time, my father and I decided to tackle a recipe from Baked the other night. We both enjoy cooking, and we are inseparable – until you put us in a kitchen together. You have to be a sadist to stand and watch, but it’s all in good fun.

As we’re all in need of some spring weather, the lemon cake loaf was picked by my father’s wife as our recipe to conquer, and copious amounts of lemons were purchased. (Lemons are fun and all, but I bet you’ll discover 10000 nicks, cuts, hangnails, and cracked skin in the dead of winter when juicing them by hand. You were warned).

Name calling and our general disagreement of how the other handles their kitchen commenced.  The lemon cake was worth the pain, as it turned out moist and beautiful. The lemon was there, and is certainly the main flavor – but it doesn’t leave you with the sting of tart or sourness. The glaze adds a real hit of lemon to the top (which I would say is optional depending upon your tastes) on this light and delicious dessert.


Triple Lemon Cake Loaf

From “Lemon Lemon Loaf” in  Baked: New Frontiers in Baking


For the Lemon Cake

  • 1 1/2 cups cake flour
  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 1/4 cups sugar
  • 8 large eggs, at room temperature
  • 1/4 cup grated lemon zest (from about 4 lemons)
  • 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 2 cups (4 sticks) unsalted butter, melted and cooled
  • 1/2 cup sour cream, at room temperature
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

For the Lemon Syrup

  • 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 1/3 cup sugar

For the Lemon Glaze (Optional)

  • 2 cups confectioners’ sugar, sifted, or more if needed
  • 4 to 6 tablespoons fresh lemon juice


Make the Cake:
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Spray the sides and bottom of two 9-by-5-by-3-inch loaf pans with nonstick cooking spray. Line the bottom with parchment paper and spray the paper.

Sift both flours, baking powder, baking soda, and salt together in a medium bowl.

Put the sugar, eggs, lemon zest, and lemon juice in a food processor and pulse until combined. With the motor running, drizzle the butter in through the feed tube. Add the sour cream and vanilla and pulse until combined. Transfer the mixture to a large bowl.

Sprinkle the flour mixture, one third at a time, folding gently after each addition until just combined. Do not overmix.

Divide the batter evenly between the prepared pans. Bake in the center of the oven for 20 minutes, rotate the pans, reduce the oven temperature to 325 degrees F., and bake for another 30 to 35 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the loaf comes out clean.

Let cool in the pans for 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, make the Lemon Syrup:In a small saucepan over medium heat, heat the lemon juice and sugar until the sugar is completely dissolved. Once dissolved, continue to cook for 3 more minutes. Remove from the heat and set aside.

Line a half sheet pan with parchment paper and invert the loaves onto the pan. Use a toothpick to poke holes in the tops and sides of the loaves.

Brush the tops and sides of the loaves with the lemon syrup. Let the syrup soak into the cake and brush again. Let the cakes cool completely, at least 30 minutes.

(The soaked but unglazed loaves will keep, wrapped in two layers of plastic wrap and frozen, for up to 6 weeks.)
If you like, make the glaze:
In a small bowl, whisk together the confectioners’ sugar and 4 tablespoons of the lemon juice. The mixture should be thick but pourable. If the mixture is too stiff, add up to another 2 tablespoons lemon juice and whisk again, adding small amounts of lemon juice and/or confectioners’ sugar until you get the right consistency. Pour the lemon glaze over the top of each loaf and let it drip down the sides. Let the lemon glaze harden, about 15 minutes, before serving.

The glazed lemon cake will keep for up to 3 days, wrapped tightly in plastic wrap, at room temperature.

BAKED NOTEFor zesting purposes, we always recommend using an organic fruit, free of chemicals or pesticides that might reside deep in the rind.


Triple Lemon Cake Loaf Recipe \\

Triple Lemon Cake Loaf Recipe \\


  1. Andrea Ada says:

    Loving the new changes to the site– it’s a lot easier to see everything you have to offer. The hard part is picking and choosing what to cook up next.

  2. Imwaytoobusy says:

    OK, you would have had me at Lemon Loaf or Lemon…anything, but Lemon Lemon Loaf… I’m sold! Sounds (and looks) fabulous!

