Matchapowder is added to a fluffy cream cheese frosting and swirled over the top of moist chocolate cupcakes. It’s as pretty and delicious as a cupcake gets! Matcha powder is added to a fluffy cream cheese frosting and swirled over the top of moist chocolate cupcakes.  Get the recipe from

February gets the short end of the stick. No pun intended. Here it is not even half way over and I’m already swamped. When this posts tomorrow I’ll have already been awake and active for three hours and hopefully safely on my trip to the giant state of Texas. It’s a business trip and I am both excited to go and miserable to leave (something that my BF is having a hard time understanding). Not cuddling with my cats for four whole days! (I know there are people who don’t get to see their kittens for much longer, but let me have my melodrama, people!).

Now on to the fun stuff! A giveaway!

Today we have an awesome giveaway from the generous and oh so kawaii* Tasty Peach Studios .

update: The giveaway originally published and promoted with this post has ended.

Tasty Peach makes adorable charms, jewelry, totes and more! I found Tasty Peach Studios through the magic of the internet and have loved the pieces I have from them. I get so many compliments and questions about my cupcake necklace when I wear it! Not to mention – its a cupcake! I was so thrilled when I received my first package because the charms weren’t teeny tiny but actually a nice size and made to withstand every day wear. I actually ordered more the next day because I was so hooked! These are my fun cute pieces I were out and about.

Today’s prize package (because I’ve always wanted to type prize package) includes:

adorable cupcake charms

Kawaii Cute Blue Bear Chocolate Cupcake Acrylic Necklace
Mocha Latte Adjustable Acrylic Ring Chocolate Layer Cake Acrylic Charm
And an adorable handmade resin donut charm!

Please go check out her Artfire shop and send her some love on Facebook for these wonderful prizes!

Keeping with the theme I made these awesome matcha topped chocolate cupcakes!

See, cupcakes, cute! Wink wink, get it?

*What language are you speaking?!

Matcha is a powdered green tea from Japan. Kawaii is the Japanese word for cute. See? I was sticking to a theme here!


Matcha Cream Cheese Frosting

Seen on Kitchen Meditation from Kitchen Slave

Ingredients: Matcha powder is added to a fluffy cream cheese frosting and swirled over the top of moist chocolate cupcakes.  Get the recipe from

  • 1 Eight oz package cream cheese
  • 1/2 stick butter
  • 3 cups sifted powdered sugar
  • 2 tablespoons matcha green tea powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract


Bring cheese and butter to room temperature. Beat butter and cheese at medium speed until creamy and smooth. Add half of the powdered sugar, 1 tablespoon of green tea powder, and the vanilla. Beat until combined. Gradually add remaining sugar (more if you have to) until you get to the consistency and sweetness you like. Add more green tea powder if you’d like a stronger matcha taste.

I used a basic chocolate cupcake from Martha Stewart’s Cupcakes because I really didn’t know what would go with matcha.

I refrigerated my icing for about an hour to get a better flow when I was decorating the cupcakes. I used the Giant Star Pastry tip from Bake it Pretty.


Matcha powder is added to a fluffy cream cheese frosting and swirled over the top of moist chocolate cupcakes.  Get the recipe from

So, how do you win this awesome swag?

Leave a comment here telling me what piece you like the best from the Tasty Peach Studios site.

Earn Extra Points by (each action gives you an additional chance to win – you can really rack em up this time)

  • Following Pass the Sushi on Facebook
  • Following Tasty Peach Studios on Facebook
  • Joining the Email Subscription
  • Following Pass the Sushi on Twitter
  • Tweeting about this giveaway
  • Subscribing to my RSS Feed
  • Doting upon these awesome cupcakes in the comments section
  • Convincing my boyfriend to get me this awesome tote for Valentine’s day since I’ll have been away from him for so long. 🙁

Please, if you already follow me on twitter or facebook let me know in your comment. Entries accepted through February 14, 2011 at Midnight EST. Winner will be announced on 2/16/11.


  1. Whoa, awesome. I was going to comment about how much i LOVE matcha and then saw myself referenced as a source. Nice! 🙂

    I hope I win! I love their necklaces. Those are the pieces I would wear the most.

  2. Lindsey @ Gingerbread Bagels says:

    How cute are those cupcakes! You did an incredible job with the piping, it’s perfect.

    I went to the site and oh my goodness I love everything. 🙂 I like the rainbow clouds necklace the best!

  3. Lindsey @ Gingerbread Bagels says:

    Follow you on twitter! 🙂

  4. Lindsey @ Gingerbread Bagels says:

    I like you on facebook!

  5. The cupcakes are gorgeous, love the green color and your icing is so pretty! Her designs are so cute, I love the grumpy black sheep charm, too funny!

  6. WOW on these cupcakes. I wish I had my favorite macha powder right now. I have a wicked sweet tooth today!

    How CUTE are those? I think the Happy Panda adjustable acrylic ring is my fave on the Tasty Peach site.

