Two perfect dishes, one insanely delicious mash-up. Pizza casserole, better known as Bubble Up Pizza, is so easy to make that even kids can do it—and it uses just a few common ingredients that are easy to keep on hand. Get ready for the perfect weeknight meal and easy dinner recipe that satisfies the whole family. 

Overhead shot of cast iron skillet filled with bubble up pizza.

This easy bubble up pizza is made with biscuit dough, making prep time a breeze and a final product that’s golden brown and light as air. Five simple ingredients, a sprinkle of love (and okay, maybe a little extra parmesan cheese), are all you need for this delicious dinner. Be prepared to make a few! These fluffy, bubbly pieces of pizza are so light, you’ll want a whole pie to yourself. 

Easily customizable and a prep time that’s basically nonexistent, who knew a can of biscuits and your favorite toppings could turn into such a successful pizza night? 

What You Need to Make This Bubble Pizza Recipe

Classic pizza ingredients served up in a casserole dish? Count us in. Here’s all you need for the ultimate pizza bake. 

Ingredients for bubble up pizza recipe on a table.


  • Biscuit Dough– 2 cans of refrigerated biscuit dough that contain 8 biscuits each. 
  • Pizza Sauce– Use your favorite or try this delicious slow cooker marinara sauce .
  • Cheese–  Mozzarella is the classic choice, but feel free to use whatever cheese your heart desires.
  • Pepperoni Slices– Pepperoni is a fan favorite for a reason
  • Basil– Fresh basil adds lovely flavor and decoration to your pizza.

How to Make Bubble Up Pizza

Five steps, five ingredients, and just about five minutes of prep time—that’s all you need to watch this easy dinner recipe turn into a huge hit at the dinner table.

  • Preheat your oven following the directions on your biscuit package. 
  • Divide each piece of biscuit dough into small pieces using a sharp knife. 
  • In a large bowl, mix together dough, pizza sauce, cheese, and all your toppings.
  • Transfer the mixture into an oven-safe skillet or baking pan, sprinkle with chopped basil, and bake according to the directions on the dough.
  • Let cool and serve!

Pro Tip: Stock up on the biscuit dough when you see it on sale! This makes tasty bubble pizza both an easy and frugal recipe—without anyone knowing the wiser. 

What to Serve With Bubble Up Pizza

Get creative on pizza night! This is a fun way to get everyone involved and make sure that each pizza appeals to your family’s taste. Try different toppings like green peppers, olives, red pepper flakes, or these sausage balls . Grab some celery sticks and carrot sticks to dip into this tangy Southwest ranch alongside buttermilk brined chicken wings

Portion of pizza made with canned dough on a plate.

Expert Recipe Tips

This bubble up pizza recipe requires refrigerated biscuits. Feel free to use your favorite grocery store brand, but keep in mind that the smaller biscuits are better! If they’re too large, they can overload your baking dish. 

Lightly greasing the skillet or baking pan with cooking spray or olive oil prevents the dough from sticking.

Follow the instructions on the biscuit dough package! Timing may vary depending on the brand and personal preference. Try baking for an extra five minutes for a crispier crust.

Leftovers and Reheating

This recipe is so quick and easy, it’s best to make it then and there. If you do have leftovers, store them in airtight container or wrapped in plastic wrap. You can heat leftovers in the microwave in 30 second bursts or in a preheated oven. 

Spoon scooping up cheese pizza recipe made with canned dough.

More Delicious Recipes to Try

​Hot and fresh out of the oven, there’s no shortage of delicious ways to whip up a pizza. Find your perfect pizza with some of these recipes. 

Fire up the oven and preheat your skillet; pizza night has arrived! If you’ve tried this bubble-up pizza recipe, don’t forget to rate the recipe and leave a comment below to help out the next reader.

Overhead shot of this recipe in a skillet on table.