  3. Sounds like the ideal cake for my lemon loving sun and daughter!

  4. fooddreamer says:

    LOL, I can just imagine discovering every tiny scratch on your hands when dealing with all those lemons. But the results DO look worth it, oh my.

  5. fooddreamer says:

    I already follow you on Twitter.

  6. fooddreamer says:

    And I retweeted!

  7. Geez-a-pete! I absolutely crave lemon anything! this cake looks “smack-your-granny” good

  8. O so pretty and tasty! Thanks for posting this! I have been wanting the Baked book for a while now…hmm ♥- Katrina

  9. RavieNomNoms says:

    WOW does that look good! I really enjoy lemon so I have a feeling this would be right up my alley. Looks delicious!

  10. That’s so cute that you and your dad baked together – I think that’s awesome. Over the weekend a girl brought her dad to yoga with her. It was super cute – before class they talked to the teacher about how he’s pretty fit but never had done yoga before. It was pretty obvious he came to class because it was something that’s really important to her. It was nice to see that experience. 🙂

  11. I already follow you on twitter! (@monstroxity)

  12. I already follow your rss feed!

  13. Gorgeous! Any cake with sour cream and lemon is a winner in my book.

    (I also follow you on Twitter.)

  14. yum, lemon anything gets devoured by me! I like what your are doing with the site, the only tiny thing that takes away from your beautiful photos is the date that runs across the thumbnail version on the home page. I wouldn’t have said a thing but you asked on FB 😉

  15. I have been wondering about that cookbook, flipping through it whenever I see it. This recipe looks delish, and if the other are as good? I totally want this book 🙂 (I already follow you on Twitter and FB!)

  16. Christina says:

    LOVE lemon so this loaf is right up my alley!Thanks for sharing the recipe, AND for the chance to win your giveaway! Liking you on facebook too!

  17. Haha, “light and refreshing” cake that includes 8 eggs and 4 sticks of butter! Isn’t it amazing how lemons can make anything taste “light”?

  18. Yum…your lemon loaf looks light and delicious!

  19. Mmmm…lemon loaf… it! Wow that is a lot of eggs…so rich.

  20. Constance says:

    just a couple of days ago i received my copy of Baked: New Frontiers of Baking. I know I’m a little late with the whole craze thats been going on. I am so in love with this book!! ive already made the granola, the brownies and today the banana coffee chocolate muffins. make them if you havent already!! cant wait to try the lemon lemon loaf 🙂 beautiful blog, btw

  21. I’ve made at least 6 different Baked recipes from the web, I think it’s time I got a copy of one of their books! Thanks for the giveaway!

  22. I would love to start baking from this book, whenever I see pictures of recipes that are from this book they look amazing!!!Gchord88 at aol dot com

  23. I like you on facebook (Gina R)Gchord88 at aol dot com

  24. I subscribe to your emailsGchord88 at aol dot com

  25. I follow you on twitter (@Gchord88)Gchord88 at aol dot com

  26. I subscribe to your RSS feedGchord88 at aol dot com

  27. Lora @cakeduchess says:

    Gorgeous Lemon Lemon Cake, Kita! I love the Baked books. Would love a copy for my every growing collection:)I follow you on Twitter. I will “like” you now on FB if I don’t already:)

  28. Oooh, what a lovely lemon loaf…and another cookbook I’d love to own!

  29. I follow you on Twitter…

  30. I follow you you on facebook…

  31. Now THAT is some food porn! Hubba hubba! I’ll see if Taylor and Ethan want to juice some lemons…

  32. I subscribed to your site via email.

  33. I will be putting this recipe into my queue. Thanks.

  34. The book would be great; but thanks for the recipe for now! 🙂

  35. This loaf looks amazing! What a great alternative to my usual banana bread mornings – can’t wait to try it!

  36. I follow on Facebook/added to my Page’s favorites!

  37. I also subscribe by RSS because I can’t get enough of your yumminess! =)

  38. Yum, i can’t wait to try this recipe….i’ve been searching for the perfect lemon loaf.

  39. I’ve seen the book around and I so would love to own it 🙂Lemon lemon is my favorite loaf cake flavor! perfect in the morning for breakfast and in the afternoon for a snack!

