Raspberry cupcakesare filled with raspberry preserves and topped with a fluffy raspberry cream cheese frosting. They’re delicious!

I couldn’t let the whole week go by without a sweet treat!

Last week, I was totally prepared with candy, having Spring and Easter treats all lined up for everyone. This week, I have completely failed. I have no recipes planned to use up the Easter supper leftovers. I have a ham bone in my freezer that I will utilize later, but after the smorgasbord on Sunday, I had to ration my ham recipes.

Don’t get my wrong, I love ham, but I already had things thawing, and can very quickly get overloaded by the same thing a few days in a row. In other words, I had no forethought and had already made a big pot of chili. Duh.

So please forgive me, and make these homemade raspberry cupcakes instead!

Raspberry cupcakes, made from scratch. \\ Recipe on PassTheSushi.com


Raspberry Cupcakes

Cake recipe adapted from Cupcakes, Cupcakes, and more Cupcakes

Raspberry cupcakes, made from scratch. \\ Recipe on PassTheSushi.com Ingredients:

For the cakes:

  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 tbs baking powder
  • 1/4 teas salt
  • 1/4 teas baking soda
  • 1/2 (one stick) butter, softened
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 tbs vanilla extract
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 1/2 cups buttermilk

Raspberry Cream Cheese frosting

  • 8oz cream cheese
  • 6 – 8 cups confectioners’ sugar
  • 4 tbs raspberry jam


Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Grease a muffin pan.

In a bowl, sift flour, baking powder, salt, and baking soda.

In a separate bowl, place butter and sugar, whip with an electric mixer at medium speed. Add the vanilla extract (scraping sides of bowl) until batter is light and airy.

Gradually add the dry ingredients and buttermilk, mixing well until batter is smooth.

Pour batter into prepared muffin tin so that cupcakes are no more than 2/3rds full.

Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until cakes are springy to the touch and a toothpick into the cupcake’s center comes out clean. Cool.

Meanwhile, prepare the icing. Beat the cream cheese with confectioners’ sugar and raspberry jam until well combined. Add more or less confectioners’ sugar as needed.

Pipe, and enjoy!


I made these raspberry cupcakes for the bake sale at my store, but they didn’t sell nearly as quickly as a cupcake with cookie dough on the inside did. Which was a shame, because these were pretty freakin awesome. I am not a fan of jams or jellies, but it really worked for this cupcake.

I am going to get through the next few days with our pup-sitting, kick my feet up and relax. See you all again on Monday.


  1. mmm that looks so good! i never would have thought to pair raspberry jam with cream cheese frosting!

  2. Lovely cupcake. I like jams on cakes. Most popular cake filling in the UK is raspberry jam and buttercream. Top marks for this one.

  3. Raspberry cream cheese frosting? Oh my goodness. Even the sound of that leaves me weak in the knees.

  4. RavieNomNoms says:

    Those are so so pretty! I love that you used raspberry jam. I seriously love jelly and jams they are so yummy. Gorgeous cupcakes Kita!

  5. Such a beautiful presentation of a raspberry cupcake. You have me craving one right now.

  6. You are forgiven, because the color of the frosting is just too perfect! I always use raspberry jam on my pb&j sandwiches, so I always have some sitting around. I’ve got to try this frosting!

  7. Beautiful cupcakes! I wish I had one right now to nibble on!

  8. If I was at the bake sale I would’ve bought your raspberry cupcakes because it’s the one berry I can never resist. Just says spring to me.

  9. Lora @cakeduchess says:

    You are the cupcake queen:)These raspberry cupcakes look fabulous!!

  10. I used that exact jam when I made up a recipe for raspberry cream cheese frosting. It turned out pretty excellent!

  11. These look and sound fabulous! I think jam and cake are very good together! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  12. Oh, boy, I bet these are fabulous cupcakes with the buttermilk added. And adding jam to the icing is a fabulous idea 🙂

  13. A little bit of everything says:

    your piping skills are perfect. I love cupcakes but when it comes to frosting I have two left hands :((
    cream cheese and raspberry – interesting and tempting combo.
    thanks for sharing Kita

  14. This is our go to cake recipe now!! We love this recipe. We do different jams sometimes too

  15. Hello,
    I think I did something wrong. My batter was extremely thick for cupcakes and it was hard to scoop into the muffin tins. When they came out of the oven, they were hard not soft.
    I followed the recipe but mixed up the buttermilk because it didn’t say whether to add dry or mix up like pancakes…was this correct?

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