Basil pestois a flavorful condiment, made from fresh basil leaves. When added to a roll of plain, refrigerated bread dough, basil pesto bread sticks are born!

I’ve been on a bit of a basil pesto kick lately. Not sure where it came from or why, but I can’t seem to get enough of the fresh green sauce.

Olive oil on the other hand – I don’t know much about. Handsome and I know we need to experiment with a few brands to find one we enjoy dipping our bread into, but we really haven’t been looking for a new olive oil. However, I was really excited when Carapelli asked me to sample their olive oil.

Knowing nothing about the differences between types of olive oil, I am not sure how to review this product. To me, it’s like knowing the difference between types of wine. That’s something else I know little about – other than that they all taste like ‘wine’,  just different kinds of wine.

If Carapelli Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil were a wine, I would compare it to one that was very dry. It has a very pronounced olive flavor that hits your taste buds right away. Neither lacking in flavor or subtlety, it’s definitely not an olive oil for the faint of heart.

Basil Pesto Bread Sticks \\ Recipe on


Basil Pesto Bread Sticks

Pesto from The Bon Appetit Cookbook

Basil Pesto Bread Sticks \\ Recipe on Ingredients:

  • 3 cups (packed)Fresh basil, (about 6 ounces)
  • 3/4 cup olive oil, divided
  • 1/3 cup pine nuts
  • 3 tbs chopped walnuts
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese (about 3 ounces)
  • 1 can of refrigerated bread sticks (I used Pillsbury garlic bread sticks)


For the basil pesto:Blend basil, 1/4 olive oil,. pine nuts, walnuts, and garlic in processor until finely chopped. Add Parmesan cheese. With machine running, gradually add remaining 1/2 cup oil, blending until coarse paste forms. Season persot to taste with salt and pepper.

For the bread sticks:Preheat oven as per instructions on label.

Roll out dough. With a pizza slicer, or sharp knife, slice the dough 1/4-inch wide. With a brush, slather on pesto. Fold strips of dough in half with pesto on the inside, and twist.

Bake according to package directions, or until golden brown. (Mine we done at 10 minutes). Serve and enjoy.


Basil Pesto Bread Sticks \\ Recipe on

Now the best part about this post? A Giveaway!One 17 oz bottle of Carapelli Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Try this olive oil and let me know what you think of how it rates to your standby olive oil.

Leave a comment here letting me know what your favorite use of olive oil is, or tips for picking out a new one.

Earn Extra Points by (each action gives you an additional chance to win). You do nothave to leave an additional comment for each, just tell me in your comment if you are doing any of the following:

Entries accepted through May 22nd at Midnight EST. Winner will be announced on 5/24/11.


Basil Pesto Bread Sticks \\ Recipe on


  1. Taylor Thomson says:

    my all time favorite use for olive oil is to cook veal in it. And every time I smell olive oil warming I think about it. I follow you on twitter<3

  2. Kita – I love pesto in so many things! I’ve made these with the refrigerated dough in a pinwheel shape. So yummy! I seriously think I use olive oil every day! I like a deep rich flavor especially for dipping bread. I also follow you on Facebook, Twitter, and RSS feed. Happy Monday to you! 🙂

  3. I love pesto! pesto pizza with grilled veggies is one of my favorites… I use tons of EVOO – just today I used a LOT of it to make hummus 🙂 I also love eating good homemade bread with EVOO… 🙂 I already follow you on Facebook, Twitter and subscribe to you on Google Reader! 🙂

  4. I use olive oil to cook with just about everything. But I know nothing about what makes an olive oil good. I need to make some pesto, I don’t know if I have every had it before but my basil plant is in a need of some trimming : )

  5. This is a great giveaway! I cook with olive oil a lot but I love using it as a base for salad dressing!

  6. Regina Moolenschot says:

    Like wine, I am a big fan of extra virgin olive oil and it’s varieties. I incorporate EVOO into my daily life in so many ways; internally for it’s high antioxidant value to help rid of free radicals, externally as a skin treatment for its vitamin E properties that keep my skin hair and nails soft and conditioned, and around the house for conditioning leather and wood furniture. Tip: to rid of dry elbows and rough hands rub a little EVOO on troubled areas daily and soon you will have soft supple skin. I use EVOO by the gallon!

  7. In NJ there is this grocery store called Fairway. They have an olive oil/vinegar sampling station. I like to call it heaven. That’s how I test mine out, by eating lots of bread in the grocery store! I mostly use my olive oil for making salad dressings.