  40. Have been wanting both of the Baked books for a long time now. I actually asked my husband to get it for me for Christmas but didn’t end up getting it. 🙁 Your loaf looks amazing! I am a lemon addict so I am definitely going to be trying this recipe! Thanks for posting!

  41. I am now a Pass the Sushi subscriber AND facebook fan! 🙂

  42. I am just blown away by your beautiful photos!

    You know I “like” you, I tweet to you, I subscribe to you, and all of the other things! 🙂

  43. Your cake looks amazing. I think that you can never go wrong with more lemon so I will definitely be making the glaze to go with it. Beautiful photos too!

  44. Stephanie says:

    Love the sound of this lemon bread and love your gorgeous pics! Sounds like a great cookbook, I’d love to get my hands on it.

  45. Granny Smith says:

    Love your blog! I don’t Tweet, but I did sign up for your email and I also shared your Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip Muffins with my Facebook Group, Granny’s Holiday Kitchen since all of us love to cook.

  46. MichelleB says:

    This looks awesome!

  47. Oh lemon loaf, how I love thee… Wish I could have a slice RIGHT NOW. Who cares that it is almost midnight! 😉 Fantastic cake, and also congrats on foodbuzz top 9 today, well deserved!

  48. Congrats on another top9! Sooo beautiful! I can just taste it … all that lemony, zesty, zingy, waker-upper goodness!

  49. i would want the book after seeing your cake..sounds uncomplicated for novice bakers like me..i follow you on twitter and facebook..

  50. What beautiful pictures! I love this recipe – all that sweet lemon goodness. Congratulations on Top 9!

    I have heard wonderful things about this cookbook; would love a copy.I follow you on Twitter.

  51. we all love lemon cake! I’ll definitly try this one!

  52. mmmm, this sounds great!

  53. I love anything lemon and came across your site while looking up recipes for lemon baked goods. This is definitely going to be my project for the weekend! And thanks for the tip on zesting organic fruit, I hadn’t thought much about it before (but I’m also a beginner:) )

  54. Yumm !!! Lemon always adds a twist !! Love ur photos !!!!

  55. ALready follow you on Facebook !!!!!

  56. A great looking lemon cake! I had never heard about this book until this post, but the cover photograph itself is enough to get me interested! I’m so glad I discovered your blog through Foodbuzz. I shall be thy regular reader from now on. Happy Blogging 🙂

  57. RSS feeds too!! So I’ll see you often on my reader!

  58. This looks so yummy. Its such a beautiful loaf and I cannot wait to try it out!

  59. Judy Doezie says:

    I can’t wait to try this (getting new oven hooked up tomorrow!!)! Printing up the recipe now… thanks !!

  60. It was as delicious as it looks!!!!

  61. wow! i love lemony flavors & this one is right up my alley! So good! Bookmarking it & I intend to try it very soon 🙂

    I am new to blogging & your blog & posts like these really inspire me! thank you!

    oh & congrats on making top 9! 🙂

  62. I have grown to love the taste of lemon in my baked goods. This looks so delicious and moist. I’d love to have a slice right now with my tea. Yummy! What a great giveaway as well!

  63. Oh my- this looks like it was made for me. Exactly what I am in the mood for. I love lemons!! Great post!

  64. This looks amazing. I love lemon cake! So easy and Spring-y!

  65. Sortachef says:

    Thanks, Kita. We could use a little bit of spring around here, and your Lemon Loaf certainly put a little sunshine in my day.
    I can’t even IMAGINE trying to bake something like this with my mother…. Either things would be flying around the kitchen, or one of us would leave. In any case we’d never turn out a cake as beautiful as yours.
    Great job!

  66. congrats on top 9 ! the cake is just looking gorgeous, i just love lemon cake !

  67. Congrats on making to Top 9 on FoodBuzz today! This is my first time visiting your site, and absolutely LOVE it! I love all things lemon, and will try your recipe soon (just need to get me some good lemons). Thanks for sharing!