Bubble Up Pizza (Biscuit Dough Pizza)

Add a unique twist to pizza night with our easy, fun-to-make Bubble Up Pizza recipe, featuring biscuit dough, gooey cheese, and your favorite toppings. Gather the family and create a scrumptious, customizable masterpiece that everyone will love
4.84 from 59 votes
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Author: Kita Roberts
45 minutes
Serves: 1 casserole


  • 2 containers refrigerated biscuit dough 8 biscuits each - I used Pillsbury
  • 1 jar pizza sauce
  • 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese divided
  • 1 cup pepperoni or other favorite toppings
  • 5 fresh basil leaves


  • Preheat oven as per directions on dough. 
  • With a sharp knife, divide each biscuit into 4. 
  • In a large bowl, combine diced biscuit dough, sauce, 1 1/2 cups cheese and toppings. Stir to combine.
  • Pour mixture into greased oven safe skillet or 9×13 baking pan. 
  • Chop the basil and sprinkle on top along with remaining cheese.
  • Bake according to directions on dough, checking to make sure dough is cooked through and cheese is bubbling (I always bake mine for an additional 5 minutes.
  • Let cool 5 minutes before serving



Use your favorite pizza toppings and sauce combinations to customize this recipe! Just like classic pizza, anything goes!


Serving: 1 cup | Calories: 325 kcal | Carbohydrates: 30 g | Protein: 11 g | Fat: 18 g | Saturated Fat: 7 g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 10 g | Cholesterol: 26 mg | Sodium: 745 mg | Fiber: 1 g | Sugar: 2 g

Nutritional informations provided as a courtesy and is only an approximatation. Values will changes based on ingredients used.

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Overhead shot of this recipe on a black plate.

Recipe FAQs

What is Bubble Up Pizza?

Bubble up pizza is a quick and easy baked dish made with biscuit pieces tossed with all of your favorite pizza ingredients, then baked until golden and puffy. Think of it as a cousin to pull apart monkey bread. 

Is Biscuit Dough The Same as Pizza Dough?

Not quite! Biscuit dough is lighter, flakier, and more buttery than classic pizza dough. While different, biscuit dough is just as delicious with all of the classic pizza toppings! 
Looking for a more classic pizza recipe? Check out my Homemade Pizza Dough or my Thin-Crust Skillet Pizza for Two

Can I Make This Vegetarian or Vegan? 

Yes! Use your favorite veggie and vegan toppings, and just double check your refrigerated biscuits match your dietary restrictions. This easy pizza recipe really is that easy! 


  1. This is so cool! And delicious! I like to keep it simple sometimes and you’re right about it not always having to be complicated, time consuming and elegant … this looks elegant enough to me 😀 Serve it with a nice glass of chilled white wine …. elegance … it’s all relative.

  2. That looks so amazing and easy! For sure on my to-cook list! Thanks for posting!

  3. Never heard of bubbleup pizza before, but it looks and sounds very tasty! I love simple, quick meals like these… Thanks for sharing 🙂 And congrats, Katrina! 🙂

  4. I have never seen this before – what a great idea! Super quick and easy dinners are great to have in your back pocket!

  5. I love how this is filed under “fat kid friendly”. Certainly looks like something I’d enjoy!

  6. RavieNomNoms says:

    That is so awesome! So creative yet so simple. It looks cheesy and completely satisfying!

  7. Hello! This looks awesome! Such a cool idea, and you’re right — some of the best food isn’t elegant at all. Love this recipe.

  8. This is seriously the most ingenious meal ever. I LOVE it! I’d just pick it apart with my hands and eat it. Thank you so much for this great idea! I’m going to start stocking biscuit cans in my fridge just so I can make this bubble pizza on days I don’t really feel like cooking.

  9. I’m psyched that I get the oil! I have just the bread recipe I want to feature soon on my blog and it is perfect dipped in olive oil!! Okay and let me tell you that I’m so making this pizza. My family will devour it! Wowzers!! ♥-K

  10. Never heard of this before, but I’m sure it’ll be a frequent snack from now one! It just seems to easy and delicious to pass up =)

  11. From someone that is a hour from the nearest pizza place, thank you for posting such a delicious and easy recipe. My stomach will no longer have to endure relentless pizza cravings. Great enticing photos and recipe!

  12. This is an intriguing idea. It seems like the flavors are the same, it is just lighter and more interesting looking than normal picture. I will definitely have to try this out! Thanks.

  13. Gonna have to try this for the solar oven demonstrations! Fun to make; fast to cook; and folks would love to taste it! Thanks for the recipe. Come visit when you can and enter the give-away!

  14. Such a great idea. I think that this is something that my girls would love and I love the ease of making it.

  15. OH! That looks really tasty! I definitely want to make this in June!

  16. Oh, gosh, my kids would LOVE this! So easy to whip up when hubby and I have a night out…but I think I’d need to make a double batch so I could have a slice, too. GREAT idea.