  8. RavieNomNoms says:

    That looks great! I would totally be munching on those pesto sticks ALL DAY LONG! haha…I love pesto too, it is so yummy and then make it into a stick? Yes please! 🙂

  9. One of my favorite uses for olive oil is drizzling over heirloom tomato slices. YUM. I also follow on Facebook and I am an RSS subscriber.

  10. Michelle Thomas says:

    My favorite use of olive oil is just to saute vegetables. I always use olive oil instead of butter because you get more vegetable flavor. But of course, I love dipping bread in it, and drizzling some on sandwiches instead of mayo. I have no idea on brands, though. I usually just buy Fresh & Easy or Trader Joe’s brand. They always seem to taste good to me without being too strong or bland.

    I’m following you on Facebook.
    Following on Twitter, and tweeted about the giveaway.
    I also joined the email subscription!

  11. I went to a vinegar and oil store last summer where they had you progress though different oils with different breads – and wow you can really taste a difference!

    I’m also an RSS subscriber and i like Pass the Sushi on fb 🙂

  12. My favorite use of olive oil? Bagna cauda with some warm, just-out-of-the-oven bread for dipping. Can’t think of a better way to enjoy it before dinner!

  13. I follow you on facebook

  14. My favorite olive oil use is probably in pesto…love love love pesto.

  15. I love drizzling it on crusty bread with a little shaved turkey and feta crumbled on top, and then I stick it under the broiler for a minute or so. A-mazing!

  16. I follow you on Facebook — Shari Long

  17. I’m a follower on Twitter, too! @sharinlilbit

  18. I’m subscribed to your RSS feed via Google Reader. 🙂

  19. Mengda Zhang says:

    I don’t know much about olive oil, but we have a big jug from costco…so i’ve been stir-frying with it!

  20. Olive oil is a staple in my home so I would be hard pressed to list one favorite use. We are in pollen season here so I am making a lot of garlic noodles — saute garlic in olive oil and toss your favorite pasta in it. Add pepper — black or red to taste — and it will keep you breathing until the trees stop assaulting you.

  21. I love to roast vegetables with a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkling of sea salt.

  22. I’ve been using pesto as a sandwich spread for several months now. I needed an alternative to mayo and I’m very satisfied.

  23. I love to get a loaf of fresh bread, warm it up in the oven. On a plate mix together olive oil, parm cheese, red pepper flake, and S&P. That’s all. so simple.

  24. What a fun giveaway!
    My favorite way to use olive oil is as a garnish for soup, especially a thick ribollita.
    Have you ever been olive oil tasting? It’s so fun!

  25. I’ve only recently gotten into trying olive oil, but I like its subtle nuances when sautéeing things – be they meats or mushrooms. I haven’t tried it as a base for any sort of sauce – dip or otherwise – yet, but it’s something in which I definitely have interest.

  26. Wendy (The Weekend Gourmet) says:

    I love to use olive oil to make pasta aglio e olio…garlic, olive oil, and a bit of fresh basil with spaghetti. Lets the flavor of the oil shine!

  27. Wendy (The Weekend Gourmet) says:

    i follow on twitter …

  28. Wendy (The Weekend Gourmet) says:

    …and I just liked you on FB!!

  29. Wendy (The Weekend Gourmet) says:

    Re-tweeted your post about the giveaway!

  30. I use EVOO just about in anything I can. I think making dressings is one of my favourite things to make with EVOO (and easiest). I loved reading everyone else’s comments for new ideas though!

  31. I follow you on Facebook

  32. I’m subscribed to your email!

  33. I follow you on my Google reader!

  34. I follow you on FB! I love Basil infused EVOO. Buy it or stuff a few basil leaves down the gullet of your bottle. Diping really does take EVOO to a whole new enjoyable level.

  35. These look so good! I love pesto. I have some in the freezer right now, and these are a great use for it. Olive oil – oh how perfect it is. I use it EVERYday! I have a bottle by the stove to put in pans, I have a bottle in the pantry for use in recipes!

  36. My 3 favorite ways of using olive oil are:
    1- Pesto!!2- Hummus (yum!)
    3- Mixed with Parmesan for dipping toasted bread.

    I follow you on facebook, I’m subscribed to your emails and I’m signed up for RSS feeds.

  37. I like to use olive oil to dip bread in! I follow you on twitter!!

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