Blacked chicken wrapsare perfect for lunch, dinner, or even game day snacks. Easy to make, these wraps are a delicious grilled chicken meal!

As much as I love sharing everything I cook with my readers, some things are just meant to be family secrets. My step-mom’s barbecue sauce for one, is a family tradition, stored on a stained index card passed down to her. Dad’s deep dish apple pie recipe, adapted from a newspaper clipping, turned yellow with age and finessed with his years of experimentation. My super simple cheese dip that I get constant compliments on at parties and gatherings – some things I just can’t bring myself to share.

Just like the perfect blackening seasoning we use for our blackened chicken. Yeah, that ones going to stay with us. What I can tell you about blackening seasoning is to play around. Even though I love the one we use on chicken, I have dabbled in other recipes, tweaking things here and there to see what I can come up with. But when I want something that I know is great, back to old faithful it is.

Blacked chicken wraps are perfect for lunch, dinner, or even game day snacks. Easy to make, these wraps are a delicious grilled chicken meal! // Pass the Sushi


Blackened Chicken Wraps

Blacked chicken wraps are perfect for lunch, dinner, or even game day snacks. Easy to make, these wraps are a delicious grilled chicken meal! // via a craving for some awesome blackened chicken


  • 2 chicken breasts
  • 1 stick butter
  • 1/2 cup blackened seasoning of choice
  • 1/2 onion, sliced
  • 1 red pepper, sliced
  • 1 tbs olive oil
  • Tortillas
  • spinach
  • sour cream


Heat a skillet or griddle on grill  for at least 30 minutes over high heat. You want it smoking hot. (You can do this over your oven indoors, however there will be smoke when you begin the blackening process so have windows open and a fan on stand by to prevent any unnecessary or unexpected loud sirens warning of a fire).

Cut the chicken into strips. Melt the butter and dip the chicken in the butter and coat in the blackening seasoning. Place the chicken on the sizzling hot grill plate and cook 4 minutes, flip and cook for another 4 minutes or until cooked through.

Meanwhile, saute the onion and peppers in a small skillet.

In a tortilla place spinach, chicken strips, peppers onion and a dollop of sour cream. Maybe add a little cheese if your inner fat kid is feeling a little neglected.


Blacked chicken wraps are perfect for lunch, dinner, or even game day snacks. Easy to make, these wraps are a delicious grilled chicken meal!

Blacked chicken is also great in pasta dishes, plain or as a topping on pizza. I have yet to run out of ways to use this. It’s a great starting point for so many meals. Make this in large quantities so that you have plenty to experiment with for the next few days.

If you need a little inspiration, check out these blackening seasoning recipes for starters:


  1. I will be making these wraps for lunch tomorrow. Thanks for sharing and making my lunch more delicious!

  2. All your recipes look fantastic! And I love the look of your site!

    Thanks for the add on Food Buzz…love meeting other bloggers who love food as much as me, lol!

    1. Sharing would be signing my death warrant via my step mother 😉

  3. RavieNomNoms says:

    That looks like a fabulous wrap! I almost always will go for a wrap over a sandwich. I feel like you can stuff more yummy stuff into wraps than in between 2 pieces of bread and then it stays instead of falling out haha

  4. Your blackened chicken looks great. The wraps are a good idea but using it for pizza sounds even better. I usually reserve the blackening task to outdoors with a cast iron pan-too much smoke for indoors. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I guess I can understand the not sharing of family recipes… I’m not saying I like it; but, this does mean I’m moving in and demanding a wrap so I can taste it and figure out the seasonings, myself. You brought this on, yourself… because it looks so yummy… look for me…

    1. I’ll get the spare room ready 🙂

  6. This wrap looks very good. I wish it was for dinner tonight. So hot, I cannot think of eating much. This however looks cool but filling. Great photos!

  7. These look tasty I’m betting I could get my son to eat them. 🙂

  8. This is a perfect meal. Since you can’t share the recipe you can invite me over the next time you make this. I have some recipes that my family won’t allow me to share either so I know the feeling.

  9. Looks great. Are you sure you won’t share???? 🙂

  10. I *was* very excited to read this post (came from tastespotting) – until I realized that it was a ‘secret recipe’ post. I have a food blog myself – recipes are meant for sharing. And – it’s way more fun that way. It doesn’t take away from your culinary skills, in fact, I think it makes you a better cook. Feedback and appreciation are always nice 😉

  11. Those wraps look so good,all that smoke kinda scares me though.

  12. I love blackened meat!! (that sounded dirty, haha). This looks greatt!!

  13. Darkhaven says:

    Hi there I don’t believe in keeping recipes secret unless you are mass selling your products. Eg. Famous Amos etc. it’s not as if we will be bringing these recipes to our graves. Life is too short for good things that are meant to be shared. Just food for thought.

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