  68. hi Kita

    what a beautiful lemon cake, its like a ray of sunshine with all that lovely lemon flavor..the syrup must have added so much flavor, and kept it so moist….the glaze is the perfect way to serve it! I’ll trade you lemon cake for soup!

  69. Holly Shafer says:

    This looks so yummy! I love your photos too. Thanks for the wonderful recipe. I can’t wait to try it.

  70. Good timing. Just last Friday, at a staff meeting, two teachers were salivating while just talking about the lemon loaf at Starbucks. I have not yet tried…Looks delicious. Thanks for sharing, and congrats on the happy times in your kitchen with your dad. So, when life gives you lemons, make lemon loaf or other cute things?!

  71. Tina Birkett says:

    Your lemon lemon loaf looks delicious…it’s already on my “next to bake” list! Can’t wait to try it! Also following you now on fb. Keep on baking!

  72. Caitlin Zellers says:

    I have longed for Baked for a looong time. It’s been on my wish list forever. This lemon loaf looks absolutely divine. I made a similar one from Williams-Sonoma that had a lavender glaze on top. It was sooo good and perfect for my mom’s birthday. By the way your pictures are great!

  73. This lemon loaf is amazing, but in the new book you must make the Salted Caramel Brownies which are too die for. Yum Yum.

  74. Zesty lemon loaf, a perfect way to lift your spirits as the dreary winter drags on and on. I bet the sour cream makes this loaf so nice and moist! Lovely pictures too!

  75. First off, absolute congrats on making the top 9 for food buzz…! Very nice.And a congrats/ thank you for your the recipes you’ve been posting. Very enjoyable. Keep going at it my friend!

  76. Emma Brunner says:

    Yum this lemon loaf looks so good. My husband made lemon bars last week and ever since I’ve been craving lemon. I think this would be perfect to satisfy my lemon craving!! I would also love to win the copy of ‘Baked’ 😉

  77. Love that lemon lemon loaf. And just adore cakes with glazes. I think it just keeps them so much moister. It ain’t chocplate but I do need to bother, love lemon

  78. Jennifer G says:

    That cake looks amazing! I’m definitely going to be making that later this week. 🙂

  79. I’ve thumbed through the “Baked Explorations” book with its delicious photos and will give this loaf a try….thanks for the recipe! I’ll post my results soon!

  80. A little bit of everything says:

    what a beautiful loaf of bread Kita. it takes me to tropical beaches enjoying the breeze and a refreshing cocktail 🙂thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe. great giveaway also

  81. A little bit of everything says:

    already following you on twitter

  82. A little bit of everything says:

    already following you via google friend

  83. A little bit of everything says:

    following you on facebook

  84. A little bit of everything says:

    just RT

  85. This loaf would optionally be better if it was toasted, too. It looks so delicious! Thanks for sharing!

    (I’m already subscribed to your RSS)


  86. Your lemon, lemon loaf looks outstanding!!!!

  87. I follow you on facebook~

  88. I follow you on Twitter~

  89. I am one of your blog followers~

  90. I will RT your giveaway 🙂

  91. Would love to try the lemon loaf…..and I will get u those bread recipes, promise! ( sick kid home for 3days! Oyf!) I follow u on FB thanks to our friend bob Madonna.

  92. Love, love, love the lemon cake – looks so good. Your blog is terrific and really enjoy your postings. Following you on Facebook too!

  93. ikkinlala says:

    Your lemon loaf looks delicious!

  94. James Enix says:

    That lemon loaf looks great as well as the peanut butter chip muffins that were up earlier.I will never be able to stay on my diet if I keep looking at the delicious looking sweets. J

  95. I’m lacking the social network gene…do not use FB or Twitter, and my RSS Feed thingamahjig is wonky, but that lemon loaf looks exquisite! I’d take that over the book any day! ;D

  96. I’m following you on Facebook! 🙂

  97. Subscribed through email too!

  98. That looks great!

    I already follow you on Facebook & subscribe to the RSS feed.

  99. Beth Leimbach Swanson says:

    This sounds delicious!

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