    I already follow you on Facebook, Twitter and RSS. 🙂

  7. By the way I am now a follower of Tasty Peach on Facebook, I am set up to receive your emails and I re-tweeted your giveaway…although that may not help my chances. 🙂

    Those cupcakes are calling my name.

  8. Your cupcakes are just too cute! I love the matcha green icing… it’s such a springy colour (which I desperately need right now because it’s bloody cold and wintery outside).PS – It’s totally normal to miss your kitties when you go away. Heck, I miss mine even when I’m at work, even though that’s just 8 hours. So there. 🙂

  9. Kita, your cupcakes are godgeous! Awesome photos!

    I already follow you on Twitter and RSS and Facebook. 🙂

  10. Your cupcakes are super cute and I love the background in your photos.

  11. Matcha and chocolate sounds well, AMAZING! I wish I had one of these cupcakes right now! 😀

  12. Cute! The green of the matcha cream cheese frosting is so pretty! I am drooling at the picture right now.. HAHA

    Anyways, i WANT the cupcake necklace! too adorable!( :

  13. These cupcakes are lovely! I love that you used matcha to give these a unique flavor boost. 🙂

  14. The frosting makes them look so nice 🙂 I like that color and how elegant it’s sitting on the cupcakes 🙂

  15. How cute! I love the Macaw charm – so colorful! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  16. ooooo Matcha! I gotta ask, where do you buy yours? I’m having a hard time finding it locally for a reasonable price.

    I now Follow your site and Tasty Peach on Facebook and my favorite piece is Cute Red Ramen Kitty Tee, soooo cute!

    1. Sadly, I wish I had a better answer for you, but a friend of mine works in NYC and sent it to me. 🙁 There are some small local Asian markets that may carry them around here so if you have one of those in your area that’s where I would try.

  17. I love all things green tea! i would want the Choco­late Layer Cake Acrylic Charm

  18. Julie (Bananas for Bourbon) says:

    The black sheep tee is adorable. 🙂

  19. Awesome cupcakes! The matcha makes a wonderful frosting flavor. The color tickles me too. 😉

  20. That is soooo cute! and gorgeous! Love the green and purple combi 😀

  21. These cupcakes are definitely too cute! Love that bright green frosting!

    I think that necklace is the cutest little thing!

  22. Estefania Garcia says:

    I think the gentleman friend should absolutely get Kita that tote bag. Think of all the delicious food and baked goods you’d get in return! These cupcakes look incredibly delicious and I would definitely love to try one or two or 10. I am following Pass the Sushi on twitter and tweeted about the giveaway. I’ve also subscribed to the RSS feed and have an email subscription. I’m also following both Pass the Sushi and Tasty Peach on facebook.

    P.S. Amazing photography!! Love the composition and vibrant colors in all your photography. Who would have thought food could be so photogenic?

    1. Estefania, if I were the random generator for this you’d win hands down!

  23. I follow you on Facebook and Twitter and I’m following tasty peach now, too. I would have to say my favorite items are the Cute Red Bento Octopus ring and the Cute Red Mushroom items. Those mushrooms are the only ones I like.

  24. i love all the rings! especially the food-themed ones

  25. OMG I’m in love with those cupcakes 🙂 now I really need to get some matcha… yum!

  26. hi Kita

    those are gorgeous cupcakes!! I would love a box of those as a giveaway!!


  27. Hi, I truly admire your work! The recipes are fantastic and the photos are spot on… I present you with a STYLISH BLOGGER AWARD! Please take this link to my post for details. Best, Brooks

  28. Cute giveaway! I didn’t know this shop but until now I think it will be one of my favourite! ♥ Thanks for this giveaway though~

    1/ I’m in love with penguins, I created a collection actually. So I must choose this necklace:
    2/ I follow Pass The Sushi on FB (Justine Pocket)
    3/ I follow Tasty Peach Studios on FB (Justine Pocket)
    4/ I joined this email subscription (Justine Leforestier)
    5/ I follow pass the sushi on Twitter (kawaii_desu_ne)
    6/ I twitted about this giveaway >

    (your cupcakes seems really yummy by the way. I’m going to keep this lovely recipe ♥)

  29. Follow you on Facebook, and an e-mail subscriber, passthesushi is my secret guilty pleasure. The ring would be my favorite, think my girlfriend would like that one the best.

  30. I love Matcha! Love to see what people do with it. I also really dig acrylic necklaces and would love one with a cute cupcake on it! Following you on Twitter now. We have a tea business and we offer cooking grade matcha if anyone is looking for it to make some of these cupcakes, just click on my name.

  31. Koyu Food says:


    We are very impressed by your matcha cupcakes. We would potentially like to use your image and recipe on our website

    Is this something that you would be interested in ? Is there something you would want from us in return ? Please let me know your thoughts


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