Cajun Grilled Turkey Burgers– Juicy grilled turkey patties with Cajun spices, onion, bacon, and cheese. Get the recipe for this comfort food dinner and make your mouth do a happy dance.

Cajun Grilled Turkey Burgers - Juicy grilled turkey patties with Cajun spices, onion, bacon, and cheese. Get the recipe from

Ever notice that if you are just listening to the Food Network it could easily be mistaken for a soft core porn? I turn the channel on at work. It’s not what my average customer expects to see when they walk in, but I don’t have to pay attention to it and I get more work done. If a sitcom is on, even one I hate, I feel like I may miss something, so I pay way to much attention to the tube. With Food Network, if they are cooking something I’m interested in, I can Google it later.

But when you’re working, and not watching, some things easily get taken out of context when they do get your attention. Paula’s constant moaning can be a little awkward if you really don’t know why she’s in pajamas with Amy Sedaris. Rachael Ray said “smells like toasted nuts” the other day and I totally lol’d. The Neelys might as well be making out. And God knows, if the camera isn’t aimed to flatter Giada’s already blessed figure, her comments really make it. “It’s penetrating my nose” = easily my hands down favorite.

Don’t get my wrong, I LOVE the Food Network, and all the hosts I mentioned above. But take things out of context for a few minutes and it can be a truly inappropriate giggle fest.

Grilled turkey burgers are nothing to giggle about, but they are definitely something to drool over. I mean seriously. How could you not drool over a spicy grilled turkey patty topped with bacon and cheese and some crispy onion slices?

Cajun Grilled Turkey Burgers


  • 1 1/4 pounds ground turkey
  • 2 teaspoons Cajun seasoning
  • 1/2 teaspoon hot sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 4 buns
  • 4 pieces of cooked bacon
  • 4 pieces of cheese
  • condiments and other toppings ( like onions, you hater 😛 ) of your choosing.


Mash the turkey, hot sauce, seasoning and pepper together and grill for 5 to 7 minutes on each side. Go ahead, be fancy and toast the buns while your at it.

Really, why don’t more people cook at home? This took less then 10 minutes to make – including cook time (on the panini / grill press my boss got me for Xmas – maybe a few minutes longer on the outdoor grill) and they were delicious!

The BF asked what it was, to which I replied “burgers” and he continued by stealing mine while running out the door. At least he said it was “good” and the” doneness was nice” for an indoor grill before he left. Not once did he put his nose in the air because it was turkey. Win!

Cajun Grilled Turkey Burgers - Juicy grilled turkey patties with Cajun spices, onion, bacon, and cheese. Get the recipe from


  1. This is so funny! My Husband loves to just watch Giada eat, he never complains when I am watching her show!

  2. Thanks for visiting my site. I do the same thing on weekend mornings with Food Network – I have it on in the background while I’m cleaning or cooking. Can’t wait to try the cajun burgers…with turkey

  3. Thanks for visiting my site. I “listen” to Food Network on weekend mornings while I’m cooking and cleaning.

  4. ericka @ alabaster cow says:

    i’m all for home cooking and i need me a panini maker!

  5. Yes! I know exactly what you’re saying. I love the Neelys, I think they’re totally cute, but there are times here and there when I wish I could call them and say “Listen, kids…y’all need to tone it down some”. And Giada? Forget about it, she might just as well lean over the counter for a half hour and not say anything at all. My husband and I make fun of the way she over-pronounces everything. “Marrrrscapone-ay!” He swears he doesn’t think she’s attractive. I don’t know if I believe him…

  6. that’s so funny. I say the same thing all the time. But then again, I loved 9 1/2 weeks back in the day, so…

  7. I agree – While I love the Neely’s recipes, watching their show makes me uncomfortable…PDA PDA PDA PDA! Your turkey burgers rock!

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