  17. A fun, fast dinner recipe. This would hit the spot on those lazy days I boycott the kitchen. 😉

  18. What a fabulous and delicious recipe! I will have to try this! I love you site very much!I hope you visit me soon!


  19. I have never seen this before. It certainly looks quite and simply. I normally need one of these every week. Thanks for sharing this is definitely going to be on the list next week.

  20. This looks unbelievably good! I agree with you. Sometimes the simplest things are the best! : )

  21. This looks so delicious! This is a great creative twist on a basic recipe. I like having recipes like this for those lazy nights. =)

  22. Seriously can’t wait to try this! It could become an addiction! Maybe I’ll try replacing the one cup of pepperoni with like, four cups of grilled veggies! Zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers, corn, red onion… yum!

  23. Wow.. so hungry for that right now. Its got everything a growing boy needs, cheese dough and peperoni. Good work

  24. Laura (Blogging Over Thyme) says:

    I’ve never seen anything like this before in my life! It looks incredibly delicious–perfect comfort food, in my opinion. Definitely going to have to make this 🙂

    Love the blog!

  25. I tried this today for some friends and roommates after a hectic day. It was amazing! I halved the recipe and used sliced mushrooms, salami, and chopped green bell peppers. I didn’t have fresh basil, so I sprinkled some dried basil and fennel seed. It was really good and in very high demand with my biscuit-loving housemates. I only wish I had a slightly bigger pan because the one I used didn’t allow it to spread out evenly so some parts were a little more soggy than flaky after it came out. But this is a very excellent recipe. I’ll definitely try it again. Thanks for sharing!!!

  26. An interesting combination. Would be a great recipe for kids to try.

  27. Mary Palmer says:

    what size pizza jar do you use?

    1. Actually, this is a ‘whatever’s on hand’ recipe. It is usually the smaller size jar, smaller then spaghetti or marinara sauce. Probably about 10oz. But toss in as much or as little as you like. I love pizza sauce so I have been known to use tons more if I am making this just for family and myself.

  28. Julie Dagg Hunda says:

    I'vr never seen this either, but it sure looks good, and really – how easy is it?

  29. Laurie Russell Melcher says:

    gee another good one to try..hmmmmm

  30. my friends mom use to make this when I would sleep over and I never could remember how it was made thank you so much for having it.

  31. Gwen McDonald Young says:

    Send me you email and I will forward our recipe 🙂

  32. LovetoCook says:

    I may have done it wrong, but I cooked mine in a big cast iron skillet. The top burnt and the biscuits underneath were still raw. I used Grands instead of regular biscuits so that could have been the problem.

  33. i’m sure this is delicious. right now i wouldn’t know b\c i just put it back in the oven for the THIRD time b\c the biscuits are STILL not done. so right now i’m at twice the baking time on the can of biscuits- and i have a new oven. maybe an fyi for some people. i’m sure it’s yummy. it certainly smells good!

    1. I have been baking mine for about 28 min so far. It looks good but it’s taking a lot longer for me too.

    2. Mine also cooked for much longer- 35 minutes and it probably could have gone another five but we were too hungry to wait!!! Gonna decrease amount of biscuits next time to see if it helps… it was as yummy as promised though!

  34. I just made this for dinner tonight and it is all GONE!!! I put a layer of cottage cheese for protein on top of the dough before the top layer of sauce and then cheese. It was so good!!Thanks for sharing!

  35. This was great; thank you!

  36. My Bubble Up Pizza is in the oven! I’m a bit concerned about it cooking all the way through but I’m keeping an eye on it. I used 2 cans of Grands (what I had in the fridge) and essentially doubled everything. It’s in a 9×13 pan – made a lot but there are six people here to feed (one a hungry teenager). Serving with salad and I can’t wait! The only change I would make next time is to put the fresh basil on after it comes out of oven. Mmmmm……..what a fun recipe!

    1. Hi Marlene, I hope your bubble up pizza came out great!

  37. AP Grossi says:

    5 stars
    This is great! I had never thought of doing this, but the kids loved it. Easy motivation to keep a tube of biscuits and jar of sauce on hand at all times.

4.84 from 59 votes ( 58 ratings without comment )

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